9 of Hearts on Mars...
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9 of Hearts on Mars Card

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I am watching some friends and family member's year spreads closely to help me learn the system. I have a family member who currently is in her the 52 day period of her Mars card which is a 9 of Hearts. Somehow this 9 of Hearts has given her beyond the fulfillment of her hearts desire. After feeling very stuck and unhappy with her life and living situation for five years she out of nowhere got an amazing job opportunity in a foreign country. During the 52 day period of the card she visited the country, absolutely loved everything about it, and has decided to move. She described the experience to me as, “better than she could have ever imagined for her life + more.”, which is very much a 9 of hearts experience, which Ernst has described as:


  • “Practically speaking it is the biggest fulfillment a person is getting and then the other things don’t matter anymore. It is like Xmas when a kid gets a bunch of presents but he gets the one toy that he loves and he only pays attention to that one toy.


This is also what Ernst says about nines on the 3rd card:


  • “The nines want to give you it all. But if you have it in the 3rd card, you are going to fly apart from something when it gets perfect. You do something to a high and envious level and then leave it.”


Then in his video about the semi-fixed 9 of hearts he says about 9 on Mars:


  • “Somehow fighting or struggling for love that somehow doesn’t work out. Nines aren’t great in the 3 card. Through the struggle they are learning about love. Love is not something you should fight for, it just flows. Divine love flows. The person needs to realize they can’t fight for love in a tangible way, and make love happen. It is just more of a natural state of being. So often here the person will get to a point in their life where they realize they can’t make love work. So they have to back off and relax and surrender to let love do its thing. It can be a disappointment that makes them let go of the struggle for love. Or it can be just a surrender to the love around them and be of greater service to people. They surrender their will (mars) and let love flow the way it wants. It can be a time in a tough relationship where they stop trying to force a person be what they want them to be.”


So currently I am trying to figure out how this all worked out so nicely for my family member. I through for sure she would “fly away” from the 9 of Hearts experience but this hasn’t happened. She has been joyously transformed into a very optimistic, happy person just from the trip alone. 

I am wondering if the fact that the planet Mars is in the Mars card helped the card overcome any obstacles and manifest? Can the ruler of the card being in the card override the bad luck of the fact that it is an even numbered card in an odd position?


Other factors to consider that may have influenced this positive event:

  • This is her 45th “rebirth year” so her 3 of Diamonds birth spread is repeating with some shifts in the semi-fixed cards
  • The Sun is also in the Mars card with Mars. The Sun is the lord of a very strong Ace of Spades in the sun position.
  • King of Diamonds is on the ecliptic and Kings rule the 9s so this ecliptic energy may be going to this card (although Ernst doesn't say that King's on the ecliptic influence 7,8,9 Cards in the course manual) I am just assuming with this one.
  • The 9 of Hearts in the spread also connects to TWO other 9s in the spread and a King of Hearts as the Ketu card.   
  • There are no other planets in the Mars card just this happy delighted Sun and secure/agitated Mars
  • The 12th cusp is in the Mars card representing the foreign country


Any insights appreciated. I am mainly curious as to if a card having its lord in the card can help it manifest even it if is an even card in a 3,5,7 position? This would be an important factor to consider when reading for people in the future. 

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Interesting example!

The Sun in the Card and the 12th cusp there explains goes a long way explaining it to me.



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@meyes Thanks Mattias. This is great learning for me because I am learning here that the Sun being in the card can over-ride the "bad position" of the 9 card in 3 position. If I was giving someone a reading I probably would NOT have guessed this would happen so now I see the importance of the other cards bringing their energy into that card!

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@rhiannon. Yep! I might have missed it, but I feel that Ernst doesn´t explain that completely. That´my understanding too though; that even if the position suggests "avoided" the planets in that card, and the cusps, may activate it, so that a "no" become a "yes" or the other way round.

Like one friend who has a 6D on her Saturn card; high quality avoided; but her Jupiter and Venus falls their, and also her 7th house I think; she´s a wedding photographer working in well-payed high society weddings... So the 6D indeed plays out in her life - at least in that aspect.


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@meyes Ah interesting - those planets turned that card around 🙂

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@rhiannon  Yes, that´s how I understand it. Then, of course, in other parts of her life it may play out the Saturn way, I suppose.



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This year would also be her Mercury card in the 7-year spread, which would represent the fulcrum point. 45 is also the mid-point between Rahu and Ketu maturation, so it is a turning point in one’s life.

