I keep being surprised by the accuracy of the Cards of Truth system. Just made a reading for a person that left me in awe.
The person has had a tough year. Twice in a psychiatric clinic. But all for the good! He really hit bottom and bounced back, got rid of a lot of luggage. Nine of Spades as the thematic card for the year, Ace of Spades on the ecliptica. In the progression spread: 5 of Clubs, which I read as "upgrading the system". When a computer upgrades it´s operative system it always stop functioning for a while, right? Next year: 8 of Spades as a thematic card. Self-knowledge. Ace of Spades on the Ecliptica once more. Seems logic after that experience.... Ecliptica card: 6 of Clubs indicating that he´s back on track with a 9 of Diamonds as his year card; he´s into spirituality, so that experience should deepen now.
Not only that. He finished a tough 6th card period the other day. 7 of Spades. Completely broke. He spoke to the authorities that are supposed to help you in those situations (Sweden´s system (should) work like this); new card on September 26th: Jack of Spades. He got a phonecall this morning that he will get a paycheck this week... OK, it´s not the independence that you would expect from a Jack of Spades, but it´s a fresh start. And he got it by convincing them, not craving but asking them humbly out of the 9 of Spades/Ace of Spades that he has this year.
I haven't looked into the Cards system. Don't really feel called to. But I know Ernst and others have spoken so highly of its accuracy that it has me pondering whether to check it out.
Horoscopic astrology is enough as it is! I think I will focus on that for now.
Hi Mattias,
I'm curious as to what you're referring to when you say the: "thematic card of the year"
Do you mean a card that's packed full of planets? Or maybe you mean the Sun card?