Endometriosis - emo...
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Endometriosis - emotional causes?

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Another person without medical credentials whose astrological intuition trumps medical science.  Try telling your physician you will use your "intuition" to cure your cancer.  That's a recipe for ending up 6 foot under.  Wake up!  Medicine is a science.  Do you actually think you can diagnose with astrology by reading a book or 2? Yeah, good luck with that.  True research has a methodology, double blind studies etc.  You don't even know that you don't know.  First dispel ignorance and then go to school (chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, etc) and perhaps someone will listen to you.  Why do you blame physicians for the opioid epidemic?  Did they force pills down people's throats with the intent to ruin their lives?  They are the ones who dedicated their lives to helping others.  It's the cartels taking over our country from an open border that has contributed greatly to the fentanyl epidemic.  Try this; Take responsibility for you own actions and what you put in your mouth.  Disagree if you want, treat your endometriosis with a psychic thought, an astrological remedy, chants, mantras, whatever.  It's a free "colonial" country.  If BTW, you have an intuition from astrology, send your client to a qualified medical professional to see if it checks out.  That is the responsible thing to do.  Hopefully Psychic Silvia will do the same.  

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@pammcnally Hopefully Pam realises dragging my name up with such snark doesn’t make for as witty an ending as she thinks - it’s just Silvia for you.

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@silvia Ok 'it's Sylvia for me'.  If that doesn't scream big ego I don't know what does.  It was you who came off as a know it all, not all are so enamored by your sugary sweet astro-buffoonery they can't see the forest through the trees.

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@pammcnally I can only tell you that my wife had a quickly growing tumour just right to her thyroid two years ago, that she went to doctors that detected it with ultrasound, thereby confirming both it´s existence and that it was growing very fastly, like millimeters each weak. And that it was completely gone after a week or two of looking into the emotional cause, holding her hand on the place and intense praying. No trace of it. One day she could hardly swallow her own saliva, next day it was gone.

Her father died in cancer the year before, he was treated by schooled doctor.

One thing I can tell you: Science had nothing to do with her getting well.

Having medical knowledge - which she had - had nothing to do with it neither.

There is much to it.


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You can respectfully disagree but please, I implore not just you but all astrologers not to give specific medical advice related to astrology. I could tell many stories of well-meaning alternative health (unlicensed) people who got in way over their heads and didn't know when to make a referral.  One in particular prescribed herbs for a dermatologic issue that ended up being advanced cancer.  The herbalist kept treating his client and she continued with his treatment plan far too long.  She finally got medical treatment, including surgery but the damage was done.  She no longer has a nose and her face is disfigured.  She will probably die.  Another young herbalist died from sepsis because she was treating her abdominal pain with herbs.  By the time she reached the ER it was too late.  I've seen kidney failure in young people from so called "safe" herbs.  It goes on and on, I have many examples but can't share them all here.

I don't think I'll discuss medical astrology details anymore on this forum.  I do believe astrology is a tool in the right hands and I use it cautiously even though much of it is simplistic and very antiquated.  First, Do no harm.  This includes understanding the potential for harm that can come from lack of concrete knowledge.  We astrologers can't even agree on tropical v sidereal, which ayanamsa or house system to use and so on.  There is just too much ambiguity.  In my chart just by shifting from Lahiri to Fagen-Bradley my Jupiter goes from being the strongest in shadbala to the weakest.  It shifts signs and houses.  Look at it in Tropical and it changes yet again.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  If you suspect something, by all means say so (as a potential) and refer, refer, and refer.  Don't take the responsibility for someone's health and well-being.

I don't believe having a political opinion about colonialism, or the patriarchy as related to the medical mainstream establishment is helpful in any way.  Opinions are not facts, and they will just prevent open-minded inquiry if you have a bias or prejudice against mainstream medicine.  Stay open minded and always remember that the safety of the public and our clients is first and foremost. 

