Hi Ernst,
Brilliant work on the PAC! I'm truly grateful for your efforts putting this massive course together for us. In my opinion, it should be listed as an advanced course because of the deep level it goes into specifically to understand our consciousness, diving even deeper into changing what's in the sub/unconscious.
I would like to bring attention to other very good books on the subject that can benefit others also diving into this course. I have personally used the following books and feel they will be worth looking into.
- Metaphysical Anatomy by Evette Rose (This is a massive book that was suggested to us in the hypnosis course that I took years ago and have found it very useful when working with clients. It offers questions for exploration. It has been very helpful especially for "hard" cases to uncover the probable deeper root cause.)
- Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman (I love how practical and easy to understand this book makes the connection between feelings and thoughts. The instructions are straightforward.)
If I think of any others, I will come back and add them.
One question still remains for me after the last class on the therapies for each of Parent, Child, Adult Mind.
How can we tell which is the strongest mind in the person via the chart or rather what is making them have the most issues? Is it based on the combination of the different strengths (Cheshta, Uccha, Dig)? Is it based on the Avasthas that are most damaging? Is it based on the most delighted planet or in best dignity? This one seems to be counterintuitive, but perhaps due to a proud planet getting harmed by an enemy, it may be the reason the person is getting stuck in certain situations. Or is it based on all of these factors combined?
Thanks again for this impressive, advanced course! 🙂
We figure out the dominant mind by examining all the avashtas, that's what today's video was on actually. so please watch that when I get it up.
I don't agree fully with your opinion Suzan, I think the Pac course is quite simple, at least it can be. And they are also advanced technique in it but most of it is simple, at least for now. But when you are advanced yourself you can dig deeper in it.
Like for example I think I watch the video where he explains the house in the context of the PAC at least 10 times. And each time I discover something new. But the video itself is simple. Just like Card reading.
I think if someone is new to astrology, they can use the PAC course too. It's not like the advanced rectification course at all. This was the only course I couldn't really follow completely and Jaimini. Maybe the difficulty in PAC is that you can see your own problems and that can be a emotionally intense if you never did any kind of self healing, but the books can help with that. And Ernst video are quite healing themself, like you can sleep on it, but that's my opinion I did so many self hypnosis work I feel right at home there (my 11th 4th parvitana is probably the cause of that)
But the Pac if you read the books and do all the proper initiation, meaning you take the time to digest each part slowly then it's quite easy.
And Ernst take the time in each video to make you remember what each planets correspond. So if you take the Avastha course at the same time like a supplement it's an easy course, there no need to dig deep if one doesn't feel he can understand the harder part yet. And I think the point of the course is to take it one step at a time so everyone can take that course from their own level. If one feel it's too hard just watch the first videos again or practice on charts until you get it.
On the hypnosis front I can recommend Igor Ledochowski course "Beyond self hypnosis". This is probably the best course I have found with hypnosis. He combined many things including mindfulness. It's not easy to describe the course itself though but as you follow it you can relate more your feeling to your memory. So everything you encounter in your life feels easier to do as you can understand why you start to feel bad and how it can related to your past experience, how you mind is actually using your past memory to feel things. In the video 96 I think Ernst talk about the same thing. In that video he was explaining how he overcame a simple knee problem and how our body is tougher than we think. He overcame the problem by understanding the feeling or feeling the emotions he didn't want to.
Igor Ledochowski goes through the same thing but with his technique he does it in his imagination first. Like let's say you have problems driving, you put yourself there in your imagination, the different there is that he took many different self healing technique and put them together in order to always have an anchor to earth so that you don't end feeling paranoid or delusional. Those exercice improve memory, help you deal with stress, help you visualize, help you get in touch with your feeling, and learning at an advanced rate if you master all the step he goes through. I used it to practice dancing in my mind though I don't master it completely. I also use it to mental rehearse astrology, like it would be great to teach the kala software itself like Nikola Tesla did while inventing his machines, but that would be the most advanced part of the course. But I think it would be possible to teach your brain to emulate the Kala software in your brain. I was starting to work on that but I'm just at the beginning there. But it would be great to have an holographic picture of Kala in your mind at your disposal when ever you want to.
And also with that technique I hypnotised even the most unhypnotizable people, it feels like failure to hypnotise with that technique he teach is impossible, because it adapts to anyone rate of learning and healing his past trauma at the same time.
Also wanted to add in respect to what is the strongest mind. We have that in two contexts, strongest healthiest mind, or strongest pathalogical mind. WHen I say strongest, I am usually referring to the strongest pathalogical mind. Which means a very hurt child mind, a parent mind holding many wrong ideas, or a non functioning adult mind.
In respect to healthy, a strong child mind a person feels happy. No need to do anything. A strong parent mind, a person does what they think they should and it works out. A strong adult mind, a person lives life at the fullest and grows and learns and has a life of surprises.
Her's the catch, if a person has a poor adult mind, it has to be due to some affliction of the child mind to the adult planets mercury and venus, so in that case, they can't have a healthy child mind as its afflicting the adult mind. Essentially if the adult planets are not healthy its just not possible for the child mind to be healthy. That's a very important point! What this means is that its impossible for the child mind to feel safe, secure and fulfilled unless the adult planets are doing their job and a person is self-reliant in purpose/jupiter, taking care of thier emotions/venus, and figuring out what to try/Mercury.