Mars Crying For Hel...
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Mars Crying For Help

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I thought that Mars was the brahmachari that did things for himself. Like the boy or young man at initiation age learning to survive in the wild before coming back to the community. Or a rebelious teenager who runs away from home seeking the independence and freedom to learn how to live on their own.

I get that the general is one of Mar's roles and the general needs a lot of help, but I thought Mars ruled the toddler age because that is when we learn to stand and walk on our own two feet and chew our own food. Not because they are needy and fussy and require a lot of help.

I thought Mars was here to teach us how to not need to be rescued so often.


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Ernst Wilhelm
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 I thought so too at one point, but mars rules brothers and sisters for a reason and its a very important reason. and yes, we are learning to move from 1-3. Mars is moving, fire element is to move. But, we need help at that age still, a lot. in some ways, more than from 0-1 where the baby just needs to be fed. from 1-3 a child needs help with so many things. At 3, they are really ready to learn and so mercury age starts. 

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@ernst But Mars still rules will-power and won't-power, right?

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, both of those are required to get our needs met. one is protective, the wont power, the other is active. 

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I guess the "I need help" aspect of Mars also extends to the act of giving help, especially in emergencies, because mars would still rule police, firemen, etc.? People who rescue, save, discipline, and enforce justice. And the surge of strength mothers get when they have to rescue or be protective.

And the issues of power struggle and discipline during the terrible 2s when toddlers test their power and defiance.

I continue to have trouble understanding and differentiating Mars logic and problem solving (Mars rules both logic and instinct??) vs Mercury's own version of initiative and problem solving. I guess the key is Mars's tamasic motivation and Mercury's rajastic one.

Mercury is a bridge from Mars to Venus. If we don't have the basic productivity, efficiency, and independence we get from both a high functioning Mars and a competent, resourceful, and social Mercury, then Venus (spending money, comfort, luxury, vacations, dating and romance) cannot flower during its period.

If no one will hire us, promote us, choose us as a team mate in school sports, or date us or marry us because were too incompetent, ineffectual, and clumsy, or easily triggered, then we can't get the things that Venus represents as we enter, and continue into, adulthood during Venus's age.

Mars and Mercury are both lean, mean, sharp, clever planets and we require both to stay young, savvy, relevant, and employable for work. But it is hard to learn, develop, and practice both at the very same time from scratch, esp. as a toddler or very young child, as well as for adults closer the the "old" end of the spectrum.

Daycare and even Preschool basically starts at birth these days, where spend all day away from our mothers. But ain't no one got time for a bad Moon. So we are being required more and more to learn and use both Mars and Mercury, two incompatible enemy planets, simultaneously from scratch and then throughout our increasingly competitive jobs. This is where AI is stepping in to help, sometimes taking over those jobs or certain functions of them. The funny thing is, it was initially designed to help humans with that challenge, but now it is trying to take over Moon, Venus, and Jupiter things as well. Romance, sex, art, creativity, nursing, motherhood, friendship, psychotherapy, poetry, etc. I don't think we can be healthy and continue to evolve if we also completely delegate water element and sattvic planet stuff to AI. But I don't think that can truely be done as its the water element that makes life worth living and AI lacks the connective water element.

We don't need to loose our organic Mercury and Mars either lest we become senile, lose our own muscle of will power, and no-longer able to work on the robots, to repair and discipline them.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3511
Joined: 12 years ago

There are a lot of similarities between mars and mercury. Mercury is the third planet from the sun, mars rules the third weekday. THey both have a 3 vibration. Mars is the 5th planet from the sun though and mercury rules the 4th weekday. So that's the difference. Mars and mercury are both here to figure things out, 3 number. However, the 5 number of mars is the part of mars that is the emergency this HAS to be done. Its not try, its DO. Thats when yoda said, there is no trying, there is only doing or not doing. That is mars. That is NOT mercury. Mercury is not about, its an emergency, its about, we are working towards a foudnation, we have all the time in teh world to explore, discover, observe and at one point we will know what to commit to, that is the 4 part, when it finds WHAT to commit to. at that point mercury passes his momentarily 4 off to venus who is the 4th planet from the sun and who makes the commitment to what mercury has discovered. 

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