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The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

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I always knew something was missing from the picture. I've been interested in Astrology (on an amateur level) for over a decade, and I've had several readings with pretty well-known astrologers. Based on western tropical astrology I'm supposed to have a highly successful career and possibly a wealthy husband, among other great things in life - 2 exalted planets (one of which is the ruler of my ASC, Sun in the 9th), 2 planets in their own signs, Jupiter and Venus in Taurus in the 10th etc. But life has been always very challenging, and my career unfulfilling, with chronic health issues in the background. 

I'm in the middle of the Jaimini Sutras audio course and am just learning about the Bandana yoga. Wouldn't you know it, I have Mars and Saturn in the 6th (Capricorn) and Rahu and Mercury in the 8th (Pisces).

I look forward to learning more and more, I find so much peace listening to Ernst Wilhelm's teachings. Thank you so much for your contributions to the world, Ernst. 

I'm still not sure if I will pursue a career in Astrology, I have always loved this science and my friends do reach out to me for astrological advice, but I am taking my time, trying to listen to my soul this time, after completing a 12-year (unsuccessful) career cycle in HR. Looking forward to absorbing all the beautiful wisdom. 

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Ernst Wilhelm
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I am happy to hear that astrology is helping you. It's no fun to have things predicted that we don't end up doing because its not really what we are meant to do - its hard enough to discover who we really are as it is!

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This also shows how difficult predictive astrology can be plus how important varga charts are when it comes to predicting the concrete. 

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@scott-m-19 @tuyetv Do things like Bandana yoga apply to varga charts as well? If yes, all of them or some specific?

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I do not apply bandana yoga in the vargas. 

I have found bandana yoga to still give success if the yogas are still success producing yogas, I find that it makes the person feel 'stuck' at the same time though. 

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@scott-m-19 @ernst , hi guys, I wonder if there is other combinations showing that you might feel stuck or feel like in jail if you don't have bandana yoga? For example maybe ancestral karma playing out in D12? When I was little girl, I constantly used to have a dream that im running away from my home country, having such fear and anxiety. And it is exactly what's happening in my real life now. I try so hard to escape my home country and am always forced to come back, it does feel like jail. I don't have Kala yet to see all the combinations and am still learning. I know I do have my moon in 8th house Rasi aspected by Rahu and have Pluto in 4th house though.

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@kannessa-chan Yes, there is something called Jaimini Kemadruma Yoga, that can also be as tough, or tougher, than Bandana Yoga. You can look this one without kala, it's simple but I can't remember the technique by memory, it's in the Jamini audios I believe.

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@silvia Thank you, I forgot to mention, I also checked for Kemadruma, I don't seem to have it either.. I do have Rahu and Ketu in 2nd and 8th from Lagna lord in Capricorn counting backwards, however I don't remember Ernst mentioning that you count from Lagna lord, unless I missed something or will learn later in the courses. I will have to check it one more time.. However, I'm still interested if there is something else that might be causing this.. especially can it be seen in D12 chart..

Amit Bhat
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Check for argala and if those planets have bad LAs and involving 4th lord.. also see 4th lord LA or planets in 4th LA or Mars LA or planets in Capricorn LA... A bad mars is also as good as in a jail!

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@amit Thank you for the answer. The only thing that I have is Rahu, Ketu in 2nd and 8th from Lagna lord in Capricorn counting backwards.. I got a bit confused if it can be caused from Lagna lord, ill have to check in the courses again.. I do have many planets in 6h house in Capricorn, including 4th house lord... Moon in Pisces in 8th house aspected by Rahu and also Pluto in 4th.. While I can understand mother and motherland trauma there, I wonder if it's enough to make the person feel like in jail because of bad experiences and trauma or there should be something else showing that..

Amit Bhat
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Okay, Jaimini says Capricorn as own place (own country) as well while cancer opposite to it is foreign place. 

So, your 4th lord in Capricorn, see it's LAs and other planet LAs and I think that should give answer. Being the 6th House again shows lot of struggles. A trauma not released can constantly cause the person uncomfortable, so whenever it gets triggered by outer circumstances, it hurts. Capricorn will attract those circumstances. So naturally a person wants to avoid those circumstances until trauma is healed and it can feel like jail.

