As we think of transits developing houses.
When the 12th cusp is in the 11th Rasi. Does it makes longer the 12th house processes?
So much more time spent there. Less time for other houses.
Pretty huge difference for Saturn.
Does it mean more things need to come to a conclusion?
Or it's just more painful, if so, harder for this individual, as it's taking longer?
It makes no difference. THere are two t hings that happen with transits. The cusp is triggered to give an event relevant to the house. A planet is in a sign that is a certain number of places from the asc, moon, sun, mars, etc. and it will give effects in accordance to its ashtakavarga points from those places. So 12th, means 12th from lagna, what about the places from other planets? That's the effect the planet will have in that sign.
Does it also give effect of the cusps it is aspecting to ? For ex:, the opposite house for all planets ? 5th or 9th from Jupiter when Ju transits the exact cusp degree ?
I focus transist to cusps to the cusp, not via aspect.