I recently saw a video on the composer Gustav Mahler, who was presented as extremely tyrannic and unpleasant as a conductor. With PAC in my mind I found it interesting, of course - what could make a person express such a discontent with his fellow musicians, even when they performed at the absolutely highest level (the Wiener Philharmonic Orchestra, nothing less)?
And indeed... First of all he has the Moon in the lagna, so a musician. Sun in the 5th, so a leader in the creative game. AK Mars in the 11th, exalted and obviously with good Dig Bala.
So far so good!
But his 6th house doesn´t make anyone happy. It has Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in it, with Ketu. So all the adult planets are ashamed. Saturn is starved by the Sun (for being in Leo), so conflicting parental voices that I guess explain a lot about his (according to the video I saw) tyrannic leadership and discontentment with his colleagues. His BK is the Sun, which has only good avasthas to it, so that does not explain it.
His lagna lord Jupiter is severely beaten up by 60 varupas of starvation by both Mercury and Venus, AND being starved and shamed by Saturn.
At the same time his Moon, Sun and AK Mars are more or less good, so the contradiction between his light and his dark side is evident.
6th house with shame, Look at Gordon ramsay chart, it's a bit similar, at work he is a belligerent, shamed planets in the 6th, 6th house is competition from your 4th (happiness). In the PAC course Ernst mention that 6th is your mother not being here for you as you are in a 3rd from your home, maybe we could interpret that as the 3 of spade, getting out of the cocoon, it's dangerous, nobody help me feel better as I'm getting out on my own and it feels dangerous that nobody care for my emotional health.