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52 day periods

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Has anyone experienced a transition period between the 52 day periods? I have been following mine and I am experiencing a transition period, and would like to know the experiences of others. 


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Hi Manisha,

By transition period, are you referring to an environmental shift, or change in energy?

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Could you define what you mean by environmental shift?

I was thinking in terms of energy, and particularly Avasthas, as that is how I am experiencing these periods. But I am noticing a delay between one ending and another beginning. It is possible that my birth time is a bit off, so I wanted to get the opinion of others. 

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@manisha I meant like a physical move or something along those lines since you used the word transition.

I felt a huge shift in energy in between my Moon period this year (9 of Diamonds) and my Mars period (4 of Diamonds). I had an unknown illness beginning in my Moon period that very much occupied all of my focus (trying out different remedies, working with a nutritionist, spending all kinds of money, researching symptoms), but I mostly just felt like I was dying. However, around the time Mars left Aries and my 8th house, and went in to Taurus, my 4 of Diamonds Mars card period started and I stopped feeling like I might die. It felt like the end of a really long marathon.

I'm a bit disappointed because I was looking forward to a prosperous 9 of Diamonds period, with it being my Moon card and the fact that my Moon was delighted this year. But that wasn't the case. Mars Avastas were secure and starved this year.

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@kam that is so fascinating. Thanks for sharing. That is quite the 9 of diamonds experience. Looking back at the connections in the spread, what do you think could've brought the disappointing experience? A few things pop into my mind.

- what cusps was Moon ruling in the 52 day card

- what's the card, the planets, ruler and cusps were the delighted Moon falls in

- What Jaimini chara karaka it corresponds to


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Thanks Mirela, I was going through alot mentally and emotionally at the time the illness appeared. Looking back at it now, it seems like I manifested a nervous breakdown.

-9 of Diamonds Moon card holds my 11th cusp and the Moon is my Darakaraka.

-Moon fell in my King of Diamonds Mercury card with Venus and Rahu conjoined my 1st and 10th cusps. King of Diamonds is also my Saturn card in my 7 year progressed spread.

-Mercury itself is in the Mars (4 of Diamonds) card with Mars, the 8th and 3rd cusps.

-My ecliptic card this year is the Ace of Spades, Venus card is Ace of Hearts, and Rahu card is 6 of Spades.

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@kam I am sorry you had to go thru that and yes, I see what you mean about the delighted Moon 9♦️ with 11th cusp seemed like a prosperous period, one to look forward to at first glance. Because we now know what manifested instead, I am curious if some of the following connections could have triggered the events:

- being a 2♦️BC, the Moon and any 2's and Jacks might play an important role for you in general, not just this year

- J♣︎ Yr. Card is telling us Uranus card is important, but also any Aces, 2, 3's and Jacks in the year: so 5 of the 14 cards in the year ⇾ imp. year?

- Ace of ♠️ on the EC for the year tells us to look at the Sun Card as important and also any other Aces: so Venus and Pluto (6th and 13th cards)

- SUN is a nice card this year but it holds the 12 cusp, and he is starved. Maybe there was something that you were working on to bring to completion successfully , but it ended up lowering your vitality and causing some expense  

- that Ketu K♠️ can kinda point towards sacrifice - so maybe you thought this could be the year to push beyond your limitations - your mind and body may have disagreed - encouraging you to take it easier maybe, find a healthy balance thru 6♠️ Rahu?

- Moon card 9♦️is definitely interesting and it is so tightly connected to that Mercury card K♦️ by being part of it in more than 1 way (it's in the card + 9 is part of a King)

- Then the K♦️ will rule your 1st and 10th cusp, ☽♀︎☊ and basically Rahu will cause problems being in this card. It's a King that can't manage at its best, but he's trying. I feel like this is another clue that you were expecting to practically take care of a lot this year

- Then there is a really tight connection between the Ace ♠️ and any 9♦️/K♦️. The Ace seeds are basically hidden under ground and 9/K have to just give up their nutrients with generosity, to sustain the growth. It's a natural cycle, since after diamonds is over, new spades begin. This could be the reason why the disease was "hidden" but your body just felt sick as if you "were dying"

- then it starts coming together as Sun and 12th cusp is ruled by Venus, so you probably needed rest in that Sun period but that hardly happens with the active Magician there. Plus, your Sun maybe starved, but let's face's starved by a Venus so he doesn't mind, especially with that beautiful Ace♥️ Venus card

- Venus at his turn is coming in a friend card, in Mercury card, but with enemy Moon and separator Rahu. Again, I don't know if this Venus gets the memo of when is enough is enough. He will find something to spend its energy with. Moon gives him an even higher desire, and Rahu amplifies it and brings confusion to. 

