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Prasna question - dont know how to name the titel of the question 🙂

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Ernst Wilhelm
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We make the change internally. God makes any changes externally. Its foolish to wish for those changes to be better. Maybe they will be, if that is what will help your growth more, but maybe god will say, wow, great job, lets take it to another level and give you a stronger dose of medicine. What I am saying is that our only option is to use our will inwardly. What happens after that is not upto us anymore than being created by god was upto us. Yes, generally, its giong to be a better experience, but if you are a kali devotee, maybe not! BUt then, if you are Kali devotee, you don't want it to be nicer down here. 

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Ah, I think I get it now. It goes back to being a karma yogi: You're entitled to action, but not (any particular) fruits. And it all ties in with Mars and fighting the internal battle rather than the external one.

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Posted by: @ernst

if you are a kali devotee, maybe not! BUt then, if you are Kali devotee, you don't want it to be nicer down here. 

I am curious about the reference of being a Kali devotee. I love Shiva, so want to understand the difference. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@manisha A Siva devotee, according to Jaimini astrology, is someone who is moving their inner sun, Siva, around their inner zodiac, the spinal chakras, to speed up their evolution and bright their energy upto the higher centers. This is a yogic technique and Siva is the lord of the yogis for this reason. A siva devotee understands that evolving this way will destroy all their needs and attachments to all things of this world and they embrace that process as a result. 

A Kali devottee has experiences to go through that are extremely important for their evolution. THey usually are not aware of this, they are just trying to survive events that they could never have imagined. These events transform them and raise their spiritual energy through pain building up until it will either kill the person or shift into a higher center at which point it is not painful anymore. Pain is just energy, when that energy shfits to another center, it wont be expereinced as something painful. Its experienced as something painful when in the lower three centers, in the upper three centers that same energy is a completely different experience.

all spiritual paths are about raising the energy from the lower centers to the higher and this is how these two Devotees do it. 

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Thank you for that explanation. It explains a lot.

I can’t call myself a Siva devotee as I don’t do rituals, and I am definitely not a yogi, and I don’t know anything about moving the inner sun around the zodiac. But Siva’s image pops into my mind every now and then ever since I was a teenager, and I feel at peace whenever I think of him.

I would say my life has been more that of a Kali devotee. Even though I have never worshipped her, I have always felt the chaos within me and seen it affect others when I have not been able to contain it within myself.

But I can see now how one needs the other to balance each other out - Kali’s frenzy with Siva’s stillness. 

If I want to understand this more, for example, what a Vishnu or a Durga or any other devotee is working with, what’s the best way to do that?

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@manisha all that is covered in the first jaimini audio course.

Ernst Wilhelm
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What about the role of the Astrologer as arbiter of divine will in the current of the free will of the client seeking an answer which has some connection to truth?  Does the querent's surrender (initial, potential, intended or actual) to a response from the Universe by going to an Astrologer implicate that in whatever the nature of their query there is the potential to actualize a shift in the karmic chain?  Even if they follow the dictates of the chart and receive some painful or negative result doesn’t knowing itself have some teaching quality?  Is there the capacity and merit to know particular effects independent of being able to change them?  And if enough knowing occurs could that cause a final shift in the chain (winning internal battle) and thus break one open to higher levels and altered destinies?  This leads me to raising questions about the actual process of consultation.  I have similar frustrations, but wonder if changes and innovations in the method of relaying the information could actualize this harmonizing potential, any thoughts about this?

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