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The path

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Hi Ernst, 

Concentrating only on Rahu-Ketu and the Sun-Moon for the past 3 years, there have been layers upon layers of understanding and insights. Today was one such day. 

Rahu-Ketu is not the path of the soul, is it? It is the path of consciousness and evolution. But what is consciousness? It is the mind, isn't it, and all its different layers? 

It is the holding on to anything that makes sense within its limited understanding, and wanting to stay within those boundaries. Rahu-Ketu is the path where the mind is being awakened to reality, isn't it? And it's true potential if only it stops building more mind-castles and throwing up more smoke-screens?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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The soul has no path. People do not even have souls. Soul is the one unified field that is god. we are part of that. Our consciousness evolves to recognize that. We have three bodies, a physical, astral and causal. We come to realize those three bodies. what humans casually call soul is actually the causal body as that is the most close to god part of the self. but real soul is the sarvaatma, the all self. 

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Yes, one does not 'see' until one gets a glimpse of what can be, past the smoke screens. It is the mind being in control and yet not in control. The trick is to find the right balance and maintain the balance as time progresses. If not, one can be termed mentally insane by having no control over their mental faculties. On the other hand, too much control can make one close oneself off from what could be. And let's not forget that pesky Ego that always keeps regenerating itself to keep us off-balance, as if there is not enough to contend with in life. 

How wonderfully we hide ourselves from ourselves! The more intelligent the mind, the more complex the maze! 

Ernst Wilhelm
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yes, very much so. 

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Hi Ernst,


From what I understand, the window of god's free will is through resolving the bad Lajjitadi Avasthas.

Rahu-Ketu indicate the absolutely fated parts of life.

Other than resolving the bad Lajjitadi Avasthas, is there any other window to implement free will?

How does Rahu-Ketu become the most important problem to solve if it is absolutely fated, how to solve it if there is  no free will with Rahu-Ketu? Or does resolving bad Lajjitadi Avastha somehow lead us into the Rahu jungle?

Finally, for a planet in certain Lajjitadi Avastha, how does the Avastha interpretation change when it is with Rahu or Ketu? Does this reduce or take away the free will opportunity offered by this avastha?




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Hi Ernst,

Any thoughts for the above question?

I am super curious about what you think about this, as I am quite passionate about understanding the free will part of life.



Amit Bhat
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Hi Anand

What I understand is that we need to precisely try to use our free will while exploring the rahu puzzle. It may not be easy and it may not be quick but slowly and certainly, it will help us. 

So I think free will should have no boundaries or limitations. Fate is what we are meant to get but with free will we have the power of choice to respond in a wise way to it rather being a reactive robot and thus eventually change the course of fate from inauspiciousness to auspiciousness if it is a negative fate. 

So with a daily routine of meditation, a person is able to see better and better ways to respond to his ill fate and eventually get over it. Meditation eventually makes our mind calm which then is able to see, contemplate and make wiser choices and decisions. Saints say the more we attune our will with Divine Will, the more happier and wise we will become. 

There is a story like until the mind is like muddy water, no clear reflection can come over it but as soon as it becomes still and mud settles down, the clear reflection of moon can be seen. 

So, the key is to make mind calm and tranquil through meditation that it will then easily behold the solution to the problems or become unruffled even in the face of extreme difficulties. 

So I think that's the reason Bible says - Be STILL and know that I AM GOD. That stillness is achieved through meditation called Dhyana in Patanjali Yog Sutras

Hope this helps. 









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Thanks for your reply!

>> What I understand is that we need to precisely try to use our free will while exploring the rahu puzzle

Maybe what I need is some astrological examples to understand this further, but I think I totally get what you say in the rest of your post. It makes complete sense.



Amit Bhat
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Astrological example will be say Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini. Sag is a fire sign and Gemini is an air sign. 

Where ever there is Rahu means they are undeveloped areas and Ketu means relatively developed areas. 

Now in this example person is lacking in their own fire/inspiration while they are good in air/communication/intellectual skills. So the person communication or knowledge will be highly effective if its source is originating from their own fire. If their inner fire is lackluster, no matter how cleverly they try to speak, people will figure out they don't have the real substance within them of what they are saying. 

