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Completely Mundane maybe something "Light" - Transits or Compatibility?

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Leah T
Posts: 20
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Joined: 5 years ago

So I have a crazy issue with receiving packages from Fed-Ex delivery company.  This only occurs with this particular company, and began when we moved to our home in 2016.  No matter what I have done to create an easy way for Fed-Ex to find us, they regularly fail to deliver our packages.  We have included special instructions on the address line, I have "Delivery Manager" and we have our address at the road, created a "special" sign just for Fed-Ex and the house number is on the barn/garage.  It is so prevalent that I have decided, it simply isn't worth the hassle anymore to order items that are being shipped using them.

What does this have to do with Astrology?  Well if every story is written in the sky, I ask why is this happening and what would I look for in a chart?  I am thinking a 3rd house issue or maybe 11th or 12th.  I wasn't able to locate an astrological chart of Federal Express, but found on Wiki the date and place it was established. Founding date: 18 June 1971 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA (time unknown)

This usually happens only to my orders, shipped to my name, seems reasonable to compare their chart to MY chart. Comparing just the Graha's to my Bhava's is interesting enough, for simplicity I have not included my planetary placements, but that colors the picture even better - and is more entertaining.

SU, ME, VE in Gemini (My 12th), Ketu in Leo (My 2nd), Pluto in Virgo (My 3rd), Uranus in Libra (My 4th ), * SA, MO in Taurus (My 11th).  * Moon is either in last degrees of Aries or early Taurus, likely Taurus since most corporations are formed during "Court/Business" hours.

Enter Transits :  I have had enough! So as usual an order was shipped with the expected delivery on Friday June 12th, NO delivery, I check tracking on order and it shows "Delivered" (this is it's normal Modus Operandi).  Make the usual calls with 1 - 2 hour wait times... To no avail... That's it!  I'm finished, I have to quit banging my head against the proverbial Fed-Ex wall!  It's time to make peace with the fact that I am NOT compatible with Fed-Ex and end our relationship.  Shall I thank Retro Venus, Sun, Rahu in my 12th? Hmm Jupiter Retro in my 7th, Or Maybe Uranus in Taurus, or Mercury in 1st?

How would you read such a silly compatibility and or transit chart?

It's Okay, I need a good laugh! ???? ???? ???? 


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Leah T
Posts: 20
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Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

@manisha Two of us live here, and I have occasionally ordered from same companies in "his" name and the results probably better. Generally I just use the name on the account of credit card used.  Strangely enough most of the items he orders are usually shipped via another company, so it doesn't happen as frequently.  Maybe I could try shipping to one of the dogs or chickens - ????   Funny, because this is what my guy is asking me, why is this happening and what does it mean??? Starting to think it's Gochara transits.  The company gave me my money back, but I can't seem to resolve it, long term.... That's where the "acceptance" piece comes in I suppose ????  Yes, I'd love to chat with you about omens!
