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placement of lords from nodes

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Hi @Ernst

It looks like in the new Rahu Ketu course, you don't mention about assessing difficulty of healing Rahu and Ketu judging from position of lords. You still consider them relevant? I have a client whose Rahu and Ketu both are in 11th from the nodes. What does this say? 


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Hi @Samyak, do you mean Rahu and Ketu's lords are both in the 11th from the nodes? I don't know about Ernst's position on this but I've heard that you can judge the dignity of Rahu and Ketu by the dignity of their Lords. For example, Rahu in Sagittarius and Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn would make it a more difficult Rahu. I don't believe Ernst considers Rahu and Ketu to be debilitated in Scorpio/Taurus. I never heard anything re: number of signs from the nodes had an impact. I think the most important is to understand the dynamics of Rahu and Ketu's placements in the houses and, ultimately, the signs. For example, Rahu in the 4th and Ketu in the 10th is particularly challenging because Rahu is extroversion and moving forward in a house that's introversion and related to the past/foundational while Ketu is more introversion and linked to the past in an extroversion/action oriented house. I have this combo so I can relate, that's why I move forward with things from the past like astrology;). Hope this helps! Mona

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Hi Mona

 I have the same position,- you helped me too about Ketu, but I’m curious how do you live extrov. rahu in introv. 4th?

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@stellaris Yeah, Mona is good! 🙂 Mattias

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yes, I see and think so too!????????

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Hi Mona

 I have the same position,- you helped me too about Ketu, but I’m curious how do you live extrov. rahu in introv. 4th?

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@stellaris The issue with Rahu in the 4th is that we're disconnected from our feelings and not able to recognize the "first" feeling or the feeling at the root of all others. We're "clueless" in a way. I think we're also scared of it so we rush into doing instead of being. Like Ernst said, we need to put duck tape on our mouth and stop talking about our feelings and feeling them instead for what they are, not even meditating because that turns into doing but just sit there and be. So I do that and try to be as honest as possible with myself as I can, as well as Yoga Nidra and also, the Alexander Technique which becomes an embodiment way of living by being aware of our posture and tensions. Also, very basic but finding happiness in being at home, with my family, and realizing that is enough, that I don't need to define myself by what I do (Ketu). Being content with "just" that. And, using that stability found in the heart (4th house) to deal with the chaos of life and move forward, eye of the storm idea. And then I had postpartum when my son was born and I had no choice but to face my demons without being able to do much about it.

I think the sign it's in becomes important as well (in Sagittarius for me) so finding that fire and trusting my intuition is also what I need to work on. So, putting a Rahu extroverted energy into that is key I think. Would love to hear your take / own experience on that!  


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@mona As you know I have the same axis and I am working on ALL of this too right now. I loved hearing it put into your words. I forgot if you have gone through your Rahu maturation already, or not? I am in my Rahu birthing year (41) and am in Moon-Rahu dasha so I am in it!

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@rhiannon I just turned 46! So, am all good ????????

In my Rahu Dasa (if you calculate it Dhruva Galactic Center), started in 2017 and in Ra/Ra until August 2020. Ernst says Ra/Ra will destroy that house, and we've had huge issues re: house renovations, including losing money to a contractor-thief. We've sued and it is still not resolved after pouring more money into attorney's fees. Hopefully Ra/Ju will be more generous (my Jup is in its own house in Pisces so am hopeful). All this to say that I had a triple whammy with Rahu maturation at the same time of Rahu/Rahu period. 

At the end of the day, I think working through Sagittarius stuff is the most critical for me at this point. Trusting my intuition and following my inspiration more than what I think I should do to fit in, it's the fire/air dilemma. Little things like not worrying about what people might think when I tell them I study and follow astrology. 

Feel free to share how things are going on your end;)


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@mona Ugh the house issues sound terrible. I can relate. I have had house/home issues my entire life. I remember Ernst saying that Rahu will give mold in the house and foundation problems and the house my family is in right now has both those things. i am hopeful though, that after Rahu maturation perhaps I will finally have the house of my dreams 🙂 I will check for "hidden" issues from now on! 

My Rahu is in Virgo so I have been focused on narrowing my work down. It is so spot on that with Ketu in the Pisces in the 10th house + near 11th cusp that i have had so many different jobs and even working the last five years as a healer I was doing 7 different modalities in my sessions and I always want to learn more lol! Learning about Rahu in Virgo has made me really just pick one and focus and leave the other stuff behind as I move forward. Also doing so much less as per Rahu in the 4th and moving into that feminine receptive energy. That shifted my life very quickly into a more positive direction and I was able to receive so much more. 

Also in regard to Rahu in the 4th I have shifted my focus almost completely into home and mothering for the time being during this Rahu maturation as that seems to be what is bringing the most harmony and balance to my life as my obsession with 10th house activities was way out of balance before 🙂 The great thing about Rahu in Virgo is that I am seeing fantastic results from apply myself intelligently in this house.