- 8♠️ Saturn will find new ways to investigate and figure out what went down and I am not sure what's its condition in the Birth Spread, but this year he's strong and delighted by Jupiter too. You've mentioned you didn't fully figure out what happened health wise (spades and diamonds), so that makes, but Jupiter here brings the wisdom to understand that everything is just the way it's meant to, so paying less attention to what's wrong would benefit

- once Saturn is dealt with, then the power of the 9 can unlock...I guess I am just wondering if maybe there were signs of stress in the Sun card period, but being too busy like a 10♣︎, you've maybe missed the sign posts and didn't really rest and relaxed properly...then what the 9♦️ manifested was generosity with giving up the extra savings (11th) in order to balance health

(btw, 11th when afflicted can cause mental worries and lots of details that stay in our minds, regrets and psychological turmoil - since is the house before the 12th - we have to pour those worries into the ocean and let go - in this case, the ruler of the 11th cusp is afflicted by Rahu)

- it also makes sense that things sort of normalized on 4♦️Mars since Mars is secure. I think Mercury is stressing him out a bit, so maybe the expenses and wasted time to manage the health condition are causing you to want to strategize to obtain balance with both health and money, to know something for sure.

Do you think that any of these make sense or would've applied? If not, maybe someone else can give us some clues in fewer words...I am not good at making short analysis 🙂

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@mirela Wow, thank you so much for your generous analysis! I really appreciate your insights!

- J♣︎ Yr. Card is telling us Uranus card is important, but also any Aces, 2, 3's and Jacks in the year: so 5 of the 14 cards in the year ⇾ imp. year?

I was hoping it would be. I've been studying and doing Astrology for a few years now and I was hoping that this would be the year to finally launch a successful Astrology practice 🙂

- Ace of ♠️ on the EC for the year tells us to look at the Sun Card as important and also any other Aces: so Venus and Pluto (6th and 13th cards)

- SUN is a nice card this year but it holds the 12 cusp, and he is starved. Maybe there was something that you were working on to bring to completion successfully , but it ended up lowering your vitality and causing some expense

This makes sense as I actually really became focused on studying more and writing articles last year before deciding at the end of last summer to get started on a new platform to reach new potential clients. This occurred right before my birthday. There was no extra expense per say, but it certainly took alot of effort and did not bear fruits as I hoped it would.

- that Ketu K♠️ can kinda point towards sacrifice - so maybe you thought this could be the year to push beyond your limitations - your mind and body may have disagreed - encouraging you to take it easier maybe, find a healthy balance thru 6♠️ Rahu?

- Moon card 9♦️is definitely interesting and it is so tightly connected to that Mercury card K♦️ by being part of it in more than 1 way (it's in the card + 9 is part of a King)

- Then the K♦️ will rule your 1st and 10th cusp, ☽♀︎☊ and basically Rahu will cause problems being in this card. It's a King that can't manage at its best, but he's trying. I feel like this is another clue that you were expecting to practically take care of a lot this year

Yes, exactly this. I put alot of pressure on myself and was under alot of strain from certain family members due to financial pressures. 

- Then there is a really tight connection between the Ace ♠️ and any 9♦️/K♦️. The Ace seeds are basically hidden under ground and 9/K have to just give up their nutrients with generosity, to sustain the growth. It's a natural cycle, since after diamonds is over, new spades begin. This could be the reason why the disease was "hidden" but your body just felt sick as if you "were dying"

- then it starts coming together as Sun and 12th cusp is ruled by Venus, so you probably needed rest in that Sun period but that hardly happens with the active Magician there. Plus, your Sun maybe starved, but let's face's starved by a Venus so he doesn't mind, especially with that beautiful Ace♥️ Venus card

- Venus at his turn is coming in a friend card, in Mercury card, but with enemy Moon and separator Rahu. Again, I don't know if this Venus gets the memo of when is enough is enough. He will find something to spend its energy with. Moon gives him an even higher desire, and Rahu amplifies it and brings confusion to. 


