Do we count planets triggering house cusps for the Gochara From The Moon Technique or signs from the Moon? What happens if a sign rules 2 house cusps or none at all?
Trigger transits are only done using house cusps from the lagna. If a two cusps fall in a sign, the lord cna trigger both of those. but it will rarely do so at the same time as the triggers wont line up for the vargas for both houses in most cases.
Hi @benjamin-whipple
Trigger transits are given under the “Predicting with Transits” course.
The potential results of the triggering transits are checked for the house cusps as counted from the lagna.
I hope this is about what you are asking for.
Thank you
That is exactly what I was asking. Thank you Zumrut!
I just want to double check my Gochara Moon technique with you all in regards to the bhava cusps.
1. Client has moon at 8:02 Gemini
2. Gemini has 1 house cusp at 17:51
3. Cancer has two house cusps 4:51 and 22:26.
When Mars enters 22:26 degrees of Cancer is it 3 bhavas from the moon as per the Gochara Moon technique?