Last seen: Dec 6, 2024
@quasar259 yeah, I see the D1 as the tip of the iceberg, it's incredibly important, cause if it's not good, it's over before it can even start, if you...
@scott-m-19 absolutely. If you can use the D60, do it. But also try not to go mad in the process 🙃
@quasar259 oh that’s a big question 😄 when someone asks me that I always remember a T-shirt one of my uni professors used to wear that said : ...
@satyamaya Hi, I've done many Muhurtas for entrepreneurs and the reality is that all little steps have an effect on the overall business. However bu...
Like Manisha said, it's very much a never-ending study...and a very personal journey. What are your goals for astrology? I would start thinking abou...
@pammcnally I’m not sure which part of what I wrote pissed you off so much that it hindered your ability to comprehend. I wrote you didn’t develop sar...
@pammcnally that's interesting. The D30 is not about the health of the body, it shows fatalities or "bad omens" basically things that can really hur...
I've been using Bach Flowers to understand Endometriosis more, I'll write what I've seen so far in case anyone also uses them, and cause I think it he...
@pammcnally Thanks for your input 🙂 After some investigation I believe the basis of this disease is the endocrine system= Sag / Pisces + Jupiter; a...
Thank you Ernst, I must have missed that part.
Oh I see… hadn’t occurred to me to look at it from that angle. I have this doubt about the time gap ashtamangalam covers, is the answer supposed to...
Jaimini Sutras chapter 1 has the best techniques for predicting what type of house you'll live in. You check in D1, D9, D4 and secondary D16 (which is...
@wanderer I am not the cards of truth girl… 😄 wonder who you’re confusing me with haha I’m taking it as a sign, cause Ive been postponing starting C...