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Is that good...

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I would be grateful to get feedback for a Prasna Chart I created. Please see attachment.

We looked at a flat that we consider to rent and I asked the question if its good to move to that flat that we looked at. This Chart is actually very powerful, interesting. Does this suggest that its good to rent that flat? The Lagna and 4th house are strong with their Lords in it but the signs are moveable signs. What does that mean?


Kind regards

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Would you be open to share the tropical chart for that same moment you did the Prashna, or would you prefer help with interpretation from sidereal astrologers? 

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Hello Mirela, usually I am using the sidereal way of looking at things but I am open to hear you if you are willing to say something. I will attach the tropical chart with the Ayanamsa and settings Ernst advices. Additionally you can enter the Chart also, the dates I used are in the original chart I posted. City is "Wurzen" (strange name :-)), Country Germany, September 8 2020. 

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Cool, Have you had the chance to take Ernst's FREE class on Prasna yet? I think it's only 2 hours long! It is awesome and very revealing ...that may just answer you question and then you can compare the sidereal vs tropical ... I use this technique combined with the Tajika prashna and I am extremely happy with the results 🙂


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Thank you. I have not heard it. I will listen. Good tipp.

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Karaka for land/property Mars is sitting securely in Aries. He is recieving rashi aspect from a benefic Venus who is an enemy, yet he is still secure. I don't know if karaka for land/property can apply for renting, but I am sure there is some association. 

Waxing moon in the 4th sitting in its mulitrikona recieving rashi aspect from benefic friend mercury could be great for home. 

The 4th sign is ruled by a benefic, and its ruler Venus is sitting in Leo, which is fine (neutral). He is getting rashi aspect from malefic Saturn who is in its own sign and a friend (helps), and a benefic Jupiter who is in debilatation and an enemy (doesn't help). Venus also recieves rashi aspect from benefic friend mercury so because of that overall I think Venus wins. 

Jaimini says the best combo for home is Moon and Venus joining or aspecting the 4th from swamsa. Although I am not using the 4th from swamsa here, I can see that both Moon and Venus are related to the 4th here, so it could be good, especially the moons pleasant placement.  

Please correct me if I messed some things up, as I am still learning. 

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Hello, thanks for the reply and analysis. I appreciate. I cant say if you messed something up because I know little about Prasna but it sounds good. 

Again, thank you.