The 12th cusp is about detachment, isolation and addiction. The 12th cusp is also about endings. The 9 is also the card of completion. So perhaps it was time for her to end her self-isolation from the flow of life. Her emotional connection or addiction for the past 5 years was to the feeling of being stuck and unhappy. Looks like she perfected that art and now it was time for her to fly apart from it and open herself up to see the beauty around her. 

9 is the Hermit and the Fool. 3 is about Strength and Temperance. The 3, 5, 7 positions are about potential abilities to turn negative into positive. I guess Mars in good Avastha also helped.

The Sun in the Mars card is bringing in the Ace of Spades energy which would be a new beginning of life.

I think Ernst mentioned somewhere that having the King on the Ecliptic also gives more importance to the period of the card holding the Pluto and next of importance will be the period of the card holding Rahu, Ketu and Saturn cards. Any other Kings are also important. My memory is a bit hazy on this one as I have not tried it out yet.

I would add that I don’t see the Hearts cards as only love. It is the fruit of something, but it also holds the seed for something. It is an emotional attachment or connection to something that is either positive or negative, either secure or needy.

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If I remember correctly, Ernst has a video on the semi-fixed cards. You might find some more information in there.

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@manisha Wonderful insights, thank you. I had not thought of the mercury card as the fulcrum in the 7 year spread and that is a great thing to think about also in regard to the R/K maturation. Also a lot to consider that the 9 card & the 12th cusp are both completion vibes. This really explains her feeling of being completed with her home country and very ready to move into a new cycle in a new country.

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Ernst has mentioned the Mercury card as a mid-point or some similar word. Perhaps he had expanded on it. I just built up on the basics that he taught based on my interests in other subjects. For example, in painting while mixing colors, a balance is reached between the colors before it starts tipping over into another. And such other ‘nonsense’ knowledge that I have collected over the years. But it all helps now to put many things together. For example, there are 7 cards, so the Mercury card becomes the mid-point and also the fourth card. 4 is the card of balance. Get to the 5th card, and the balance starts tipping.

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Since the 12th cusp is involved, I am wondering about Venus, it's Avastha,  the Venus card and the cusps that are affected. Also because it is the complement of Mars and the Venus card is another 9.

I recently had the 9 of Hearts on my 5th card, so I am trying to figure it out too. 

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@manisha Does the 12th cusp relate to Venus? 

Her Venus card is also a 9. The 9 of Clubs. Venus is both proud and delighted, in the card with delighted Mercury who rules the 5 of spades (another indicator for a big move out of the country) and also Neptune is in the Venus card too... and Neptune rules the 6 of hearts.. So a really great Venus card overall!

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With regards to the 12th cusp, if it lies in the Mars card, then it was highly probable that the 6th cusp would lie in the Venus card. Venus is about rejuvenation and small fulfillment, which your family member seemed to enjoy. 

The other thing is that her Rahu card also shifted this year along with the Mars card.

In the videos where Ernst gives examples of planets in a spread, he talks about how the energy of that card operates when it is brought in by the planet into the card that it is placed in. 

So with Mercury being in the Venus card, it is bringing the Rahu card of Ace of Clubs, the 1st house, the 5th house and the energy of 5 of Spades into the Venus card to blend with the Uranus card of 6 of Hearts.

Plus her Venus is in good Avasthas and so is Mercury. Sun is Delighted and Mars is happy in his sign, even though Agitated.

I am glad you mentioned that your family member is taking the time to sort through the details. I didn’t want to say anything before, but I was wondering when the 52 day time period would end and what changes will occur by then.

I am glad she had an easier transition. It looks like it was simmering under the surface over the past couple of years with the two Aces in the 7 year period. It looks like everything came together into the Mars card last year which also had Rahu and Uranus in it.

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I've heard other Ernst students, like Carmina Amza state that having the ruling planet in the card when it is a difficult position, helps make the outcome easier. So I think you're right about that. 

I'm not sure if you've looked in to this already, but I would also check the overlaying and underlying cards for Mars (as well as the birth card itself and perhaps all the other cards in the year spread too) to see the specific details behind the creative Jack energy (the underlying card) that ultimately lead to the manifestation of this 9 of Hearts Queen card experience. Then the overlaying King card will show you what the 9 of Hearts is meant to accomplish and leave behind in it's wake. 

