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Auspicious days to get a haircut

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(@Anonymous 35065)
Joined: 5 months ago

Hello everybody,

I am trying to choose a day for a haircut with the help of Kala and I was wondering what's the meaning of it. I mean, is it good for healthier hair, more money etc. I have read about so many that I don't know if it's worth it 🙂

Thank you for any input 🤗  

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Its primarily affecting the health. Shaving as well affects the health. that of course includes health of hair. 

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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Posts: 46

@ernst thank you! then it's worth a lot 🙂

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Hello Andra,

Last year, I read a book about Tibetan astrology, and it placed a lot of emphasis on choosing the right day to cut your hair.
According to the book, certain days should be avoided, such as the 4th, 6th, and 17th, as well as the full moon and new moon. As Ernst mentioned they will bring loss of vitality.

On the other hand, there are favorable days as well:
- The 8th is good for longevity.
- The 9th enhances attractive energy.
- The 10th increases one's magnetism.
- The 11th boosts intelligence.
- The 26th and 27th bring good luck.

Hope this helps if you’re interested!

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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@kaf super interesting, thank you! I am considering testing the dates calculated in Kala, but since the first date would be in March and I really need a haircut this came in just at the right moment so thanks again!

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@kaf wondering if you would share the title and author of the book that you mentioned. I love books! 🙂 Thanks.

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sure, it's 'Tibetan Astrology' by Philippe Cornu.


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Is there a reason given in the book about why these days are better than others? Are the days counted from a particular day like the new or full moon, or just the basic beginning of the month? Anything about cutting hair during or around the eclipse?


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These are the Lunar Days (Tithi) counted from New Moon to New Moon. Why it is unfavorable to cut Hair on these Days is not specially explained in the book - except on Full Moon it's because the Vital energy is on top of the head.

Because an eclipse is always a full moon or a new moon, cutting hair is not advised by the general rule anyway...

If you want more detail, each Tithi can also be auspicious or inauspicious depending on your specific "Animal" typ. Moreover, the book's techniques for finding an auspicious day don’t rely solely on Tithis—they also consider the connection between the day's animal and element. Additionally, a system using the daily "Mewa," a kind of numerical yantra, is applied. However, all of this is typically most relevant when starting a new project or similar activities.

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I´m curious. How may one determine what days are better for getting a haircut using kala? I mean, is there a Muhurta factor? or is it done by looking at the current Moon´s Nakshatra position?

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@dreamwalker14 in the General Guidelines select the option Grooming - Hair cutting (74) and that will help you, but also don't lose sight of the actual chart and select one with good dig bala, etc

(@Anonymous 35065)
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@silvia this would be extra judgement separate from the points system? because I believed I should choose the moment with highest score. Just a mention, I did not take yet the muhurta class, just tried to intuitively figure out how it works. Thank you!

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@shugara2002 Hi Andra, exactly, Muhurta is a two part system: the time components and the chart itself. The points have to do with the time factors and their lords: Tithi, Yoga etc... but it doesn't take into account dig bala, for example.

It does give points if Sun and Moon are in the 11th, but that is one of the few examples where it's taking into account the planets in Rasi.

The points can't see any divisional charts either, maybe not for a hair cut (unless it's for health reasons) but the D9 is critical for any good Muhūrta.

You can look what the points take into account if you go to Options > Muhurta Helper.

The highest score is not always the best, I would always sacrifice some points and get other things in the chart better, and now with more reason since Ernst's emphasis on Dig Bala in the PAC course.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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Posts: 46

@silvia, in regards to dig bala, you mean it would be better to get a haircut when waxing Moon is in 4th and Sun& Mars in 10th and so on? I am taking the PAC course but I haven't reached the part regarding dig bala. Should I also consider the "doshas and neutralizations" meaning pick one that has a neutralization at least? Thank you!!!

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Yes, that's what I mean.

The least Doshas the better, the more neutralizations the better.