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@pammcnally Charlatans are charlatans and will always be charlatans. Whether they are astrologers, herbalists, alleopatic doctors or the CEO of a huge pharmaceutical company. There is no lack of horror stories from the school medicine, let´s be fair and balanced. Also the opposite of what you tell is true: My wife is a chiropractor, herbalist and what not, and often heals people where doctors have failed.


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@pammcnally I think that even if the so called alternative medicine did not have the remedies and knowledge about how to cure - which it has! - we would have to start from scratch re-inventing it, rather than putting our trust to a money-driven industry that does everything it can to take people´s self-reliance, self-trust and self-worth away from them to become dependent on it.

Also, I recommend you to ask yourself whether it´s a good strategy, if you want to convince your audience, to basically call all of us incompetent?


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@staffan I agree, and am not a big fan of big pharma and the like and yes, I have unfortunately witnessed malpractice in my hospital experience.  You are absolutely right in there are many horror stories there too.  I was an RN/Paramedic for 30 years.  I am also a master herbalist and Ayurvedic astrologer.  Just sharing info and my experience.  Just asking that forum readers remember to do their due diligence as a practitioner and refrain from giving definitive black and white answers related to health (in Sylvia's case endometriosis).  Sylvia gave advice well beyond what is reasonable to do as an astrologer and so I called her out for the benefit of others who might think that is the way it should be done.  She was black and white on what specific placements mean and she basically discounted other potential explanations.  Being black and white is a red flag (all the colors of the gunas in Ayurveda!)

Self-reliance, self-trust is worth nothing if you don't know what you don't know.  Sorry you don't like that answer.  I have no strategy, other than the safety and well-being of the general public. Just saying find some humility and know your limitations.  Don't bash the medical profession in a blanket statement or cause clients to be mistrustful of them.  Also you will find people will trust you more if you aren't black and white in your assessment of a chart, especially given the limited time one has when reading a chart.  Be honest, have integrity, use critical thinking skills and all will be well.  

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@staffan I agree, and am not a big fan of big pharma and the like and yes, I have unfortunately witnessed malpractice in my hospital experience.  You are absolutely right in there are many horror stories there too.  I was an RN/Paramedic for 30 years.  I am also a master herbalist and Ayurvedic astrologer.  Just sharing info and my experience.  Just asking that forum readers remember to do their due diligence as a practitioner and refrain from giving definitive black and white answers related to health (in Sylvia's case endometriosis).  Sylvia gave advice well beyond what is reasonable to do as an astrologer and so I called her out for the benefit of others who might think that is the way it should be done.  She was black and white on what specific placements mean and she basically discounted other potential explanations.  Being black and white is a red flag (all the colors of the gunas in Ayurveda!)

Self-reliance, self-trust is worth nothing if you don't know what you don't know.  Sorry you don't like that answer.  I have no strategy, other than the safety and well-being of the general public. Just saying find some humility and know your limitations.  Don't bash the medical profession in a blanket statement or cause clients to be mistrustful of them.  Also you will find people will trust you more if you aren't black and white in your assessment of a chart, especially given the limited time one has when reading a chart.  Be honest, have integrity, use critical thinking skills and all will be well.  

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“Sylvia gave advice well beyond what is reasonable to do as an astrologer and so I called her out for the benefit of others who might think that is the way it should be done.”

I have been studying Bach Flower remedies since 2017, first through Ernst’s knowledge and then with an actual doctor that took the holistic route many many years ago. Even with this experience never once have I created a medical astrology service, however clients have come to me through word of mouth with emotional or health issues, and I have helped them to the best of my ability using Ernst knowledge, which I think is incredible helpful. I haven’t had one complaint or drama story in my 8 years of practice.

How it shouldn’t be done is how you do it, assuming first and firing what ever you please, and I quote: “Perhaps flower remedies are harmless, I'm not well informed there but better to be safe than sorry.”

