We look at Kemadruma from self factors like the AK in D9 and D1, the Pada and lagna. What about seeing kemadruma yoga from other padas within the rasi chart? Could we say that the bhava that pada represents gets a 'dent' in it by having kemadruma from that particular pada? I don't think it would be as big of a blemish as having kemadruma from the primary self factors, but I think the principle could still exist??
yes, you can see that as a blemish to that area, and to that person ruled by that bhava or karaka or pada.
I would like to just confirm something here. The way I've understood this Kemadruma yoga technique is that we are using the reverse for even Rasis rule - this includes the Lagna as well. So even if the Lagna happens to fall in an even sign, we would consider the 2nd and 8th in reverse, which is the 12th/6th respectively. Correct?