I just listened to your youtube video on the solar eclipse coming up on 3/29. It falls at 8:59 degrees Tropical Aries. Solar eclipse is about finishing a cycle and starting a new cycle with activities. You said Venus and Mercury will play an important role with Mercury being stronger than Venus this round. The last solar eclipse Venus was stronger but this time Mercury will be stronger. Venus had a heavier personal effects because Venus is about commitment so that can be very intense. But this round, Mercury will be the stronger planet. Mercury will have a lighter/less intense personal effects than Venus because Mercury is about investigating, try this, try that. If it does not work out you don't have to commit, whereas Venus you commit.
I pulled up my chart to see where my Venus and Mercury fall during this solar eclipse. Venus is exalted in the 9th House with Saturn and Rahu in Pisces. Exalted Sun, Moon and Mercury will be in Aries my 10th House. That implies to me my 10th House will be deeply affected in this solar eclipse because the eclipse falls in Tropical Aries, and my Sun, Moon and Mercury are transiting in Aries. I am not at all surprise because work has been absolutely chaotic under the new administration. It will be interesting to see what new activities I will be testing out and what will transpire end of March....
Time to become an astrologer, perhaps?
I have my Rahu in at 6.18 Aries, I wonder what that might bring? Got any clue?
Also Saturn in Aries, but at 18 degrees something. Affected I guess, but less intensely.
Also closely affected by the Lunar eclipse, and Neptune and Uranus both transiting my Pluto and Moon, Uranus to 1/3 of a degree re. Pluto during the Solar eclipse, Neptune a little more than a degree re. the Moon.
Just saying. Ask me in a month whether I still remember my name. 😆
Very greatful for these readings Ernst, both these eclipses affect me deeply in an extremly transformative time, so it´s very helpful!