CoT - what a system...
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CoT - what a system!

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I keep being surprised by the accuracy of the Cards of Truth system. Just made a reading for a person that left me in awe.

The person has had a tough year. Twice in a psychiatric clinic. But all for the good! He really hit bottom and bounced back, got rid of a lot of luggage. Nine of Spades as the thematic card for the year, Ace of Spades on the ecliptica. In the progression spread: 5 of Clubs, which I read as "upgrading the system". When a computer upgrades it´s operative system it always stop functioning for a while, right? Next year: 8 of Spades as a thematic card. Self-knowledge. Ace of Spades on the Ecliptica once more. Seems logic after that experience.... Ecliptica card: 6 of Clubs indicating that he´s back on track with a 9 of Diamonds as his year card; he´s into spirituality, so that experience should deepen now.

Not only that. He finished a tough 6th card period the other day. 7 of Spades. Completely broke. He spoke to the authorities that are supposed to help you in those situations (Sweden´s system (should) work like this); new card on September 26th: Jack of Spades. He got a phonecall this morning that he will get a paycheck this week... OK, it´s not the independence that you would expect from a Jack of Spades, but it´s a fresh start. And he got it by convincing them, not craving but asking them humbly out of the 9 of Spades/Ace of Spades that he has this year.


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I haven't looked into the Cards system. Don't really feel called to. But I know Ernst and others have spoken so highly of its accuracy that it has me pondering whether to check it out. 

Horoscopic astrology is enough as it is! I think I will focus on that for now. 

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@scott-m-19 It´s very easy and intuitive, at least if your Venus is good. In a couple of months you get a good grip of it, since you already know astrology.

I agree: if you already have astrology you really don´t need to. But if you love nature as I do and symbols - as I do too - well, then a nice dish is served in front of you.


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@meyes  I have studied with Ernst for 3 years now (part-time) and last year i wanted to get into CoT because i like the cards and what they represent. But i held off because i simply did not have time to study 2 systems and wanted to concentrate on vedic astrology first to get a good foundation. I think next year i will get into CoT as i don't have that many astrology classes left to take so i can slowly get into CoT. Should be fun!



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@tuyetv The CoT-system is so easy to get into, you learn it in few months. And then one can use it as an astrological base and add the astrological techniques little by little; some lajjitaadi avasthas here, a little shadbala here, a little Jaimini, some Vargas we are familiar with. And even if you come from the other end, from astrology, it´s like a reflex screen that brings more light to the shadows. If you have a good connection with the cards and nature that is, maybe Venus and/or Saturn have to envolved. 


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You mean you utilize the Cards, then look at horoscopic astrology stuff like Avasthas, Rahu/Ketu, Jaimini ect.?

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@scott-m-19 Yep. The cards as a foundation. The regular astrology little by little. Or specific techniques, like jaimini indications or relocation etc. It takes many years of training to grasp the whole astrological system but you can be a decent cot-reader in half a year. 

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Hi Mattias,

I'm curious as to what you're referring to when you say the: "thematic card of the year"

Do you mean a card that's packed full of planets? Or maybe you mean the Sun card?


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@kam I don´t remember what Ernst calls that influence, it´s not an actual card, more a like an theme. It´s indicated by a symbol in the upper right corner in the year-spread.


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@meyes Ohh, I see what you mean. I think he refers to that card symbol as the year card, if I'm not mistaken.

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@kam Yep, as simply as that. The theme of the year, but then of course the Ecliptica card also sets the tune. When they come together like this, 9S with AS, well then you may end up in a psychiatric clinic but come out reloaded and renewed by the end of the year...

