To my understanding Vargottama is generally seen as a positive thing, even a blessing to a chart. But I heard Ryan Kurczak once expressing a different opinion, namely that Vargottama is only good if it´s a positive placement. If it´s related to bad dignity and bad avasthas, then it only make things worse, he says. What should we think about this?
Vargottama is only relevant to Lagna and Moon. Otherwise just read as normal.
Vargottama strengthens the entire chart. It's not about the planet. Lagna or moon, which is chandra lagna, in vargottama strengthens the chart as a whole and makes good things indicated in the chart bigger and bad things smaller.
yes, he has gotten into Satya Jataka lately and its a good book and it emphasized vargottama. I used that in how i used to judge yogas as per core yogas. But over the years, I just found expecting vargottama to do something amazing created more errors than ignoring it.
For what it´s worth... A testimony. I have a really tough chart with Saturn DB / Rahu, whose lord is innemical dignity. I have Mercury leaking energy like crazy in the 7th house. I have Jupiter shamed in the 5th house.
I don´t think I´d gotten through all the hardships in my life without having double Vargottama. ( Moon is in GF ) To me it´s like a floating device in rough sea, and a good one.