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@rhiannon Well, guess what type of renovation we are doing: our basement and what has been the hold up: finding a subcontractor willing to cut holes in our foundation! After about a year of an outdoor staircase leading to nowhere, our contractor finally found someone and we started yesterday and we now have a semi door! I never thought I would be happy about having a hole into the foundation of our house ... ever, and we almost popped a bottle of champagne last night but decided to wait until it's completed ????. Am fully relying on my husband's chart at this point ????. He's actually the one being optimistic and staying on course. So many symbols about what's hidden indeed. Thanks for reminding me of that foundation/mold thing (we've had water issues but no mold, just a tiny bit, but better to keep an eye on that too).

And yes, motherhood has definitely been a focus of mine as well, even though I resisted it a lot at the beginning. My son is more independent now that he's 11 but I also host a learning pod at my home with 3 of his friends and I really enjoy being at home around annoying 11-yr old boys ???? while studying astrology. 

It's great that you've figured out a way to work through Virgo. I can totally relate and get caught up into wanting to analyze too much when doing reading instead of focusing on one thing and one technique in. Ugh... It's a head spinner. But, I've realized Rahu and Ketu were my favorite topics and have recently decided to specialize in those readings exclusively (with Lajjitaadi Avasthas). I have a good vision of where I want to go now and, just that, helps my Sagittarius so much. 



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Dear Mona

thank you for your insights???? 

My rahu is in cancer, and i could imagine because of that he is more intro and more feely as an sagittarius-rahu.

I don’t feel disconnect from my feelings,- quite the opposite I nearly drown in my own feelings and these from others around me!  I’m high-sensitive and feeling myself very vulnerable and have issues to distinct between my own and the feelings from others around me. Its hard for me to stay with me, - maybe because my rahu-lord moon is in conjunction with neptun in 8.

How I experienced the extrovert rahu in the introvert 4th house?

Spontaniously I would say unrestlessness: I experience my family members and our family life many times as very extro: as extraloud, not rarely harsh, rude , very direct, individuell, intensive, every single member as magnifying, also sometimes near to toxic = nearly the whole rahu-program, but all of a loving, deep connected, in hard times or by problems one for each other caring floor.

My needs at home are opposite: I want to have a harmonic, relaxing mood in the hause, lovely, nicely behavior from each member and being together and so. I need a privacy (moon in scorpio) and not wildlife at home and often are people in, which I don’t know (open house)???? and so I feel myself sometimes as an stranger in my own home ...

Then I never feel 100% secure. Not because thieves or something like this, its about loosing my home and my privacy. It feels like there is not a right, supportive fundament. 

Or my motherhood: I really liked to care for and supported my kids when they are little and to make a orn for all of us, but I often felt cramped, unfree and limited.

There was always the pull to go outside in combination to have to be stay inside and there.
now I’m in the situation to could go when ever I want but love to stay at home and celebrate my privacy????

Have a nice evening!



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@stellaris Thanks for sharing;) Re: disconnected from feelings, I have Saturn in Cancer (which reinforces the disconnection), Moon in Virgo and Ketu in Gemini so, technically, I also have a Moon/Ketu conjunction (same lord), hence I can be very poker face when it comes to my feelings. Even my closest friends think of me as this super peaceful person. They don't know anything about the inner churning and I learned to find this very funny. 

Not distinguishing between your own feelings and others sounds like a Rahu thing. I also enjoy my home and privacy, hard to me to feel at home anywhere though. I've lived is many countries, starting at the age of 3. My family (husband + child) is established in the US but am originally from France, and I grew up in North Africa. I always want to move, my kid keeps me grounded here so, in a way, sense of losing my freedom like you but nothing feels more rewarding than seeing him grow up in an environment he is thriving in and surrounded by his friends (he has Sun/Ketu in Leo in 11th house, you can't touch his friends, even going away for a weekend feels like torture to him!). So, it sounds like "home" in an important topic for Rahu in the 4th.

Interestingly enough, with Rahu in Sagittarius, I could never find something that really fired me up and felt as purposeful as the study of Rahu and Ketu!! I find it the most fascinating part of Vedic astrology along the Lajjitaadi Avasthas. Loving the irony of this, Rahu's my home, LOL.

Would love to stay in touch as we journey through our Ketu-Rahu 😉



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Hello pokerface????

“Re: disconnected from feelings, I have Saturn in Cancer (which reinforces the disconnection), Moon in Virgo and Ketu in Gemini so, technically, I also have a Moon/Ketu conjunction (same lord), hence I can be very poker face when it comes to my feelings. Even my closest friends think of me as this super peaceful person. They don't know anything about the inner churning and I learned to find this very funny. “


I doesn’t have moon/ketu connections in rasi, - instead of having a pokerface I can’t hide my feelings very well and am more an “open Book” for people knowing me well. But my brother have moon/ketu and he is a master of pokerfacing too????

