Rahu/Ketu and past ...
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Rahu/Ketu and past lives

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Ernst mention at the end of Video 57 in the Healing R/K course the possiblity of reading the past lives from the Ketu position.

Two thoughts about that... First it brought to me the idea that it would be great to form a Rahu/Ketu-study group. That would be one fun exercise to do together, guessing about past lives. But the activity in the Forum seems to be quite low; it´s seems to have become hard to form groups anymore. What do you think about it?

Also: Is there anyone willing and daring to guess about my past life experience? Ketu in Libra/5th house, Lord in Aquarius/9th? Was I an art dealer (probably poor)? Did I have a lot of kids, did I work with kids in a charitable way? Just curious...

Best regards


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Why poor?!? lol. That being said, I wouldn’t dare make any suggestions about your past life. I tell myself this lifetime is enough to handle, yet I keep being drawn to past life questioning. Nicole Brenner does past life consult I believe but within a specific time frame during the year. 

Obviously, I love the idea of a study group, assuming time allows, ugh. I’ll send you a PM. 


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Nah, not as a serious thing, I didn´t mean that. You are absolutely right Mona, this life gives more than enough material to work with.

Poor? Well, or a nobody in someway. Aquarius is contrary to the King´s sign Lion...


Yeah, study groups are great. The character yogas would be another theme, or Jaimini...


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I would be in the study group but i am going to take some months off of my astrology studies to work on my Rahu/Ketu after finishing the Healing R/K class soon.

I have Ketu in the 10th so I do way too much, lol!

I am going to practice Not-Doing for a while! 

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@rhiannon, Ketu in the 10th for me as well, in Gemini, so my security paradigm revolves around "everything is going to be ok if I understand everything" so I can get busy studying too and am feeling like a kid in a candy store between the astro and cards of truth videos heaven! Good luck with non-doing 😉 It's definitely not my strong suit. I've even just ordered Pluto by Jeff Greene ???????? 



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@mona Wow, in Gemini! That is a lot of activity. Yes, I too LOVE all of this busy studying and learning so it is hard to walk away. I will let you know how the non-doing goes after I experiment with it 🙂
