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Video 16

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In Video-16, you had mentioned the following:

"The parent part is more focused about doing the right or wrong thing in the house that's closest to Ketu. And after Rahu maturation, it starts focusing on doing the right or wrong thing for the house closest to Rahu. I've got Rahu closer to my fifth house, which is a Saturn ruled house. After my Rahu maturation, my mind started wanting to do more and more right things in regards to my children than before."

1) As Rahu is the 7th house in Pisces, the closest parent signs are Capricorn and Aquarius - the 5th and 6th houses respectively.
- Did you mention the 5th house as Mo (the child mind ) is present there?
- How did the 6th house of Aquarius play out during that time as it is the closes to Rahu?

2) Do we divide the chart as a Rahu half and a Ketu half? If so, how?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

no, child mind is not present in 5th. i d d not talk about any mind being more present in any particular house. so in that case, both 5th and 6th houses will be more parental mind guided after rahu maturation. 

yes, take the rahu side and ketu side with the dividing line 90  degrees from the nodes. 
