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My wife works as a healer and has done so for several years. Yet her Moon and Mercury are not in a trine position, as they should be, according to Jaimini /if my notes are correct / , for a healer. But Mercury´s ruler is in trine with the Moon - may that be a proper indication?

Also the Moon does aspect the 6th cusp only in the Navamsa, not in the Rasi chart. I don´t see any way to connect them throug lordship in the Rasi chart. The ruler of the Moon´s navamsa is also aspecting the 6th in the rasi. Should we consider these secondary indications? That would broaden the career possibilities significantly and the tool - Jaimini - would become a lot more blunt, I guess. Any thoughts?



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I don't always see the Jaimini healer combo happening in charts of doctors/healers. 

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@scott-m-19 Interesting, thank you. I wonder too.


Her Mercury is ruled by her AK, which also rules her Moon in the D-9, and aspects and rules the 6th cusp in both charts. But now I´m altering the Jaimini rules and that´s probably not a good idea.

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Which rasi Me is in the D-1 ? and Moon ? just curious

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@deepakmurali Mercury in Sagitarius, 3rd house, she´s a Libra ascendant. Moon in her Lagna. Jupiter in 9th/Gemini, 6th cusp in the 6th.

In D9: Moon and Mercury interchange signs so Moon in Sag /also the Lagna/, Mercury in Libra. Jupiter still in Gemini and 6th cusp in Virgo. AK: Jupiter as I said, so Sva is Gemini. Mars in Sva: Among many techniques she works with acupuncture.

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@staffan I think its a combination of things pointing to healer, Jupiter holding both Me and Mo if we consider Sag from D1 and D9 ! Then if Ju is in Ardra Nakshatra, it can also indicate as Ardra can be a healer also ! Which planet would be the AmK ? Ma ?!

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Mercury is AmK.

I think so too, that when so many factors come together, all connecting Moon and the AK with the Moon and the Lagna AND the 6th Lord, then the energy must flow in that direction, even if it´s not exactly how Jaimini described it.

It´s interesting what you say about Jupiter´s nakshatra. Moon´s nakshatra Hasta, which of course stands for practicality and Mercury is in Moola, which suggest working with herbs, which she does. As did her grandmother - could the AmK being Mercury in Moola be an indication of that? She was close to her grandmother as a child and saw her working with herbs, and even helped her a little as children do.

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Moola yes and Me there and holding Jupiter (AK) and Ju in healing place with Ma and in turn holding Me can be healer! Jaimini actually gives almost same importance for D-9 as D-1 as I understand it, from the examples in Ernst course, in that sense Mo/Me can consider having same space as Sag! 

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