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Indications in charts for people who are not going to benefit from astrology

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Hi @ernst

I just watched your ACVA graduation commencement speech, it was very touching and inspiring! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and love for astrology!

In that video, you mention about one of your past readings where to a client you say - "...see that thing going on in your 5th house, you're just not going to benefit from astrology."

Just wanted to know what was this particular thing in the chart, and also other things in the chart that conveys that the client is not going to benefit from astrology? In case you have covered it one of your courses, please let me know.


Thank you.

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Ernst Wilhelm
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I don't even remember what it was, but an afflicted 5th house, so basically troubled planets in the 5th, the person simply won't get astrology readings that give them what they need. THis does not mean they couldn't  BENEFIT, but they just don't get readings that work for them. A person who does not  benefit from a reading is a person with bad lajjitaadi avastha mercury, venus and jupiter. 

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Just to be clear, when you said this, "A person who does not benefit from a reading is a person with bad lajjitaadi avastha mercury, venus and jupiter."

Does that also mean they won't get readings that work for them, or that those avasthas will otherwise prevent them benefiting, eg., due to not being open to the information or being unwilling to listen to advice from the astrologer?

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@ernst And what about learning Astrology?
Does it function differently than getting a reading for an afflicted 5th house?
For Ketu in 5th Gemini, concretely.

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@marianela Very interesting - to me - that this thread showed up right now, just days after the latest eclipse. I could wirte a book about my personal experience from this. Not sure this is the place for it though; it would be long, very personal and also I´m in the middle of the process; the eclipse struck my Ketu in the 5th, conjunct Jupiter. A very liberating and clarifyng process though!

An interesting eclipse with being caught between two gunfights, mouse invasion and now - the latest discovery - a collapsed ceiling full of cat shit in the room where we used to sleep... Aries / my Rahu house / - cats and rats... Oh, and the frontdoor fell out... 🤣 Sounds like we live in a really crappy house but that is not so, generally; the force of an eclipse on my Ketu and my wife´s La/Ra/Mo...


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@staffan Hang in there!

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@marianela Yeah... It´s a benign eclipse, Ernst says. And having a nodal return is a huge chance for change. So I´m confident. Actually those where mostly good omens. Not the shooting of course. 🙁 One 16 year old kid was executed for being a witness. 🙁 But the front door falling out - as absurd as it was - I read as an omen of me changing my front to the world, that is finally being able to be on top of my asperger. A good and honest handyman showed up next morning with his son made a fantastic job repairing it. And the ceiling falling in with cat shit on it (dry, so no big problem really) was an omen about my so far so sterile 11th house in Aries becoming abundant, I hope.


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@marianela 5th house rules astrology in the sense of being a "Vidyam" a field of knowledge. 5th house also rules Yantras and Mantras. "Yam" means to sustain / support and "tra" means instrument. So all knowledge is an instrument of support in our lives, astrology specially.

With Ketu there I would see it as having an extreme attachment to using that knowledge, Ketu is always trouble, I think it brings more trouble than Rahu, except when it's lord is exalted. SA in the 5th is a person that's not "getting" what the astrologer is saying.

Just last week I had a session with someone with RA+SA conjunct the 5th cusp, and I could see the resistance they were putting up towards the information I was saying. The consultation was about guiding him in career, and I don't think he benefited from knowing everything I said, however then he expressed that he was feeling stuck, like other people were way ahead of him, and I saw a Kemadruma in the Navamsa, so I explained what it means and that really made sense to him, so RA brings an element of getting something from astrology that wasn't what you initially came to an astrologer for. He had a lovely JU in Leo and waxing Moon in Cancer, so that helps in being open and listening.


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Thanks Silvia,
Very interesting what you say about Ra/Sa in 5th. I have a similar experience of a guy with this combination who comes to my dance workshops.
And I like very much how you express "an extreme attachment to using that knowledge" for Ketu in 5th. 
Now with your help, I imagine it as getting uptight in the knowledge so that one doesn't know to apply it to the real situations the person is meeting in life. As Rahu is in 11, social interactions, probably the person doesn't put enough attention or interest in the external world. But how Sag plays out there? Maybe just because the person doesn't have a goal to achieve in the external world?
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@marianela Ketu in Gemini can easily lead to overload of information, where the person can't stop researching or investigating, some information is very useful, but too much can have the opposite effect and you end up more confused, losing the ability to access the natural intelligence of the 5th house.

Rahu in Sag in the 11th could manifest as the person needing to develop a long term vision and then sharing that vision with others.

It's all about fire / air, so being oneself vs relating with others.

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@silvia Thank you very much Silvia.
..super busy days...

I understand very well the idea of Rahu house as being the door for the sign.
But what about Ketu house?
When we say, "the natural intelligence of 5th is lost", it seems that it's the sign who makes the house to malfunction. So, in this case, it's the house what needs to be fixed.
Am I right?

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@marianela Both house cusp and sign are compromised when Ketu is there, and both need to be healed.

Which is gonna be more of a problem for the person will depend on the chart as a whole, but both need healing for sure. I have found bach flower remedies very very helpful for this.

I want to clarify, when I say "natural intelligence of the 5th" I meant that the 5th is a very refined intelligence, almost like intuition, like the person just "knows", it's a knowledge that doesn't need to be looked up in books, it comes into the person's head, like an inspired idea.

But with Gemini there and it's insatiable appetite for facts and bits of info, the person can get lost in all the note taking and learning etc... and loose the capacity to let those brilliant ideas in. Cause the 5th house is so effortless, but Gemini like to use it's hands and "do something".  


