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Easy Ascendant rectification with Ketu house.

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I have been doing some video on celebrities and I found much easier than expected to find which house ketu is in when I don’t have the birth time. Some house are harder to guess though, the 4th and the 10th

With someone who have done a lot of movies it seems quite easy to guess which house Ketu is in. For example Christian Bale we don’t have his birth time, but his movies themes are almost all around the 6th house, sometimes it’s in the 12th but still with a lot of 6th house connotation. I’m quite surprised how much most movies someone does is related to his ketu house.

To be sure which house it is, it’s easier to have a lot of movies to confirm but sometimes it seems obvious. For example in the new TV series House of Dragon, the main character Matt Smith seems to be linked to the 8th house; the way his life unfold in the series has too much 8th house connotation, I confirmed it with his quotes and interview just to be sure. Also the more you do it the easier it becomes as they gives a lot of clues when they talk, or with their life experience.


Not everyone is as easy though, people with the moon near the eclipse point are harder to guess. Also people with an exalted Rahu house seems to go much more in that house than most people, making it harder to guess which house their Ketu is in. I tried to guess Andrew Garfield, and I would have put his Ketu in the 9th or 3rd, but it’s in the 10th But I was doing it completely blind, I didn’t even look at his birth date.


Sometimes when I don’t have enough information I guess the house next to the one it’s in. Because the house which are close have very similar themes to me. For example ketu in the 2nd and 1st usually makes someone self centered, reliable, “spiritually” oriented, like to help others but have a hard time being social, going out, doing crazy “unholy” things. The opposite is true for the 7th and 8th. For example in the series Lucifer the themes of hell is quite prevalent for the main character, which seems to be ketu in the 7th house, but someone could miss it for the 8th as it can be similar in a way. His girlfriend in that serie seems to have ketu in the 1st but one could miss it for the 12th or 2nd.


Depending on the Sign Ketu is in, it can be easier or harder to guess, for example ketu in Pisces seems to give a lot of clues compared to the other sign, they seems to be more open to talk about their life. On the opposite side Leo seems harder to guess, for example the main character in the Series “100” I’m still not completely sure her ketu is in the 3rd house. Ketu in the 7th seems to hide personal details a lot more which in itself is a clue for the 7th house for me now.


Getting experience doing that with movies I was able to guess some of my friends ketu house and the more I do it the easier it becomes. The first question I asked myself now is which axis it would be closer, for example is it close to the 1st , 4th, 7th, or 10th After doing that first step it’s easier to guess the others parts, the first step is the hardest for me.
