Another person without medical credentials whose astrological intuition trumps medical science. Try telling your physician you will use your "intuition" to cure your cancer. That's a recipe for ending up 6 foot under. Wake up! Medicine is a science. Do you actually think you can diagnose with astrology by reading a book or 2? Yeah, good luck with that. True research has a methodology, double blind studies etc. You don't even know that you don't know. First dispel ignorance and then go to school (chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, etc) and perhaps someone will listen to you. Why do you blame physicians for the opioid epidemic? Did they force pills down people's throats with the intent to ruin their lives? They are the ones who dedicated their lives to helping others. It's the cartels taking over our country from an open border that has contributed greatly to the fentanyl epidemic. Try this; Take responsibility for you own actions and what you put in your mouth. Disagree if you want, treat your endometriosis with a psychic thought, an astrological remedy, chants, mantras, whatever. It's a free "colonial" country. If BTW, you have an intuition from astrology, send your client to a qualified medical professional to see if it checks out. That is the responsible thing to do. Hopefully Psychic Silvia will do the same.
You can respectfully disagree but please, I implore not just you but all astrologers not to give specific medical advice related to astrology. I could tell many stories of well-meaning alternative health (unlicensed) people who got in way over their heads and didn't know when to make a referral. One in particular prescribed herbs for a dermatologic issue that ended up being advanced cancer. The herbalist kept treating his client and she continued with his treatment plan far too long. She finally got medical treatment, including surgery but the damage was done. She no longer has a nose and her face is disfigured. She will probably die. Another young herbalist died from sepsis because she was treating her abdominal pain with herbs. By the time she reached the ER it was too late. I've seen kidney failure in young people from so called "safe" herbs. It goes on and on, I have many examples but can't share them all here.
I don't think I'll discuss medical astrology details anymore on this forum. I do believe astrology is a tool in the right hands and I use it cautiously even though much of it is simplistic and very antiquated. First, Do no harm. This includes understanding the potential for harm that can come from lack of concrete knowledge. We astrologers can't even agree on tropical v sidereal, which ayanamsa or house system to use and so on. There is just too much ambiguity. In my chart just by shifting from Lahiri to Fagen-Bradley my Jupiter goes from being the strongest in shadbala to the weakest. It shifts signs and houses. Look at it in Tropical and it changes yet again. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you suspect something, by all means say so (as a potential) and refer, refer, and refer. Don't take the responsibility for someone's health and well-being.
I don't believe having a political opinion about colonialism, or the patriarchy as related to the medical mainstream establishment is helpful in any way. Opinions are not facts, and they will just prevent open-minded inquiry if you have a bias or prejudice against mainstream medicine. Stay open minded and always remember that the safety of the public and our clients is first and foremost.
Medical system is highly advanced today especially for diagnostic purposes, with the advent of information technology, everything is advancing so rapidly. Weapons, aerospace technology and what not. At the same time, we have mafias everywhere too which includes medical mafias as well. Light and darkness are two inseparable forces of nature. So we will always see contrasts, lot of people are saved in hospital certainly but not everyone who will even spend even millions. Lot of people will get helped by astrologers even if all the techniques they did are all wrong but their intuition is so strong that they told the right thing anyways while the others going to the best known and most expensive astrolgers only to get wrong advice!
At the end it depends on "divine justice" which is very hard to comprehend and accept - the higher purpose, the force underneath. So when people are either getting misguided by astrolgers or looted by medical mafias, there is divine justice underneath, to what the karmas person is meant to burn.
P.Yogananda often used to say something like do not worry about the world, your self spiritual development should be of highest priority. Once the spiritual advancement has been made, it is less likely to get deceived by the world otherwise world is just waiting to teach the lesson and help the person move forward until he learns.
So, my whole point is do not worry excessively about the world!