Hi @ernst and friends,
While going through the PAC video 97 Therapy for parent, adult, child minds, I just had a flash of connection that the left hemisphere of the brain is connected with the parent mind and right hemisphere with the child mind.
In multiple healing modalities that I have tried in my self healing journey, for example EMDR(eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) to process traumas, and Psych-K to reprogram subconscious beliefs, there is a focus balancing the left and right hemisphere of the brain. These modalities work on the hypothesis that stuck unconscious beliefs and traumas are a result of imbalance between the hemispheres, as a result of events in the past not being processed consciously with both the hemispheres in a balanced way.
Which gave me the above flash of connection about child mind possibly being the imbalanced right hemisphere, adult mind being the imbalanced left hemisphere, and when we are using both the hemispheres in a balanced way, we are in the adult mind. Maybe not exactly in this way but there seems to be some connection. Thoughts?
Yes, your on to it.
There’s a great book called The Whole Brain Child that goes into right vs left and upstairs brain vs downstairs and how to keep it all connected with parenting examples.
@ernst So it turns out that ida nadi corresponds to the right(child) brain and pingala to the left(parent) brain. It makes sense that it all eventually comes down to breath, or the flow of prana within. I have Sa-Mo conjunction, so both parent and child mind afflicted and no wonder Kriya yoga and nadi shodana(anulom vilom/alternate nostril) pranayama have been very helpful in my healing journey, since both of them help balance and heal the ida and pingala nadis.
That makes me think pranayama can be a great practical remedy to heal our PAC issues, as they will work on a deeper level and provide healing at a level that's very close to the root cause, rather than surface level fixing -
Parent and Child mind planets both afflicted - nadi shodhana(anulom vilom) pranayama
Child mind afflicted - Chandrabheda pranayama
Parent mind afflicted - Suryabheda pranayama
The later two probably need a little more testing, since I feel more confident of Chandrabheda pranayama for an afflicted Moon(feminine) and Suryabheda for an afflicted Sun(masculine), just not sure about when Mars(masculine child mind) and Saturn(feminine adult mind) are afflicted, since they have opposite gender polarities.
Also, need to see here if and how pranayama can help afflicted adult planets. So Nadi Shodhana pranayama will help with balancing both the hemispheres of the brain thus healing child and adult minds, and giving the person more space to respond through an adult mind. Not sure, how this can be linked to individual afflicted adult planets though.
Would love to know your thoughts.
A few years ago, while I was doing my yoga teacher training, I came across an excellent course on Pranayama by Gary Kraftsow. His teachings are grounded in the principles of Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda.
In this course, he explains three approaches to pranayama practice:
1. Brahmana: Energizing and masculine
2. Langhana: Calming and feminine
3. Samana: Balancing
The course goes beyond just focusing on left or right nostril breathing, emphasizing the importance of the correct threshold in the practice. The stages of breath—Inhalation, Retention, Exhalation, and Suspension—are key to this approach. Along with these breathing techniques, the course also includes asanas that support and enhance pranayama practice.
I highly recommend this course. I still use parts of these teachings in my daily practice or as needed. Gary also offers newer classes on his website, which I haven’t taken yet, but I assume they’re just as valuable.