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Specific Question on House Cusps

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Hi all, happy Friday! 

Let's take someone who has Jupiter in the 3rd cusp but it's in the 4th from the lagna. 

1. When would I use the house cusp and when would I use 4th from the lagna? 

2. I understand that the cusp shows the concrete experience, but then what does the 4th from the lagna show? Psychological experiences? What kind of experience? 😆 

3. Native is running Jupiter dasa. To predict what is happening, do I *only* use the house cusp? 


I am in need of a clear answer. Thank you all for your time! 

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My understanding is the 4th house from your Ascendant is about your relationship with your mother because it is from your Ascendant. The 4th cusp is about your mother herself so you can actually do a general reading about your mother from the 4th cusp. The 4th cusp is the actual physical being of your mother, the concrete thing..



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@tuyetv Hey Tuyet! Thank you so much for your response 🙂

This is where it doesn't make much sense to me because my relationship with my mother wasn't Jupiter in the 4th vibes (GF dignity) at all. She was emotionally absent, and I've never really had a good relationship with her. I have other factors in my chart that show this. 

However I have Saturn in the 4th bhava cusp! So perhaps that's where the concrete experience of my mother is shown.

I'm generally a happy and content person. So maybe the bhavas show more of the psychological experience. Dunno! 

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@curioussoul  I think Jupiter is going to have a more profound impact on the 3rd cusp which has to do with siblings, teammates etc.. Jupiter is in the 4th House but it is impacting the 3rd cusp...



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@tuyetv That's what I would've thought too! But I only have an older sibling...one that I'm not close with either. Although during most parts of the Jupiter MD, I was doing a lot of communication, marketing, and content creating around the hobbies I loved. That was a big part of my life. 

Perhaps that's how the 3rd cusp manifested for me. 

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@curioussoul The third house is more than just siblings and teammates. 3rd house describes mental abilities and experiences associated with learning and communication. It indicates our main interests, talents and what we really like to do and hobbies is one of them. 3rd house is related to Gemini and the planet is Mercury. Mercury is all about communication. It rules over thought, writing, speech, short journey, trade and business activities....  

I think that is exactly what it manifested for you....



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What is influencing Jupiter? Look at Jupiter as the 1st house since that’s the MDasa lord so you can read it as if it was the first. It’s the main ruler and then the antardasa lord - is it helping or not? Does it share an agenda to give or take something away? Is it in an angle from Jupiter. This is one technique that you can use to judge the Dasa. 

Jupiter in the 4th from lagna is very nice for the emotional self if in good dignity and if supported. But in general, I see this as a nice thing for optimism. This is in a vacuum only considering Jp in 4th sign from Lg. Obviously, we need to consider the whole chart and not just one thing. But if it’s a nice Jp then it helps person have inner joy or it can make the person ignore things that may hamper that inner joy. It depends on the influences to it. Hope that helps. 

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@suzanstars Thank you Suzan! The MD lord and AD lord were 8 houses away :). There were a bunch of ups and downs during this time and a whole lot of manifesting (both Jupiter and Mercury were rasi aspecting each other). 


Thank you again, and I agree with the optimism! 

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Generally speaking we use the cusps for concrete manifestation. So the concrete mother, the concrete owning of land etc. The houses are for general chart reading, yogas and similar things. It´s more and indication of the energy flow and the consciousness regarding that thing.

But it often gets a little confusing, I agree. I recommend taking some chart reading courses from Ryan Kurczak at Ashville astrology for to hear some more examples of when to use which techniques. Ernst´s classes cover the basics and then jump right to the advanced level. I guess he hasn´t had time to set up a concrete chart reading school, but his friend and pupil Ryan has.

For concrete results in the Dasa you should mainly use the cusps, I´d say. But it may also trigger yogas, lajjitaadhi avasthas etc, and then you focus on the houses.

That is my understanding.


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@staffan Thanks a bunch for your reply, Staffan. Thank you for recommending Ryan's chart reading courses, I'll look into those. It's indeed confusing, especially since I'm still in a beginner stage. 

Can I ask what you mean by the houses indicating the "consciousness regarding that thing?" Would that mean the psychological experience? I've heard Ernst use that term, and I fail to viscerally understand it. 

Great point about using the cusps for concrete Dasa results. I practiced them on my chart and it seemed more accurate than using the bhavas. 

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@curioussoul Consciousness, hm... How we relate to that thing, perhaps? How we see it, feel it what we think about it, how it fits in in our bigger schemes etc.

Good question!



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@staffan Thanks again for your reply :). This makes sense! I have lots to think about and will follow up if I have another question. You rock, thanks for answering my questions.

Amit Bhat
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I think you are close to understanding it. When joined with any cusp, those things have that planet quality and that rasi position gives that psychological experience primarily.

So Jupiter in 4th rasi with 3rd cusp in it means siblings or team members have Jupiter qualities and say its exalted too, then they have those amazing qualities and vice versa. Also you can look what aspects coming from other planets to 3rd cusp as they will further color that nature of the siblings etc... Also 3rd cusp lord will determine the nature of its path. Rasi you can use as secondary factors and cusp as primary indicators of houses. 






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