Nodal return experi...
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Nodal return experiences

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I hope I´m not spamming the forum; but hey, reading each post is optional...

I have my third nodal return on November 2, so the upcoming solar eclipse is really going to effect me. I´ve also got Jupiter and Uranus within range, and Mars within 10 degrees of the Sun, so it will be interesting. In case anyone wonders why I´ve been talking so much about the 5th house lately, it´s in my 5th.

Meanwhile my wife goes through her inverted nodal return; Ra on Ke and vv. Rahu and the Lagna on the degree of the Sun, Moon 2 degrees away...

I wonder about everyone´s nodal experiences. Amit told us quite an interesting experience in a commentary to Ernst´s video on You Tube..

The nodal return motivates us to do big adjustments, right? And life tends to set us up for them, so that we are given possibilities that earlier have been blocked? While the inversed transit rather obliges us to take responsabilities, it´s more like a bondage experience. This is what I have understood and also what I have experienced myself. It´s my third nodal return so I should know by now...


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Hi Staffan, I had my nodal return exactly this month last year, and my north node is in 5th house. Ernst had also done a video on an eclipse around that time, and his prediction of a breakthrough was correct. I had been struggling with income for some time, and just slightly after the north node return, and the eclipse, one of the video games I was writing music for ended up getting published, after which I received a big pay upgrade, and a good amount of work. It was literally the best thing ever. Like taking a hot bath after being freezing cold. I saw your post about solo musicians and 5th house as well. I can tell you I never made any money from being in bands, but I have made money with music on my own. 

Right now with this lunar/solar eclipse cycle I have my 4th/1st lord in the 4th (for the lunar), and 10th cusp (for the solar) effected within a few degrees, so it will be interesting to see what happens this time around. All in all it seems external events tend to happen a few weeks after the trigger point of the returns/eclipses for me. 

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@codydeboer That´s encouraging. I recently lost most of my income. My wife works and have a decent income, so no big deal in the shortterm perspective. But I need to get back in the saddle. 

I feel really low in energy right now and my skin is irritated. I guess both are good signals. Healing, renovation.


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Hi Staffan,

With the Rahu/Ketu Return, the emphases is on the house Rahu transits to and  there is then an OVER emphases on the Rahu natal position. We go too much towards Rahu and loose ourselves a little bit. We´ll loose our strength and security of Ketu.

With the opposition/inversion of the nodes in transit, Rahu is back on Ketu and Ketu on natal Rahu. Transital Rahu will then emphasize more Ketu and you´ll deemphazise  some things of Rahu´s natal house. The inversion will produce a kind of shifting the balance of the nodes to better. And one realises that Rahus position was excerted to an extreme before.

That´s what I understood.



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@tamarap That´s interesting. Is this Ernst´s teaching or from whom did you get it? My understanding - for what it´s worth, and I´m not discussing with you - is that it´s a more positive thing, maybe I look at it from the Ketu perspective: A release, a letting go of old patterns. But I don´t know. (The full return that is, not the reversed, that I believe is more like a check, whether we are doing things right or not.)

Anyway I don´t feel well right now, low energy, no joy, but I guess it´s part of the process of letting go.


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@staffan Hi! These are part of the notes I recently did from one of Ernst courses about Rahu and Ketu. Unfortunately I don´t remember the title of that video! Hopefully you´ll be better soon!

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@staffan Hi Staffan, I had my third nodal return at the beginning of the covid period on the 9th april 2020, very low energy, I experienced/allowed bossing and left the job some months later, end of the year I left a guru, I had intense dreams showing me the path, especially what´s wrong for me, one year later I moved to another place, physical ailments - only nature and meditation could really help me ... today I know it was all worth it because I had to make that inner shift Ernst so often talked about (Jupiter card 8 of spades, Ra with Sun in the 2nd house) and I am still on the way, but I feel so much lighter and so relieved ... even with all that flooding around me, I feel safe and blessed.

I´m sure it´s part of the process of letting go of what´s not (for) you. By feeling connected to earth and heaven in our bodies it makes sense, as multidimensional beings not only bound to the material world that sooner or later might collapse ... but our inner guide takes over and leads us and we may trust - so far my experience

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@mirasol Very nice... Yeah, as I said my Ketu return / November 2/ comes with and Eclipse / October 3 / and indeed, I feel like being sucked into a black hole, kind off. I feel ready for it though, I really want to give up stuff, get crushed if necessary, and start over. 


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End of 2021 was my inverse nodal return.
A couple of coincidences opened the opportunity to move to another country. I did it. Pretty soon one of them resulted fake and so quite many problems to deal with.
Since them I am observing eclipses and I've noticed at those times I tend to have some extra courage to take important decisions.
And somehow life manages to make it in a way that I realise the effect of the eclipse only afterwards. As if the eclipse is boiling some energy inside me that eventually creates a movement. And only later on I can see what chess move I've done.

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I'm going to be having my exact nodal return this December, however I've considered the entire transit of the nodes in Aries/Libra beginning in July 2023 as my nodal return. I was born a day after a lunar eclipse, so the upcoming solar south node eclipse in Libra will be hitting near my Sun and Ketu in my 2nd house. Currently feeling better than I have physically in a long time, but as Cody mentioned in another post, finances/money coming in hasn't been great for a long time. My 8H Rahu is currently not worried about it though, so we'll see how I feel in December haha.

EDIT: Just realized that the solar south node eclipse on Oct 2 will give me my design nodal return in human design (gates 18.3/17.3) given that the unconscious (red) nodes have to do with the physical body itself, it makes sense that I felt a difference physically in the lead up to this eclipse.

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@kam I agree, a nodal return is a long process of course. The transit itself can be seen as the culmination I guess. And any eclipse that hits close to it as a trigger

Good luck, hopefully there will be something in the wallet when you check in January, if not before.