I just watched Ernst' overlaying and underlying card example videos today and I've already gone down a large rabbit hole of dissecting my life decisions and disappointments. It's so much fun! ????

P.S- Just remembered that the 9 of Hearts is a semi-fixed card. So the position of the 7 of Diamonds in the Queen or Jack overlying/underlying position is even more important to see how permanent these changes will be. 

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"...having the ruling planet in the card when it is a difficult position, helps make the outcome easier." 

Wonderful, thanks! This is exactly what I wanted to know. It will really make a difference for me in making predictions. I am still not sure how I would have predicted this move opportunity for my family member had I been giving her a reading before it happened. It just really seemed to come out of the blue. But I guess that is where I would hope my intuition would kick in when analyzing a year spread. 

The underlying and overlying cards are 7 of Diamonds (closest) and 9 of hearts (further corners). I forgot which one indicates the Queen or Jack spread. I have not practiced with this underlying/overlying card concept yet but I would love to see it in action in a prediction at some point as it is very interesting. 

Thanks for you insights! Very helpful. 


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Ace of Spades is a powerful new beginning and it can totally feel like "out of the blue". For her it was a Birth Promise, and this year having all cards repeating but with different planetary positions, that seed just sprung and it feels like it was from nowhere but it was the foundation of her year. I think you would've called it before hand because you would've looked at every aspect of the chart and it would've jumped out. Because you now have the facts though, you tend to second guess yourself, but you don't need to....trust me. If you feel comfortable sharing the screen for the Queen Spread, 7 Yr Progressed and Year Spread, I can try to help pinpoint what else was there connecting to a big move. You can email me privately if you don't want to post it publicly. 

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@mirela Hi Mirela! Thanks for pointing out the power of the Ace of Spades. I have heard Ernst describe it as one of the most powerful cards and it is great to see it in action here and tune into what it can do as a sun card. And thanks for the words of encouragement 🙂

I would love to hear any insights you have about other indicators you may see in the other spreads. I will post publicly as I think others may find this helpful for learning too. Screenshot attached.

Also, important to note... My family member has made the decision to make the big move but she has a lot of details to sort so it most likely won't be till 2022 or her 46th year. But she is not sure, it may be sooner... 

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Thanks for sharing.

On top of everything else that you’ve mentioned already, I am noticing a few connections that might bring more light on the Feb 18 – Apr 11, 2021 Mars period 9♥️ and the oversees unexpected job opportunity that filled your relative with pure joy.


In her Queen Spread, there is already promise of a powerful new beginning in the form of that Ace♠️. The new beginning has to do with 4thcusp stuff: home, land, mother, happiness. Sun is also her MK/PuK. So she’s probably been waiting for a fresh start for a while.

in that card is causing separation, delays and lack of fulfilment with things related to , 4thcusp and Ace♠️ and bringing impossible situations in her life in her first 52 years. Unfortunately, ♄ is the only planet that has no help in dealing with its starvation and that can mean disappointments that she isn’t necessarily speaking about since 4this hidden.

Scorpio is placed in the 3rdCard, a friend, and it’s nicely supported and delighted by friend ♃ as well. For her it makes sense to fight thru obstacles and may not be that easy to let go of a situation, because Mars rules the 12thcusp. Mars whole definition is to become victorious over something, not so much to let it go and let it be. Mars is also DK, and it represents land and real estate and 12th could show far away places. 7 is related to ♄ which could be “far” as well. 7♦️ could be loss of value, separating, reduced interest. ♂︎ is then placed in ☽card (DB) where he certainly has agenda for moving.

The 7♦️ Mars Card has ☊ and ♅ in it as well. ☊ shows foreign places and the card where it’s in becomes such a huge provocation since we aren’t experienced where ☊ is. ♅ will help your relative get creative when things fall apart. There are so many ♥️’s at stake, all of them cumulating in her busiest card 7♦️. All of those hearts are nice hearts too: 2, J, 6, and well (the hard to reach 9♥️).

Dare I mention she’s a 3 BC, so her 3rdcard becomes important, which is the same 7♦️ which has all the agenda for change.

is manifesting that 7 as well.


As far as when is the potential window for all of that to transpire? Well, there could’ve been other times if you look at the Year Cards and their EC’s,  but there is no better time than the age of 45 when it’s all emphasized like no other time.

