October Eclipse Eff...
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October Eclipse Effects and Anecdotes

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Ive been finding the two videos on the Eclipses very interesting and accurate anecdotally. I am curious to see how it is playing out in other people's lives. 

A few things that really stuck out were, experiencing a lack of something, being stuck, and a lack of success in trying different things. The square bicycle wheels makes a lot of sense. 

For me, The solar eclipse is happening in my 11th house within 4+ degrees of my ketu moon. and both rahu/ketu are experiencing their return the same 0+degree at the time of the max eclipse. Venus lord of Libra return is within 1+ degree. So the effects should be strong.

The 10th cusp is also in Libra, and what I have noticed is a lack of income during this time. I have been trying tons of different things, tons of effort, but none of them have been working, Mercury transit is square my (natal mars in 2nd) (within 1 degree at time of eclipse). So its the feeling of lack, being stuck, and trying different things but they are not working.

The interesting thing is, I thought that having the Rahu return would bring some sort of fated external event that changes the course of life, but nothing has really happened, unless its me starting new things, But those things are not working. lol. But I thought Rahu events would be from the outside.

But if ketu is return my ketu moon, maybe its a kind of release of the emotional attachment to income. I am a projector as well, and I have been doing everything except "waiting for the invitation".

Curious to see how everyone else is experiencing this so far.


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Well, what can I say? It’s affecting my 4th and 10th house. I thought what was left was firm enough, but even that is crumbling. Can’t go left, can’t go right, can’t go forward, can’t go backward. Just have to watch it all come down and yet keep myself occupied with trying out new things. Building blocks for the new tower, perhaps? Ketu with the Sun/Moon, and the ego/mind (or what is left of it) is also taking major hits. ???? 

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@manisha Is the eclipse in your 4th?

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Capricorn lagna, so it’s happening in the 10th. Mercury is lord of Sun, Moon, Saturn and Venus. But, if I don’t get involved in the turbulence, I can see that it is actually taking me more towards Rahu in Capricorn. It definitely is a long game.

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I'm also a Projector...waiting for the invitation definitely helps. What's your profile? Do you have the 4th? If you do, the invitations would be coming from the networks that you already belong to. 

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@suzanstars 2/4 profile , so I guess I have the 4th?

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@codydeboer Yes! How much do you know about Human Design? How long have you been studying astrology?

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@suzanstars I've been studying astrology for maybe 3-4+ years. As for Human design, I have looked into quite a bit about projectors, but have only touched on the other areas: lines, profiles, cross.

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The solar eclipse is happening within 1° of my 2nd cusp. I have Su, Ke, Ve in Libra as well but the eclipse point is far away from those. Don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but interested/ a little daunted to see what it will be because it's happening in an 8 of Clubs day, which corresponds with my Year card + Sun card this year as well as my Moon card in my birth spread. And this is a nodal return + solar eclipse transiting my Sun, which last happened 18 years ago.

Something significant that happened to me recently on my birthday was that I decided to actively stop trying to maintain friendships with two individuals I became best friends with during this last eclipse cycle in 04/05. I haven't seen them both in 5 years even though they see eachother regularly. No efforts have been made to include me, however they still will text me randomly on my birthday or holidays, which I don't really care for or consider acceptable anymore. Even though I hold dearly the wonderful memories we made together in the past, I'm only interested in maintaining friendships that are mutual and expanding moving forward rather than continuing to maintain some semblance of the past tense. This may sound rather trivial to most people but for a Ketu Libra to let go of formative relationships like this is like deciding to discard precious gems lol (or that could just be my 2nd house talking) haha

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Looks like we are getting ready for the upcoming eclipse. Nothing is working. Not sure what the future holds - anything is possible.

But I am wondering if it feels like being stuck because we are not able to understand the flow of energy properly? There are certain things that are not working out, but there are certain things that are working great and without much effort. I seem to be neglecting the ones that are working because they are taking care of themselves, and spending more time trying to make things work that perhaps needs the hand of Saturn in that they should be left alone and allowed to work themselves out. So, if I concentrate on what is working, I wonder if the feeling of being stuck will not be as effective? Something to experiment with.

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@manisha Nothing is working, yup. I had a few things I put a ton of work into get squashed. I am now in the mode of ahhh I give up, trying harder is going against the flow of the universe at this time. Letting go does feel good, but there is still that deep sadness and pain from the lack, which brought me to start those things in the first place. 

"So, if I concentrate on what is working, I wonder if the feeling of being stuck will not be as effective?"    Ya I think so... There is one thing I noticed that can feel good at this time is self nourishment... the type of nourishment where I clean my place, cook something good, take a bike ride along the beach, that kind of simple stuff. This eclipse has been brutal. 


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It is getting quite interesting. What I think is happening, is that when expectations are attached to what we are doing, that’s when it’s not working. Expectations are based on the subconscious or the unconscious. For me, it seems to have to do with Rahu and Ketu houses, which are not clear. The more I become aware of why I am doing or trying to do something that is not working, if I realign myself with the Rahu house, those same things are falling into place.

But, yes, the things that I am trying out did originate a long time ago from a feeling of lack, which I was not quite cognizant about at that time. At the moment, I am trying to give them form to see if anything comes out of them.

Of course, some things I don’t even want to hold on to anymore. They have long passed their use-by dates. And some things, even though I want to get rid of, I can’t, as they are stuck to me like glue. Guess I still have to figure out their import on my life before I can get rid of them.

It does feel like Saturn is making it’s presence known, in one way or the other.
