Hi Community,
With Ernst’s blessing, I’m writing to see if there’s any interest in being part of a study group incorporating Human Design. I’ve been studying HD for approximately 4 years although I knew about it for longer. I’ve been in my experiment since 2020. The longer I’m in it, the easier it seems to get.
My type is Projector, profile 4/6 with emotional authority. My channels are: 43-23, 16-48 and 19-49. I’ve got the gate of dreams (41) among many others, but that’s enough info for now so anyone who may know what that means can get a feel for me.
I would like to go deep in the study with anyone who may also be interested in diving in with me. I’ve been incorporating both the HD system with Vedic Astrology since 2021 in consultations. These two systems are complementary and can work really well together. It’s been my experience that incorporating the basics of HD helps give a clear focus to guide the person in knowing themselves better and get a deeper understanding of what makes them unique.
Human Design teaches that everyone is a unique individual and gives a specific strategy and authority based on their individual design. It encourages people to experiment with their own S&A as a way to better align with their true nature while deconditioning from the homogenized program. (Yes, this means from societal norms in most cases!)
So for any other Projectors, this is your official invitation for you to consider exploring this further. For the ‘energy-type’ Generator/Manifesting Generator, act on your gut response. Would you like to take part in this? For the Reflector type, see if this sparks curiosity in you throughout the lunar month. For the Manifestor type, has your will power ignited you to dive into this?
I look forward to developing an authentic connection with any of you who want to explore this further. Maybe none will find this to be calling and that’s okay! But, the right people will feel a pull and that’s who this post is meant for specifically. This is your chance to dive into the information of Human Design and be able to incorporate it in your practice.
Hi there, I think that’s a great idea and I think Ernst should maybe create a separate category on this forum so people can discuss their HD chart.
I just have done my chart I'm a" Type: Manifesting Generator Profile: 4 / 6
Definition: Single Definition, Inner Authority: Sacral
Strategy: To Respond, Not-Self Theme: Frustration
Incarnation Cross: Right Angle Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix (55/59 | 34/20)"
I don't know anything about HD. I just type it and tried 😀
Actually I don't understand one bit of it 🤣 , never done it, I learn about it's existence about 2month ago.
I'm too busy on 2 different courses already, I'm learning the Nakshatra from the Sutra and the Pac course at the same time. I have been focused on the different energies from the Nakshatra as Michael Reel talked in his video. It's kind of mindblowing the little details he was able to show, both the Sutra Ernst translated and his own works with his clients. I missed out so much that part. Though the card of truth system Ernst provides seem to give similar results in a somewhat different way I can't explain it properly.
But I was hope Human design would be something that could help around those lines, or somethings totally different that I don't know anything about yet.