This year, the window of opportunity has opened for all of those hearts to get fulfilled, meanwhile she has passed her ☊ maturation and probably found more balance and therefore more open to that 2♥️ . The age of 45 ♂︎ is Secure and Agitated, but it isn’t DB. ☽ is also Secure in own card, the ruler of the cards being able to protect and manifest their cards. The opportunity has arrived. Now it won’t mean it will go smooth. She still has to deal with the crisis of a 5♠️ on the 4thcard so there could be a surprise event knocking off plans, especially cause ☊ is with Asc and 5thin the ☿ cards starting April 11. ☿ is AK and didn’t escape combustion in the Queen Quadration, 7Yr Prog, or Yr Card. That’s why I think she might have to take a risk and take a leap of faith in an unexpected direction soon, which ☿ is delighted to do even though it won’t be easy.


Her 45thyr card in the 7yr progressed is a Queen. Q♦️are stronger than Kings in the 4thposition and it’s a ♦️ too , which is really nice considering ☿ element is Earth too. The symbols are too small and can’t tell if ☿ is placed in the 3rdor 7thcard, but basically it will show how she’ll find it fit to act: will she take the new opportunity Ace♦️ on Mars (land) and 11thcusp more $$ even if not sure how it will go so it will be a bit stressful ? or will she feel vulnerable and stuck due to that 3♠️ and ♄ starved on 8♠️ ☉ ?


Q♦️ has those 3, 4, 12thcusps so moving to far away places is absolutely possible, and you’re right, it could happen next year as well. Both ☽ and ♂︎ are in this Queen, and they both have powerful potential with the red Aces. Again, all of that takes my mind to moving .


I think that may be why the 3rdcard this year gifted her with a career move. 4thcusp involved, and also ☉ and ♂︎ together show lots of fire to push things forward, plus they have the natal promise agenda and the links in the 10♦️ 7Yr Card, 5♦️ EC really energized this year by the Queen.


She does have another red Queen this year which means we should look at other Queens and also 4, 5, 6’s. That basically wakes up ♅ for all 3 charts.


I am sure I might’ve missed some other important points and aspects…and of course it’s easy to see connections after hand, after something happens. But I am curious as to how her adventure will turn out, if she’ll move or not. Keep us posted.


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Thanks for all this wonderful insight @mirela. I learn so much from these rich discussions here and feel so grateful for the generosity of the wisdom shared.

There are many things you mentioned that I did not pick up on. I love the concept of the birth spread holding “a promise”. It highlights the importance of really looking at the birth spreads to see what promises are there and it is wonderful to see how the 45th year carries so much energy for people to rebirth.

With so much energy culminating in this 45th year it will be interesting to see if she moves during this solar year. At least the plans are being solidly formed. I will definitely update here with what transpires. I will be watching closely to see how the 5 of Spades manifests in this next few months.

As far as the too small symbols - the Mercury is placed in the Saturn card so there may very well be some vulnerability and stuckness coming up as you so insightfully pointed out. It seems to fare better though that the Saturn card is a 3 on 7 and the 8 of Spades is the Sun card so it may be a tool rather than a hinderance. But I so see that the Saturn is starved so yes, difficulty there. I will try to coach her through any stuckness that may come up.

I really appreciated your comment of, “the ruler of the cards being able to protect and manifest their cards.” This was my original inquiry when posting and I have learned so much from this spread in action already.

Also, I would love to know… How do you add the symbols of the planets and cards to your text? Is this a keyboard add on? 🙂

Also I wanted to mention that last year you gave me advice on my autistic son's chart. You said that Caranavamsa dasa wise, you were hoping that Sag/Aries, Sag/Taurus, Sag/Gemini and Sag/Cancer would all bring improvements. His Sag/Aries did start in 2/2020 and we noticed some big shifts in his maturity levels. He is happier and more grounded and he began to finally befriend his new little sister 🙂 So we did see the improvements pretty clearly! 

Thanks again Mirela 🙂

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@rhiannon that's wonderful news about your son. I am very happy to hear. Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, keep us posted on this developing story for your relative. I am always eager to learn how something manifests practically. 

About the typed symbols, I am not sure on other devices, but my old iPhone 6 has the Card Suit symbols emojis and the zodiac signs, however it is missing the planets symbols. For MacBook , I press CTRL+COMMAND+SPACE and they come up. Maybe someone else can share how to acces them on windows and android devices since my tech skills are rather limited. 

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