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Prasna question - dont know how to name the titel of the question 🙂

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Ernst Wilhelm
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What an astrologer says really depends on their philosophy. If a client asks me, should I do th is. I will look to see what they will do based on the chart. Then I will look at the consequences, and say, the consequences of doing this will result in this, do you think you should do it? and whatever they say, i find its what the chart is saying that they actaully end up doing it. I have had people say, okay, i better not do it then... but they do it anyway. I have had people say, you are right, this is not a good idea, but I can feel that its what I am going to do! So when i talk to clients i talk differently then i talk to you all asking a question. The client wants to live in an environment of some illusion, so I will answer their question according to their wording, but in reality, I know that if i read the chart right, its whats going to happen and that's what I tell you all when I get such questions. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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In response to the person who said that astrology is  usless and that it has confirmed their darkest fears about reality is that that in addition to free will there is god's will. We have free will on the level of the internal battle within ourselves. we do not have free will to change the outside because doing so would change the destiny of others as well and thats really asking to much of a humble little human. God's will, on the other hand, can change destiny. And i dont mean god as some divine human formed being that being like to envision. I mean God, the entire machine of conscious intelligent energy that is dwelling in everything. This force is the foundation of all our destinies and its arranged in such a way as to follow the dictates of our charts. Its arranged that way to give us the experiences that we need hand in hand with everyone we meet to confront ourselves - if we choose to use our free will to do so. If we do confront ourselves, and win battles against ourselves then we have a completely different relationship with the internal divine energy within us that creates a wave throughout creation of divine will that may have a completely different plan than it had previously because the need to experience certain situations is no longer necessary because they would no longer be incentives to internally confront oneself and what will happen, we can't say, we don't get to say. We just see what the divine has planned for us, just as we always have. 

So if we use our free will where it exists, on the internal battle, what will happen on the outside is impacted not just by our charts, but by the will of the conscious all pervading energy. So the way to change our future, is to fight the internal battle. We don't get to say how it will change, what the results will be. But they will be different and if we don't need the hard knocks to wake up to ourselves, the divine will will not waste energy giving those to us. The divine is extremely efficient. It does not waste a drop of energy.  

So use astrology to win the internal battle.


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Hi Ernst,

There's something I still don't fully understand in this context and I would love if you could shed some light onto this for me.

From what I understand we have the free will to change ourselves internally, but not to change the outside world. However, it seems to me that, when we change things internally, this can have real and significant ramifications in the outside world. So don't we change the course of destiny when we do manage to fight the internal battle?

Here's a concrete example to illustrate what I mean:

A woman has low self-worth and her self-image is marked by self-hatred. In romantic relationships she attracts partners who physically and emotionally abuse her, one of whom she marries and has children with. Her children suffer as a result. Her family is estranged from her because the husband has isolated her. She doesn't work or build her own ressources as a result of the man being controlling.

She works on her self-worth, develops self-love, and one day she says "enough" to the husband. She packs her bags, takes her children, and removes herself from this situation.

She's fought the inner battle, but has also changed the outside world. Her children now grow up with a happier mother, they are no longer exposed to daily violence. They learn it's ok to leave and say "no", they see the cycle of abuse having been broken. Her extended family starts talking to her again. She goes out and gets a job to make money and makes a contribution at some company. Her inner change is reflected in the outside world and changes the course of other people's lives.

When she's ready to date again, she find someone who reflects her new self-worth and self-love, respects her and treats her well. She's learned her lesson, the divine is no longer sending her that lesson of learning to love herself. But by using her will to change her inner life, she's changed the future and caused a ripple in the world. So don't those two (internal and external change) go hand in hand? And don't we indeed have the power to change the outside world then?

Or is it that whenever we are able to make internal changes that are reflected on the outside, it is really God's will happening? When we are able to use our willpower to achieve anything isn't that just God's will working through us and we are left with the illusion that it's our individual consciousness' will?

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And sometimes life really really doesn´t give you any option, like when my kid broke a leg and I was forced to spend the whole long summer although I was very aware about that being a bad idea. Then it´s tempting to think it´s the gods playing their tricks on us, but some way it´s our internal struggle manifesting that way anyway......... Doesn´t matter how many reasons life gives you to say "I was set up"; you did it yourself.


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Posted by: @meyes

I was very aware about that being a bad idea.

Of what being a bad idea?

What did you do to yourself?

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@mitryendra80 Trying to coexist in a dependent way for several weeks (staying in their house) was a bad idea.

I had not healed my bad relationship with my parents enough. So the wounds still manifested in an outer way.


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@meyes Who's house? Your parents'?

You said you were "forced" to spend the whole long Summer somewhere.


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@mitryendra80 In my parents´summer house, yes.

Forced by conditions. I live in another country and was visiting. My kid broke a leg and couldn´t get aboard an airplane for 10 weeks. My possibility to find a practical solution during summer was quite limited, so when my father humbly asked me to come and stay with them, I accepted. My mother was not behind the request though, and hell broke lose. But it would still have been hard to avoid, given the circumstances. It would be a fantastic film script, I promise! Bizarre! Poor kids. I did what I could; but with a shamed Jupiter in the 5th house, what can you do?


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