And yes, Saturn is the big disconnector also for me. He is my Ketu-lord, also house lord from the tenth and eleventh, retro, in his own sign and house and also my atmakaraka and I feel disconnect, strange and not round from all this society stuff. For me it’s like a realm with seven seals I didn’t really gotcha ...


“Not distinguishing between your own feelings and others sounds like a Rahu thing.”

I come from the western astrology, and therein neptune is the guy who is the big dissolver of our personal boundaries. With a conjunction between moon and neptune and a big influence from Rahu to my moon ( aspect, nakshatra-lord = and therefore my very first dasha-lord) I think these two  influences are merged and increased within me.


“I always want to move, my kid keeps me grounded here so, in a way, sense of losing my freedom like you ...”

I think that’s a different between sagittarius and cancer: Interestingly enough never felt at home in my native family and also country I found my home as a stranger in a foreign country! And differently than your experiences I didn’t have the wish to move but to stay in my founded home????


“Would love to stay in touch as we journey through our Ketu-Rahu ????

Would be a pleasure for me ????


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@stellaris Do you know what birthcard your are, Stellaris? In the CoT-system I mean.



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@meyes No, Mottias, I’m sorry. I heard about these cards, but I don’t look for that yet. Why do you ask?

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... and what does these card mean?????

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@stellaris  It´s an ockult tradition that is seemingly very old and that has been surfacing in recent (100 or so) years. It´s known as Destiny Cards, but Ernst dove into some years ago and discovered a way to arrange it according to the principles of Vedic astrology. That way a new discipline emerged, and he decided to call it Cards of Truth. It´s an astrological, that is time based system, that combines the wisdom of those cards with the further information that the cusps and planets bring into it. Ernst says it´s probably the most intuitive and easiest astrological system of them all; not as detailed as the complete astrology but a very good foundation for any astrology student. I suggest you look up Cards of Truth on youtube and there you´ll see.

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Dear mattias, thanks a lot for your explaination! Sounds very interesting and I will definitly have a look on it!

Are this cards eventuelly similar to the tarot? Asking because in Tarot I know my birthcard????

Have a great weekend!

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@stellaris Yes, there is a strong similarity between tarot and Cards of Truth. And Ernst explicitly uses the mayor arcana to mirror and give a deeper understanding of the numbers. Check this page:


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Dear Mattias

At first I bet a pardon for my late response.

I checked out this site and  I’m sure I have to go deeper into it???? It is not this huge realm like vedic astrology but too huge for me now.

Many years ago I studied tarot for some years before switching to western astrology and now I have the feeling the circle is closing ... thank you again????

Oh, now I know my birthcard, - its ace of spades! No clue, what it means, maybe you can give me a little insight?

I wish you a bright day


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@stellaris I believe the Ace of Spades is the astrologer’s card (!),  it’s the birth of “I”, very much a “who am I?” (on a physical, emotional, spiritual level) card. But, am sure Mattias has deeper insights than that 🙂 

The cards are great and I use it to complement astrology on very specific things when my intuition guides me to check it out. It allowed me to provide great additional insights. You can use it for Prasna and in complement to Varshaphala as well. But, it’s a long time commitment and challenging to do both astrology and CoT at the same time (for me at least because I was new at both). So, I’ve put it on the side for now and I know I can always ask Mattias for his insights if I need to ???? Hope this helps! Happy New Year!


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@stellaris A lot of my posts just disappeared and I get a 404 error page when I try to access them. I believe you asked me why the Ace of Spades was the astrologer's card. I did reply a couple days ago but, as I said, my stuff's disappeared. Not sure why, but here it is again: The Ace of Spades represents the seed that breaks the crust of the Earth, something unknown is becoming known. Therefore, it's considered the Astrologer’s card. It's a greater truth about ourselves that we were denying, or our strengths and weaknesses we discover about ourselves for example. It was always there but circumstances bring it out. Seeds cracking the ground represent the struggle to understand those unknown things. 

Let's see if this post sticks! 


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the same happened with me and also couldn’t log in ...

so thank you very much to repeat your post????

Now itˋsa little bit clearer for me!

“The seed cracking the ground represent the struggle to understand the unknown things”, yup, I describe????

Yesterday I watched some COT videos from Ernst and also from other guys and I really surprised about this profoundness!

Wish you a bright time!

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@stellaris never felt at home in my native country either, though now that am "Rahu mature", I feel more and more French and missing being there. Thanks for sharing! 😉

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@mona I have dual citizenship. My dad is French and he lives in Quimper, Brittany. I would love to live there. I feel more at home in France too. But don't ask about my language skills because my French is terrible!

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@rhiannon Awesome, I have never been to Quimper but I used to spend beautiful summers camping in Brittany with my besties when I was a teen;)

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@mona What region are you from?

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@rhiannon Am from Paris;)
