6 of Diamonds on Su...
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6 of Diamonds on Sun

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Posts: 349
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ernst,

I have the year spread of someone who recently was let go of a job which they started only a month ago. I would not have initially predicted for this to happen to them now because they're currently in their Sun period, running a 6 of Diamonds in their Sun card with a proud Sun in it's own card along with Venus.

In your card course, you stated that with a 6 on the Sun card, your fulfillment and prosperity comes from your ability to find it there. So by learning to see your situation in a fulfilling way, you can attract in accordance, an increase in prosperity.

Would the starved and agitated Venus in their otherwise strong Sun card be the contributing cause of the job loss at this time? If hypothetically, Venus had not been in the Sun card, would this person have been able to take their shitty job and turn the situation around in their favour as promised by a strong 6 of Diamonds Sun here?  

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Venus starved there would reduce the wellbeing of that card to some degree but not enough to overcome a proud sun. I would look for what venus rules house wise and what card it rules to see if those have some transition attached to them. Then also, the cards spread is just one technique, what is happening in their 7 year spread on their year card? And what else may be hitting them? Check the eclipise, eclipses override everyting else if we get hit by one. 

Posts: 349
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Honorable Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Venus rules their 7th house and it rules the 8 of Clubs card. I know that the 8 of Clubs is a fast moving card. Can the 8 of Clubs have some connotation of moving on from a job that didn't work out at the seven? Or since Venus is starved + agitated by the Sun, maybe this could indicate this person's boss deciding to fire them before their probation period ended?

In their 7 year spread, they're running a 2 of Clubs year in the Moon card with Mars sitting in the Moon card. I know that a 2 on the Moon is considered a really good card to have there. They got the interview for this position through a friend, so this 2 of Clubs makes sense here. Can a sleeping Mars in this card indicate a lack of follow through on this person's part? Like perhaps they didn't fight hard enough to make it work or they had a lack of willpower/motivation to take advantage of the 2 of Clubs opportunity? Mars is their AK. In their year spread, they are running their birth card as the progressed year card (4 of Diamonds), which I know is not the most ambitious card, but it did manifest in a way because they were initially invited by their friend to interview for this job.

The solar eclipse in April was within one degree of their Ascendant in Aries. I believe the events triggering them leaving their previous job and eventually getting this role began in July after the nodes changed signs. Rahu would have transited right over their Ascendant in Aries at that time. The lunar eclipse in May was not a direct hit on them, however it was within 5 degrees of their Rahu in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus(reverse nodal return). They are also currently going though their Saturn return. So there have been a lot of big transits going on for them recently.