I definitely felt alot of stress and mental strain during the Sun period; it felt very much like a "make it, or break it" time for me with my endeavors. But I tried to push through it in a typical Jack of Spades way, which is my natal Sun card and my Uranus card in my 7 year progressed spread. And yes, I'm still trying to figure out what to do next to fulfill my goals and astrological inspirations... I think being a 7 of Diamonds 7-year progressed BC makes one a tad bit obsessive ????????

- 8♠️ Saturn will find new ways to investigate and figure out what went down and I am not sure what's its condition in the Birth Spread, but this year he's strong and delighted by Jupiter too. You've mentioned you didn't fully figure out what happened health wise (spades and diamonds), so that makes, but Jupiter here brings the wisdom to understand that everything is just the way it's meant to, so paying less attention to what's wrong would benefit

- once Saturn is dealt with, then the power of the 9 can unlock...I guess I am just wondering if maybe there were signs of stress in the Sun card period, but being too busy like a 10♣︎, you've maybe missed the sign posts and didn't really rest and relaxed properly...then what the 9♦️ manifested was generosity with giving up the extra savings (11th) in order to balance health

My Saturn card in my birth spread is also the 8 of Spades. It houses my 3 of Clubs Neptune card, while Saturn itself is in a Neutral Avashta in my Jupiter card (10 of Hearts) with Uranus (5 of Hearts).

Again, I was being a stressed Jack of Spades, so I stupidly ignored my body's warning signs there, unfortunately. But I have noticed a difference in my symptoms and mindset since I stopped working with the nutritionist, stopped taking all the vitamins, and instead tried relying on excercise and keeping myself mentally busy.

(btw, 11th when afflicted can cause mental worries and lots of details that stay in our minds, regrets and psychological turmoil - since is the house before the 12th - we have to pour those worries into the ocean and let go - in this case, the ruler of the 11th cusp is afflicted by Rahu)

- it also makes sense that things sort of normalized on 4♦️Mars since Mars is secure. I think Mercury is stressing him out a bit, so maybe the expenses and wasted time to manage the health condition are causing you to want to strategize to obtain balance with both health and money, to know something for sure.

Do you think that any of these make sense or would've applied? If not, maybe someone else can give us some clues in fewer words...I am not good at making short analysis ????

I definitely was carrying alot of mental turmoil and regrets. I recently purchased a Bach Flower Remedy set and took Ernst' courses, and I'm currently trying them out. So far, they've helped tremendously in my healing 🙂

You've given me alot to contemplate, so thanks again for your help and valuable insights, they were all very much spot on! 🙂

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@kam you're welcome. Thanks for sharing your Year Spread and your experience. Exploring the after facts goes a long way for us really understand the wisdom of this awesome system.

I love Bach Flowers and they are the number 1 remedy I've been recommending so I am glad you're into them too.

You do have very nice cards to start your practice and do what you love this year, so don't give up just cause of wild Rahu and just cause this year isn't bringing financial rewards yet! You're setting the foundation.

Other than that, looks like you're taking the necessary steps for a healthier you and embrace that Rahu 6♠️ which is great!

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@manisha I think you're onto something. I felt a transition between cards as well, but it's not always a delay.

I was actually wondering if the card number can give a glimpse into "when" in the 52 day period that card might be more : if we have a 7, 8, 9, King - does it mean that it will give results later in the time window? (let's say we don't look at the week spread)

I think that's a dead end though, cause @kam mentioned her experience started early in the 9 Moon card.

I recently had a King of Spades on Venus that was suppose to end March 23rd...that's my EC for the 7year progressed too, so I just knew I wouldn't get away easy. Despite all that, I had a decent period until March 20th just when Sun went into EX and I felt like I might have gotten away easy. Then in the same day I got so sick and bed ridden for a few weeks and I am still not recovered. 

I've also had three 9's back to back a few years ago, and the same - I had some blissful experiences and some huge endings/expenses/loss of control towards the end of each card period. But again, it just might be a coincidence. I don't remember the week or day cards for the events though. Maybe I will go study them closer when I have some time.