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@amit Got it, thank you for the answer! : )

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Vargas analysis really provides me with the in-dept understanding of vedic astrology. The Rasi is just one of the 16 commonly used vargas. The Rasi is one of them so to really understand about the person's life you really have to analyze all the 16 vargas. Just a general technique when i look at a chart i pulled up the Shodashavarga and just give a quick glance at all 16 Vargas such as the position of the planets from the Ascendant. If they are in angle or trine then that varga is probably fairly smooth, but if the planets are in 6, 8, 12, 3, 2 then that implies to me that varga has some issues. Sometime when people say they have everything yet somehow they are not happy. Looking at the inner vargas might provide some answers...

Our lives are divided in so many areas. Some are good and some are not so good. I find analyzing the vargas can give you a wealth of information about the person. For me personally I analyze the vargas to see the areas that are not so good in my life to see if I can improve it or if not accept it and move on with life instead of beating my head against the wall.

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@tuyetv yes, seeing my AK being in Cancer in D9 really explained my deep sensitivity - something that is not seen in my Rasi, aside from having a Pisces Mercury and Moon in Lagna. It's an ocean of information and I am just at the start 🙂 I also have Ketu in svamsa so that's perhaps where my long-standing interest in Astrology comes from.

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@nkanarieva i see you have Ketu in Virgo earth sign and Rahu in Pisces water sign. Earth sign is being practical but what you are yearning for is the water sign, the emotional connection. You want a deeper emotional connection to whatever you are doing. The maturation of Rahu i believe is 42. So i think you are experiencing your Rahu house...I encourage you to experience your Rahu house. I am a very practical person (Ketu is in earth sign and Rahu is in water sign just like you), and going to Rahu house to me simply means go and experience life. You see things in a different light, sometime good and sometime not so good. But life experience will hopefully give you the maturity to decide what is the best for you. 

As you said you have the Bandana yoga. So what. Don't let that control the outlook of your life. You control your life not the one bad yoga. We all have some good yogas and some bad yogas. Yes it is there and be aware of it, but don't let it control you. You have some good planets in your chart, study the Vargas to see where your strengths lie and use that as a leverage to navigate through the other negative aspects of life. For me the most difficult thing is to find that inner peace, that happiness within oneself. Once you have the self security then good or bad things just come and go in your life. They are all temporal...But that self security is permanent!



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@tuyetv Thank you so much for your kindness, you're very sweet! You're absolutely right, and at the end of the day life is always a mix of "good" and "bad", or more like, joy and suffering, ease and struggle 🙂 I certainly have many things in my life to be grateful for as well. 
Yes, inner love and peace is the most valuable thing! And perhaps had we not been through the many challenges and the pain, we would not be where we are spiritually, the personal growth may not have happened in the way that it did. The soul has to know best!

My only hope and prayer is that I do find an outlet for my skills, devotion and passion, I have always craved to do something to somehow make the world a better place, money and status have not really been important to me.

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@nkan Let your exalted Sun guide you. Your Ketu is in the 2nd House (2nd and 3rd cusp) and your Rahu is in the 8th House (8th and 9th cusps). 2nd House is the house of resources, 3rd is skills, 8th is other people resources and 9th is devotion/religion. All the terms that you used in the above message reflect exactly of your Ketu and Rahu houses and bhava cusps...

As i said i have ketu in earth sign and rahu i water sign just like you. And that is exactly how i feel at times such as how do i make this world a little better. God has given me a lot despite of all the ups and downs so it is good to share a little bit. I came to the conclusion for myself that i can't make the world better but if i can make the life of an individual better within my ability, then that is what i would do... Best of luck!


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I apply pretty much the same techniques to all my vargas such as yogas, jaimini etc...That is how i have been do it. Perhaps Ernst can give some insights? Now if the Moon is waxing in the Rasi then I treat the Moon as waxing in all Vargas. If the Moon is waning in the Rasi then it is waning in all Vargas . I think if you have the Bandana Yoga in your Rasi, that effects will kinda carry through your life path...The Rasi is your general life path, but the vargas fill in the details and you need all the details in order to do predictions...



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@tuyetv I definitely feel the pain and dissatisfaction that comes with it (I'm 36), and the funny thing is in reality I do my best to never actually be "stuck" in life. I love change, in fact some may say I change too much. I've moved to different countries, changed my friends' group and now my career. Perhaps because I don't have any fixed planets involved in it? And I have my exalted Mars and Saturn in its own sign as part of the bandana yoga, I'm not sure if that matters. What I mean is I really do my best in life to move forward, learn the hard lessons and face my fears, but yeah, clearly my soul chose these blockages for a reason. Hopefully I will figure it out before the end 🙂
