I have this funny thing that when I look at some courses in astrology, like just look at the thumbnail and not even start watching yet, my mouth litteraily starts watering and I feel a good taste. I have Venus - taste - in my 9th house - purpose and higher understanding - maybe that´s why?
Today the latest PAC videos gave me this sensation, and so did the video on delighted Mercury that I saw yesterday.
I must say, Ernst, that your teaching has reached phenomenal heights. Thinking of all the hundreds and thousands of astrologers out there who let this opportunity of learning pass by their noses... Hopefully the rumour will spread and more and more people will join.
Your method with a modular system; how you manage to bring it all together in this course. A little like in the CoT courses, where the astrological, numerological, the tarot meanings and the nature images all fit together in such an intuitive, yet rational way. Same in the PAC course. The planet and their meanings. The signs. The ages. The roles - child, parent or adult. The avasthas, the strengths, the elements. All coming together in a perfect way.
The way of reasoning that you teach your students. Like "Mercury exalts itself, what does it mean?" Wow! "Mars and Venus work together, fire and moist, hunger and satiation." Wow! "Saturn is exalted in the market place, where the garbage it brings turns into valuable second-hand goods." (Not exactly in those words, but...) Wow!
The PAC course leaves wonderful keys not only to the human psyche but also to astrology as such.
I have my shamed Jupiter and hope I don´t praise you in a way that make you and everyone to feel uncomfortable. But I believe that you are breaking new ground for astrology and for astrological reasoning that will endure for a long long time.
I bow!
PS. I just heard you speaking about the Moon´s need for real stimulation and how internet can´t provide for all the senses being stimulation. It seems that my taste does get stimulated by this virtual medium though... 🙂
I am sure it is a great course as is the LA Master's course. I have not had the time to take either one. When i am done with my current course, i am switching gear to COT for awhile then i will come back to take these two courses. With my busy work schedule i am lucky if i can finish 2 courses a year, but i am plugging along, and I will definitely take them. Or now i am wondering if I should take PAC then switch gear to COT...
I am glad you are getting a lot out of the course and this course has been a culmination of the last 3 years of my life not only as an astrologer, but as a human on planet earth, haha.