Hope that helps =)

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@silvia Maybe I can chip in with some nodal experience in the 5th since I have my Ketu there myself. A very easy time being creative and innovative, for sure, easy time communicating with children etc, BUT it´s still Ketu. I love the word Ernst used to describe it, Ketu is "uptight". I guess the word arrogant partly covers it too. TOO laidback, taking things for granted. If you already feel like a Nobel prize writer before even having put the paper into the typewriter, what good is going to come out of that? Nothing of true value, of course. 


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@staffan If I am Ketu in 5th...

Creative is the first adjective people who knows me will give me.
And I have fear of groups. When I studied fine arts I was so afraid of the group class, it was impossible for me to work at university. I only felt at ease alone, and so able to work. I was running Rahu dasa. And my Moon is one sign after Rahu. Years later I could recognize how that period I was completely immerse into fear. So instead of going to University I was spending a lot of hours just roaming the streets of the new city and wondering if it would be advisable to become homeless. The idea of becoming homeless somehow was giving me the hope of a refuge. I never really tried to become a homeless, but one of my performances for university consisted in sleeping in the street hugging a geometric prism as if I'd be a real homeless. A friend was coming a few times during the night to take pictures. 
Anyway, the extreme fear I was living at that time produced an epilepsy crisis. And so I was taking pills for 6 years. But when I started to dance the tests were getting good, and in a couple of years they stopped the pills. 
Time and again I've been somehow connected to groups, and even though still there is certain apprehension as years pass in general it's getting better. And for some years I had a group where I really felt I belong to. It was such a deep good feeling... The 7 years I studied with my old Japanese dance teacher. 
The problem with groups is that often I cannot be myself. Then I feel bad and I prefer to be alone. (I have also Moon-Sat opposition and parivartana, so very social insecure).
I also like very much the word "uptight" for Ketu, and I've seen myself saying No to opportunities, just because I was very narrow minded about the requirements to apply my projects.
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@marianela Yep... Having the capacity for doing something, but lacking hunger to actually do it.

Of course I recognize the group dilemma too. Same here, and as I´ve mentioned in other threads: my plan B after running out of job (which is happening now) was to check out as a homeless... Seems to be a common theme with Rahu in the 11th, or what conclusions should we draw? A woman, my wife since May last year, came by and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck.

My 5th house is Libra in which Saturn is EX, so restrictions help me for creativity. Like poetry in tight forms etc. Consequently I´ve had success as a crossword writer for 25 years. I started out as a freelance wirter/journalist, but the "free" in that profession would have killed me. Boundaries are a must for a Gemini ascendant when it comes to creatitivy, I believe. Mantras and chants work great!


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@staffan This hunger you lack is the lack of Aries.
It's interesting we both have Ketu 5th in Air. So that in fact we need to go to groups, the social connection, in order to discover ourselves, our fire, who we are.
It's interesting the other kama houses, 3 and 7. I think they help us approach the disdained 11.
But what we need is in your case Aries, for me Sag.
The arrogance you talk about is also Ketu pretending to be comfortable without the need to be born (Aries).

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@marianela Nope, I have the nodes the other way round. Ketu in Libra. What you say is interesting but can´t be true in my case.

I believe the lack of hunger is just Ketu not being interested in creativity. "Been there, done that." I can do it, but there is no deep satisfaction in it, so I don´t. Maybe the fact that Sun has it´s DB in the 5th time for Gemini lagna gives an indication too. Gemini lagna doesn´t shine being creative (5th house), rather sharing the fruits of it´s creativity (11th). That reflects my experience: If I have an editor or a client I find motivation to work, but to be creative just for creativity, not so much. 

My parenthood is similar. I have good kids that I love sincerely, and I´m in touch with them on a daily basis. But being a father never felt like the purpose of a life, rather a karmic task that I had to fulfill. And got some joy out of, but I had to sacrifice my dreams of traveling etc.


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@silvia Thanks, Silvia.
This idea of the "effortless" of 5th I love to hear it. It's going to help me. 

I've had 2 readings in my life.
One no doubt was a pretty big waste of time as the data I gave was wrong. And for 2 or 3 months I spent a lot of time thinking about it.
It was a plain ordinary day when I did request the reading. Around 2-3 hours later as I was going to bring the compost downstairs, there was bad smell in the stairway. The bad smell persisted, when my partner came home in the evening, phoned the police. They came and found the neighbor in front dead in his appartement.

The second reading I've asked changed my lagna, from Aquarius to Aries. (having Mars in Aquarius can be tricky. Mars in 1st or Aries lagna?).
But now taking the course Healing Rahu and Ketu, everything about the signs is spot on, but when it comes to houses I feel very much Ketu in 5th and nothing of Ketu in 3rd. (Ketu in Gemini is a but tricky versus Ketu in 3rd, but the concrete features given to Ketu in 3rd in the course don't fit at all. So I was just finding some other planet that could counterbalance what doesn't fit... )

And then it came this tread about troubles with readings when the 5th is afflicted... And mine it seems to me a Ketu in 5th story, just expending my time trying to figure out events, behaviors, myself...from a wrong grid. (2 years thinking I am Aries lagna). But it could just be Ketu in Gemini.

Apart of the frustration and actual disorientation I wonder what is the purpose of it? And the fact that it's happening during eclipses who hit my Jupiter, Sun and Venus. Specially Jupiter in 27 Pisces.

Ernst Wilhelm
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They will generally not be able to implement what they were advised. 
