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Human Design Study Group

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To my understanding, studying HD is a bit pricey for to have access to all the information. Would it be OK to take part anyway, having you are someone else that have access to the tools sharing information for free? As long as it doesn´t turn me into a freeloader...

If not, I would most definitely be interested in taking part of this.

I´m a Manifesting Generator it seems.


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@staffan i’m a single generator according to my body graph, but there seems to be a lot of different elements to it. I see I Ching  with astrology. i’m trying to understand the hexagrams and how they correspond to the different gates there seems to be a lot of different modes all put together in one, but I’ve been watching some videos on this but it’s hard to really break it down on what’s the best approach like you just simply go with your strategy and authority according to the founder And then he discusses the passenger consciousness which to me would be like the oversoul and then the Crystal consciousness the EGO mind and then there’s the variables which is a whole other topic. I’m trying to figure out. This is a lot more involved than I thought.

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@aisky yes, it’s a synthesis of different systems so it’s multilayered. Astrology, the IChing, the chakra system, the Kabbalah and it dives into PHS, which is all about health. It’s a huge body of knowledge that can be very daunting when starting to go down the rabbit hole especially because of all of the repetition that you have to sift through. But, since we’re all in the field of Vedic astrology, I don’t think that getting into a massive amount of information processing is an issue for us! 🤣

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@suzanstars there’s a lot of content to cover, so I guess they’ll be a lot of questions. I have no doubts that you’re the right person for this endeavor.

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@aisky thanks for your vote of confidence. My original intention for this group when I initiated the thread wasn’t to teach. The intention was to come together with others that are interested in combining the systems and sharing experience and knowledge. But I hear your input and I’ll give it some contemplation. If anyone here is a teacher, that may be you with the 5/1 profile…keynote: heretic investigator. 😉

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Wow! So far the three of you that have responded to the proposed study group have your type in common. Manifesting Generators and Generators are grouped as “energy-type” because you have a consistent access to regenerating energy that non-energy types don’t. The other types are non-energy type since there’s no access to that regenerative life force energy as seen by the sacral (red square at the bottom of body graph). 

When we begin to study the material that I’d be happy to share with you, you’ll get a better understanding of all the mechanics. I’m waiting to see if anyone else wants to join who perhaps has some background knowledge of the system already. Once the stars align then I’ll send a zoom invite so we can all meet virtually and dive in together.

My email is - should anyone want to take part in this, feel free to email me and I’ll add you to the list. Also, let me know the time zones that you’re in so I can try to find a time that works for the majority. 

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So I just started dinging a bit on HD, I find it fascinating and want to do deeper in it. I will watch a few video on basics first and I tell you if I want or not participate in the group or not, I don't want to waste your time either, thank you for sharing those informations with us.

I wonder how do you integrate Vedic astrology in that System exactly, for example my type as a Manifesting Generator, what does this mean for example with my moon in Gemini in Rohini Nakshatra. Or my Sun in Pisces or my Rahu in Svarna, or ketu Cancer. Feel free to pick any subject you find more relavant, I'm just trying to learn the basics here, thanks again. 

Also last question, how to you intend to teach HD, or will it be a more collaborative way of teaching or anything else ? Thank you again. 

here my charts, HD and astro in case you need more info:

The google folder is editable by everyone, you can all create folders and add your charts for anyone to study. I said I didn't have time to create the database but anyone who is interested in HD can copy the entire folder or database as you may call it, and replicate the database for their own research. The only thing you need is to be log in inside a google Account like Gmail, YouTube, etc. And you can also add charts of known people on Astrotheme or other astrology database. 


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@lorris I was looking to make it into a collaborative experience where we would share our findings and experiences in the group. I can tell or teach what I’ve learned from the teachings, but more than that, I can share my objective observations and experiences. I would like to stay away from dogmatic forms of learning material, meaning I see it more valuable to learn from actually lived experience or objective observations. We all have a unique perspective. I’m interested in knowing your perspective and how it relates (or not) to my own perspective. Does that make sense?

We can learn from observing nature way more than learning what someone says in a book about nature. Books are just a compilation of someone’s perspectives or ideas just like any teaching is just that. I’ve learned many things from books and from other teachers, but the best learning comes from observation and experience. (Perhaps this is very mercurial thanks to my own design/astrological imprint) it’s been my observation that the way HD is now being taught out in the world is either very dogmatic or it’s twisted in another weird form without any real contemplation given. But that’s the type of discussion I’d like to have in the group setting. My aim is to provide value as well as learn from each other.

It’s a bit complicated to get into how I incorporate the two systems here, but as an example, mars is energetic so I would pay close attention to mars in your chart to see what’s going on in your energy based on that astrological imprint.  We look at Venus and Mercury for decision making to see how that’s going. If for example, the person has bad lajjiaadi avastha Venus then we can suggest to the person to follow their HD for making decisions correctly aligning them to their design instead of following the imprint of the chart that’s making them get stuck. More than anything it’s about observing where the person is in the moment and where they’ve been and that can help us in suggesting a better course of action for them to take. The HD is based on the conscious (black side) that’s part of the personality and the unconscious (red side) that’s part of the body. So in my opinion it’s about aligning the two, not just overriding one and trampling the other. Other HD teachers will say that it’s about going with the body or design and letting the personality take a back seat as the passenger. That’s how HD was taught by the founder. I have a slight variation of that because we’re NOT just the physical body. We should be focused on alignment and not overriding one aspect of ourselves. 

Thanks for making that file, I’ll check it out. 

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1- I agree and it's also easier to remember when you see in action what's it's supposed to do. 

