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Rahu info

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Most of the info available regarding Rahu is pretty scary considering it’s a super long dasa. Specially if positioned in 8th, 12th or with Maraka Graha and not in exaltation sign - where can we learn about the fine details for each subperiod?

 (I already examined the rahu in the cusps, healing rahu and ketu, mastering rahu & ketu)

one of the videos say that one’s main goal during rahu dasa is to keep yourself alive...I don’t want to scare people or be scared about that period - is it really that hard? I don’t want my mind cloudy for 18 years ???? 

the only close example I have is my mother’s- during her rahu she was VERY cunning and everything about her was confusing- still is but not at such degree - as soon as she started Jupiter dasa the change was very noticeable.
But I’ve also seen people getting extremely wealthy & successful.


Should it be examined according to its original position in the rasi or according to pada lagna? How much do nakshatras influence? 

Mine is in 12th house in Libra or chitra Nk , venus in 7th-  so that would possibly represent loss of partner (which I don’t have now) but there should be more meaning and a lot more events -if examined from my basic jaimini knowledge- it’s in the 3rd house from pada - different meaning...


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I enjoyed my Rahu dasha way way more than my current Jupiter Dasha. I remember Rahu Dasha being the best, most fun, and enjoyable time!!  Rahu is in the 5th aries, and its ruler mars is in Capricorn. 

Once Jupiter Dasha came, believe it or not slowly and gradually life started to eventually suck, lol. 



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Ohhhh!Hard to think on Jupiter not being helpful but I see that sometimes it’s not as supportive - I’ve also noticed that when successful rahu dasa comes at a young age there’s not sooo many highs in the next one which probably that’s the feeling you miss? Probably in your case it exalted all the fun things and now life seems a bit more flat  -

anyway,  I’m still not sure if rahu gives the results of its lord on each varga or the results of Saturn or its the transit  courses haven’t find enough examples of rahu dasas

My point is that there should be more fine details to interpret  it because I can not believe we are destined to 16 or 18 years of the same results, right? 

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Yes totally, I felt it was a very magical time of just enjoying the fun aspects of life, and then Jupiter Dasha felt like I was just working, working, working all the time towards my vision. I am at the end of my Jupiter dasha with Rahu antardasha and I feel completely burnt out. You would think a Rahu antar dasha would lend some energy, but I guess because its the Chidra dasha (final bhukti) things a winding down and closing up before entering the next big period. I wonder if my Saturn dasha will be similar to Rahu dasha if Rahu gives the results of Saturn. 

"My point is that there should be more fine details to interpret  it because I can not believe we are destined to 16 or 18 years of the same results, right? "

Well I thought that the Dasha was just the general vibe of the great period, and then the sub dashas and transits get the finer details and events. At the same time, I also would love to be able to go into greater details and modern interpretations of the dashas and their effects.


There is this for the bhuktis but maybe you have already read it, and yet it doesn't exactly describe much..



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@codydeboer I haven’t read it yet- I will. And yes, modern interpretations are required because fatalistic ones don’t help and one still has to work with what life provides 🙂 

thank you codyedeboer
