Shamed Jupiter and ...
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Shamed Jupiter and divine intervention (?)

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A few days ago Nadya bravely told us about her Mercury/Moon making her plunge into situations head first, and encouraged us to tell our own experiences.

My Jupiter is shamed by Ke/Ma in the 5th house and I could write a book about that. Which I am not going to do, let me just confirm: It´s exactly as Ernst describes it in the PAC course. Well, the part about religious fanatism I haven´t experienced, althoug I had a Greta Thunberg-period as a young "field biologist" and was obsessed by the idea of saving the world. Which I pretty soon realized that I couldn´t and left, after having gone through a period of depression (ending up "hearing" the trees talking to me, saying that everything was fine, but that´s another story...).

Now, it turns out that my ex, the mother of my two sons, has her Jupiter shamed too. In the 12th, not by Ketu but by Rahu and both Saturn and Mars.

I admire and care deeply for that woman. How is it possible that she´s not only up and wandering about, but she has never been into drugs nor alcohol (except for the bad habit of smoking a few cigaretttes a day, or at least she used to), but functioning well as a mother and in society? She´s a wedding photographer, with a very mothering energy that often makes the brides seeking her support during the wedding. She grew up in a very poor family, both economically and cultural wise; both parents alcoholic, her father died of alcoholism when she was only 11. She was taken care of at 9, brought to a catholic institution and raised by nuns...

Her 12th lord Mercury is in decent dignity and have good Dig Bala, but I don´t think that´s enough to make up for such a degree of shaming and starvation. Her Moon is in the 10th house, so even though it has a fantastic chesta I wastes it energy a lot.

Now: as said, I have a shamed Jupiter too, so the fact that the two of us managed to raise two basically healthy kids amazes me. I can´t say that they didn´t get hurt at all; the elder has Ma/Sa shaming each other in the 5th for example. But still, they are doing fine. And there is nothing extreme about them, despite both parents having a shamed Jupiter. They blend in fine wherever they go.

So I start to thinking about saving graces. And I wonder how they can be seen in the chart, IF they can be seen, or if there are moments of divine intervention that are not described by astrology.

In my case the CoT could explain some of it: 5S on the Jupiter position is a wonderful, life saving card, and AS on the Moon card give you survival skills. 7H on the Mars cards helps you to deal with emotional hardship, and 7D on the Mercury set the expectations low.

As for my ex I just don´t know, she was born at night on January 1st, so she has no BC that we know of. I always saw her as a KS. Those are sturdy!

A clear example of spiritual intervention: I was practicing chants, native American style, when my shamed Jupiter told me that it was meaningless, cultural appropiation, who do I think I am? etc bla bla... Shaming in 5th house: shamed self expression, shamed chants. One morning, in the very moment that I was questioning my chanting, "no point doing it", a dragonfly approached. The dragonfly was my power animal back during that period and I frozed and payed attention to it. It sat on my throat, right where my vocal cords are, and there it sat for at least two minutes. After that I have no doubt in my chanting. Spiritual intervention.

My point being: sometimes we get that little extra protection, that little extra help. Which we must remember as astrologers, I believe, and be careful predicing doom and gloom.

After all I think that is what spirituality is all about, to ask for God´s manifestation in our lives. We must encourage people not only to improve there avasthas through therapy and other ways, but also to PRAY! And force ourselves to BELIEVE - ESPECIALLY with a bad Jupiter!

Now, is there a way of seeing this in our charts? In the Vargas, to a degree, I guess. As for me I have Vargottama on both Moon and the Lagna, maybe that can explain some of the protection I always seem to have had. But my ex?

I´m sorry for a long post, but for anyone that has read it all: I think it´s important to take the horoscope with a grain of salt, leaving a space for miracle and divine involvement. Everything that it shows will manifest, but it does not have to be a death sentence. Some people seems to be the favourite of the Gods - i.e. having the merit to get away a little easier, not living through the worse experience of that avastha. And I do believe that my ex is one of them. She´s very charming, in a heartfelt way, and have this special thing that she gets along both with women and men; she seldom gets jeaolus herself, and other women tend not to project envy on her. Doesn´t mean that she will not go through the hardships and that the avasthas are not going to manifest in her life, but there seem to be some helping gusts of wind in her life.

(What I wrote above about my ex´s charm and her sturdiness and amazing survival skills make me wonder whether she´s not a KS after all. / JH on the Uranus card for charm / But she was born on January 1st at 1.30 AM. Hm...)


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We humans always over-focus on what is "wrong" (challenging, painful, uncomfortable, whatever)  and take for granted everything that is going "right". It's what makes us so progressive, creative and good at problem-solving. It's also what makes us so whiny and mentally disturbed lol. If dogs could talk who do you think would have more to complain about - a teenager raised in a normal middle-class family who just got a spot on their face or was tagged in an unflattering photo on Instagram, or a dog who has only 3 legs, sleeps outside but has enough food to survive 😉 

All that to say - yes, I do believe we all have many "saving grace" combinations in our charts. Vargottama Moon and Lagna certainly sound nice. Benefics in angles always help, I reckon. Any proud planet, any delighted avasthas. Strong Jupiter. Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas. Positive PV yogas comes to mind, too. Planets with high dig bala. 