For your information, better late than never, Bach Flower remedies are harmless, they don’t interrupt any other treatment, and are never given as the only treatment.

“She was black and white on what specific placements mean and she basically discounted other potential explanations.”

I have been studying Endometriosis since late 2020. Jupiter rules what it rules, Venus rules what it rules, etc, I don’t discard, I’ve just simply come to a conclusion of what is involved in this disease, which can’t be every single planet and sign, if anyone has done the same amount of focused research I’ll gladly listen to them, but I don’t think you have.

After a year of testing Bach flower mixes I found one that surprised me in it’s effect, so I shared it here, because I know the gruelling road women with this disease have, having to wait 7 to 10 years for a formal diagnosis while you faint from pain every fucking month. I assume people to be intelligent and do their on research, and make up their own minds, but if they’re already into Bach Flower remedies, and I could save them a year of trying and testing, I don’t think I’ve gone “well beyond what is reasonable to do as an astrologer”. 

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@pammcnally What knowledge is people going to have if the doctors, big pharma and others keep telling them that they don´t know nothing and that their intuition is worth nothing? What´s the hen and what´s the egg when it comes to people´s lack of knowledge and self-confidence when it comes to self-care?

There are many reasons why the health care industry should become a little more humble.

One reason is the obvious greed. Just 15 minutes ago I heard the story of a woman who was recommended a 350-dollar drug for pre-diabetes by a doctor who said that it would also help her to loose weight. My wife checked it up, it says it helps "a little", I don´t know the exact word and it was in Spanish. What we know for sure is that the same doctor that recommend the medicin get a percentage by the pharmacy that sells it to the patient. Why would anyone trust such a system or such a doctor?

The other reason is accessibility. If people can´t afford going to the doctor or buying the medicine, where should they go then? In the USA and many other places it´s often an economic matter. In countries where healthcare is free, like my natal Sweden, the accessibility to many treatments is often limited due to lack of space. Bad planning. Only yesterday I read about two women having been told to wait TWO YEARS for their cancer treatment to start. If you leave this people without alternative care, you leave them with nothing.

You told an anecdote, a horror example about bad practic. Let me tell another one. A friend of mine had a grandmother in Guatemala. The old lady broke her hip and ended up in hospital, where the young, friendly doctor told her that he wanted to mend her with a nail in her hip. "No way!" the lady said, "there will be no nails in my skeleton, take me hom!" As she refused, they had to let her go and she came back to her village with the ominous words of the doctor hanging over her: "Thou shall never walk again!" A couple of days later they heard that "un huesero", a "boneman" or "bonewoman" was present in the neighbour village. The asked her to come over, she did so and fixed the old lady´s hip. No need for nails, no need for drugs. "How much do we owe you", they asked her. "That would be a bottle of beer."

Just saying. Having spent 20 years in Latin America and in touch with native American cultures, the overconfidence of our Western doctors seem just ridiculous to me.


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Medical system is highly advanced today especially for diagnostic purposes, with the advent of information technology, everything is advancing so rapidly. Weapons, aerospace technology and what not. At the same time, we have mafias everywhere too which includes medical mafias as well. Light and darkness are two inseparable forces of nature. So we will always see contrasts, lot of people are saved in hospital certainly but not everyone who will even spend even millions. Lot of people will get helped by astrologers even if all the techniques they did are all wrong but their intuition is so strong that they told the right thing anyways while the others going to the best known and most expensive astrolgers only to get wrong advice!

At the end it depends on "divine justice" which is very hard to comprehend and accept - the higher purpose, the force underneath. So when people are either getting misguided by astrolgers or looted by medical mafias, there is divine justice underneath, to what the karmas person is meant to burn. 

P.Yogananda often used to say something like do not worry about the world, your self spiritual development should be of highest priority. Once the spiritual advancement has been made, it is less likely to get deceived by the world otherwise world is just waiting to teach the lesson and help the person move forward until he learns.

So, my whole point is do not worry excessively about the world!

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