2- I like a mercurial approad to things and learning from nature, as I write this today was some experience to watch nature unfold into my reality. 

3- I agree, and the founder is not perfect either we can see that in his own chart. And he has one of the same conjunction as Ernst, we can only love him 😆 😆 (just kidding about the last part)

There is thing I want to confirm with you, I heard it from a video, They say the Black part is 3 month before birth, do they mean 3°*30° of the Sun backward? So if one would want to calculate with a software what that Red part look like with Astrology they would remove 3°*30° of the Sun from their respective actual birthchart? 

I'll send you an email, I want to be in, I'm starting to love HD. 


edit: I meant 3°*30° not 3° 

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@lorris the red part is the design part and it’s calculated 88 degrees before birth. So around 88-89 days before birth. That means all planetary positions go back 88 degrees to make the design/body side. Lots to talk about in relation to this alone. Also, (this maybe is going too deep too soon but…) the sleeping body graph is also very different from the body graph and calculated based on the Moon. 😉

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@suzanstars You mean the Red side (unconscious) is based on the Moon or there another graph altogether that I'm not aware of? 

I'm starting to get a feel for it. 

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@lorris there’s another chart. Forget I said anything about it. Let’s just focus on the regular body graph for now.

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@suzanstars Suzan I wanted to suggest maybe you can create HD in video format like Ernst and then we can schedule Q&A on zoom format when it’s good for everyone I know this might be time-consuming for you, but I  was just suggesting that because you could put all the material that you wanted to discuss in a video and then people can discuss it in Q&A on zoom

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@aisky that’s an interesting idea. I’ll consider it. I would not know where to start…should I cover the basics?

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@suzanstars yes, Suzan because I think you need to tell everybody how you approach your teaching style as opposed to the founder because I’ve been watching some videos and I can understand some of it, but maybe you can make it simpler for everybody when they look at their body graph

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@suzanstars I would start with the basic, to understand the different energy of the types, how to recognize their energy, it should be fun enough that anyone can follow it, by your experience. Then from there I would explain other things that is maybe less easy to understand or take more time, more patience. I would like to understand if Sacral energy is equivalent to Wind or the G too or any energy, and how to spot them by HD design standard. On YouTube some are just blindly following what is said, without any real hand experience with astrology or they don't seem understand the planets energies.

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@lorris I agree I think a structured approach like intro to HD the profile descriptions how to use your inner authority and strategy based on your astrology interpretation of 64 gates in the chart planets related to the not self understanding your variable arrows and  showing examples from the database and real life experiences from the group participants because I want to know how to relate to my HD bodygraph gates and channels and learn the best way to analyze a HD using charts from a database .BTW i uploaded my graph to the database I would like to upload other charts to the database you created but not sure how  thanks for creating the database

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@aisky It's a cloud system like any you can find on internet, just create a folder inside the main folder, add all the charts, make some screenshot for the the astro part in kala, and a pdf from the HD website just like you did, name them. And if you upload a lot of charts make subfolders like Ersnt did for Kala, Actors, singers, Guru, etc. I made a Video on how to use it for the PAC course, Ernst attached it in the Pac subsection. 


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@lorris thank you Lorris I created my human design body graph from the Jovian archive webpage that is the only way I know right now because there is no software that I have that can create a human design body graph without inputting it on that webpage. I hope enough people that are interested in this so we can have a great discussion. It is a fascinating system. If not, I’m still open to discussing questions. I have about my short with you and Suzanne and Suzanne doesn’t have to feel like she has to create a whole class content and teach this if there’s not enough people it was just a suggestion, but either way it’s great discussing it

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@aisky No expectation on either part I think.

I think the webcrawling I suggested earlier isn't as easy as I thought it would be. So I will try another time later if I have the time for that. 

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Hi! Ernst's course is a priority for me at the moment and I know just a bit about HD, however, I just wanted to say that I think HD is a great thing to study and it could be helpful to incorporate it with Vedic astrology. So maybe I can join later : ) All I know for now is that I'm 6/3 Manifesting Generator Left angle cross of obscuration haha

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@kannessa-chan thanks for the comment and sharing that…hopefully you’ll make it into the group when it gets going. 😉

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@kannessa-chan hi kc how long have you been using human design I myself am a newbie what drew me to human design was the gates and hexagrams because I use yi Ching would you know what hexagram line to interpret like for example I have gate 15/10 and 17/18 what line in hexagram do we read. I also want to understand the variable arrows both red and black point away from bodygraph do you know what it represents?


thanks I hope you can help ?

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@aisky Hey, I'm also a newbie, I don't study HD at the moment (hopefully soon), just did some research before and got a general idea, so I'm afraid to explain something wrongly just in case, however, I hope someone can explain this to you who has more experience with it : ) Anyone? : )

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@kannessa-chan  hello Kannessa thank you and i hope you can participate with the study group we can all learn something from each other. I can look at videos and read a book, but I like to hear another perspective on the system and I think Suzan will do a great service to the human design community

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I think the chart made from the design part is quite interesting. I made a test and use the vimshotari from my own chart but 88day backward. And it seems to be showing me what kind of people or events I attract unconsciously, and it seems so unconscious that it feels more accurate than my own chart, like I behave actually more like that unconscious chart. And I have that 34/20 gate which is supposed to be something "amazing" to manifest things but it's unconscious. So it seems very accurate, I don't see it myself as it's unconscious but people have told me many things over the years and looking at that chart seems to be why they told me that. It's probably more advanced stuff but I thought I would mention it anyway as it felt so accurate. 

Have any of you done any test on using (minus 88 day) from birth moment on anyone? I did it for around 15 people and most of the charts seems to show something relevant for the person. 


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