So in this context such person should try to cultivate developing their own fire/inspiration conscientiously and deliberately. If they choose thus to first develop themselves and use their free will to do this rather than flaunting their polished communication/intellectual skills, they are using the best of free will available to them. 

That is how I think about it after learning Rahu Ketu course. 


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Thanks for clarifying with an example.

So it seems we can use our free will to push ourselves into the Rahu jungle.  But I have also heard that Rahu and Ketu are absolutely fated, and no amount of free will can avoid Rahu and Ketu indications. Is there a contradiction here, can you please share your thoughts?



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Hi Ernst,

Could you clarify again how we will define the planets? What would we say Sun denotes? The Ego (Aham)? The Moon is the Mind (Manas)? Is that correct?

What words would we use best for the other planets, both in Sanskrit and in English?


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Hi Manisha,

I am using following key words for each planet currently, based on my understanding of what I have heard from Ernst so far:

SUN          --  Inspiration (Creative Vision, Enlightenment from subjective angle)

MOON       --  Need 

MARS        --  Logical Vision

MERCURY  --  Management

JUPITER    --  Inner Joy (Enlightenment from objective angle)

VENUS      --  Outer Fulfillment (Worldly fulfillment)

SATURN     -- Lack

RAHU        -- False

KETU         -- Uptight




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Thank you, Anand. I wonder if we can go deeper than that. I guess what I am trying to hone into is the way it gets manifested within us - the essence of what the planets represent and how one’s interaction affects the others. Maybe I need to see it as different layers and find the appropriate names within the different layers.

Can we see Mars as Will and Mercury as Skill? What would Jupiter and Venus be then?

(P.S. - I enjoyed your earlier post. It showed depth of thought and something that we are all struggling to understand and clarify. I hope you post it again.)

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Thank you for the clarification, I think I get your question now.

It is interesting to consider if we can map the context of one planet to that of another planet. Like "will" for Mars, can it necessarily map to "skill" for Mercury? Maybe in a chart, Mars could be denoting "will" but Mercury could be denoting "friends," "peers", or "communication"?

However, my thinking is that Mars is an engineer, and should represent Logical Vision no matter what he is denoting in the chart.

  1. As a soldier or general, he should represent the logical vision of winning the battle.
  2. As a mother, Mars represents the logical vision the mother has for her child, where as when the moon is the mother, she is concerned with the needs of the child.

Likewise, Mercury is a manager no matter what he is specifically denoting. Jupiter is objectified enlightenment no matter what he is manifesting etc,

This is just my thinking, and I guess I am very inexperienced in astrology. I do look forward for my understanding to get fine tuned in this forum.

btw, which is the earlier post you referred to?



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Yes, I agree with your explanation. But there will be a baseline that everything flows out from. Hence I think there must be different layers to the map, kind of like a multidimensional model instead of a one dimensional. 

Words are so tricky. If I don't know what something means, how do I get the meaning across? So I guess I am also trying to understand the language and see how it fits into what I inherently know. 

I am new to the world of astrology too. It feels like all the pieces of the puzzle are lying around on the ground, and I am trying to build a structure by figuring out which piece goes where. Sometimes I need to go off into the wilderness to look for additional pieces that have gone walk-about. LOL. 

(P. S. - The deleted one) 

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For the deleted one, may be you are referring to this?


Hi Ernst,


From what I understand, the window of god's free will is through resolving the bad Lajjitadi Avasthas.

Rahu-Ketu indicate the absolutely fated parts of life.

Other than resolving the bad Lajjitadi Avasthas, is there any other window to implement free will?

How does Rahu-Ketu become the most important problem to solve if it is absolutely fated, how to solve it if there is  no free will with Rahu-Ketu? Or does resolving bad Lajjitadi Avastha somehow lead us into the Rahu jungle?

Finally, for a planet in certain Lajjitadi Avastha, how does the Avastha interpretation change when it is with Rahu or Ketu? Does this reduce or take away the free will opportunity offered by this avastha?






I did not delete it, but I edited a line, and it went in to "awaiting moderation".




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Yes, that’s the one. It was there one day, and then gone the next, so I wasn’t sure what happened ????

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