Curious what else comes up with regards to this transitions.

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Sorry, this period has been one that is beyond my understanding, and is getting worse day by day. I can't understand which planet wants what, and I am dealing with a bunch of rowdy out-of-hand planets at the moment. Transiting Mars and Rahu are playing havoc. I will have to look at and answer in detail after a few days. 

Perhaps 'delay' is not the right word I am looking for. It's kind of a lag, maybe sort of a respite between the cards. Sort of a time-out to take a breather. But 'transition' fits better, like the overlap period of handing over of a job between the old employee and the new one. 

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When you got sick, did one of your cusps got activated? I am also wondering if your cusps fall on the higher degrees?

Ernst Wilhelm
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yes, please do tell everyone. Mine comes up next year and it will be fun to live something i have taught!

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Sorry,  Ernst. I don't understand. 

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@manisha There seem to be a misunderstanding; Ernst thought you were referring to the shift from the Sun- to the Mooncard it seems.

Ernst: I´ve recently experienced that; turned 52 in December as you may know, and yes, my Ace of Spades Moon card feels a lot nicer than my 3 of Diamond Sun card. I can still be a perfectionist if I want to, but do I?

What I especially have experienced is that my dreams have become more lucid and more healing; I have always dreamt much and intensely, but now they are sometimes like minor peyote ceremonies. The first thing that happened, just a few weeks after my 52nd birthday, was that I the shame in chart visited me in early morning and that I was allowed to dream through it more than ever; lucid dreams. That was something I should have gone trough a long time ago. Right now experiencing something similar with anxiety (my Saturn/Rahu in 11th?); this very morning a painful dream that lead me to what I would almost call an epifany; letting anxiety in and open up for God. When I got up of the bed the rising Sun was translucing through a dimbank over Wisconsin river just 30 yards from the house where I´m staying, it gave the sensation of being floating in the sky...

All this I relate to my Moon card now being in charge, and it´s quite quite noticeable. Even transforming, I´d say.

Also I have this idea about Ace of Spades that it may give lucid dreams; it´s one of the way of being reborn, right? But maybe that´s specifically in the Moons position.

Hang on there, less then a year left, almost there! 🙂

Sorry Manisha for kidnapping the thread, but it was Ernst asking...

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Ok, so for this period between two cards, I actually felt an overlap, where the next card period actually started taking effect about 10 days before the end of the previous card. Need to observe more...

@mirela The card I was going through was a 4 and the next one was a 7, so not sure if that fits in with your theory.

There is something I noticed with the day card, but will need to keep an eye on it and see if a similarity gets repeated in the future. But yes, most of my transitions take a stronger hold at the end of the card period, or rather the wave peaks towards the end of the period.

I wonder if the degree placements of the planets in the Rasis might be playing a role, but there still seems to be a loophole in that theory.

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Ok, so for this period between two cards, I actually felt an overlap, where the next card period actually started taking effect about 10 days before the end of the previous card. Need to observe more...

@manisha I experienced this overlap with my cards as well. I just went from a King to a Queen...

I've also noticed this pattern with the Sun card for year spreads, except there's a much longer lead up.

For instance, around this time last year, I really began embodying and feeling my current Sun card (10 of Clubs) and it was coming up constantly in card pulls for myself during that time. Currently, I feel the same shift in momentum right now towards my Sun card for next year (Jack Spades), and it's coming up in my self spreads constantly. This starts happening about 5-6 months before my birthday, each year. 

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I only started COT last year and have been keeping a tab on the 52 day periods since the past few months, and was amazed at what I was observing. Now that you mentioned the Sun card overlap, you are right. It’s like a momentum. Did it start for you when you were going through the Jupiter card period too?

I am finding this to be a good exercise to keep unwanted thoughts at bay ????  A kind of a meditation of being in the moment as much as possible and observing thoughts come and go without needing to sit cross-legged for hours ???? 

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@manisha It actually started in the Mercury period for me. It might be because this is the same card as my actual Sun card. So the extra momentum could be on account of that. 

You are right about it being a good thought excercise. I'm also amazed by the difference in my life now compared to when the year started ???? It feels like 2 different years based on all the  internal and outer shifts that have occurred. ????

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