Upcoming Rahu/Ketu ...
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Upcoming Rahu/Ketu transit ?

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(@Anonymous 22854)
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Currently im studying Rahu/Katu and what they bring about based on which house they transit.

Rahu/Ketu will be changing signs in april of 2022 this year. A birth chart I'm looking at means rahu will move into this persons 6th and ketu into their 12th. Also in thier case Uranus is currently transitting the 6th house and will be there when rahu enters the 6th in April.

I remember Ernst mentioned Uranus, Neptune and Pluto worked with Rahu/Ketu and infact their connected. I watched the video he made with KRS one on this topic as well.

My question is what effect occurs when rahu transits uranus directly in the same house? Specifically in the 6th house? This will allow me to analyze the upcoming transit with more awareness.


(Using tropical rasi for houses/sagittarius ascendant is lagna )

In natal chart, natal 6th house lord venus sits in 7th house. Natal 12th house lord mars sits in 5th house.


Extra side notes:

Natal 7th house lord mercury sits in 8th house with sun and jupiter. Natal 8th house lord moon sits in 10th house. 

Natal pluto sits in 12th house. Natal neptune and uranus sits in 2nd house with saturn.

Natal rahu sits in 3rd/natal ketu sits 9th 

Thank for your help ???? it's much appreciated.

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I think focus will be on the 6th house Taurus. Major construction and major shifts going on there, so that's where best opportunities for growth are, in the area of work, health, habits, routines. Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance and relationships/partnerships - and the chart has Venus in 7th in the sign of Gemini, the person may also get new opportunities to work on their relationships make them more valuable, or may get new partners or a chance to show their devotion by taking on more responsibilities within their family or daily life.

Venus is in good dignity and rasi aspected by waxing moon and graha aspecting Sag Lg so being the lord of Rahu in transit, that should be a fun ride for the next 18 months. The only thing I was confused was Rahu switching signs in April, cause I thought it already sis so in January, but maybe we use different calculation options for the nodes...

Personally, I also look at the dignity of the lords of the nodes in transits. If Venus is doing pretty well in the natal chart , I think when it's EX in transit, that adds bonus points, so when Venus transits Pisces in April-May, maybe the person may feel its boost, especially since it will be with Lg Ld benefic Jupiter.

Uranus in 6th also by default is trying to change and improve health so this is a time for the person to pay attention to ALL health and nutrition.

Rahu in 6th can also bring delays or blockages or freak outs and confusion about health, but if Ld Venus can help by making good healthy nourishing choices, it allows for improvement.

There could also be confusions in relating to others due to Venus ruling Lg in transit and being in the 7th in this chart. Maybe they'll commit to too much work and effort and then realizing it isn't all a piece of cake ????, or they'll fall in love too easily just to realize it's not all as it seems. But that also goes with health issues if they come up (or current one flare up). The scare may be greater than the actual issue.

Venus rules 6th and 11th for Sag so I think it is a time to follow their hopes and dreams and work on achieving them.

Because Mars rules 5th and 12th in the natal, and it's strong in the 5th - and he rules Ketu in 12th in transit - the person may have a harder time letting go of control over and allow Rahu to take them for a crazy spin. The plus would be that Mars ruling 5th and 12th has a very spiritualizing role for Sag, and with Ketu in 12th - that would only become deeper - which is beautiful. But there is an element of letting go of certain creative projects or interests. or maybe just more expense in regards to maintain them unchanged in this period of their lives.

Look for the 2 Venus/Mars conjunctions in the sky Feb 14th thru March 6th - because that's when the 2 lords of the nodes MEET and possibly set on the tone for the last of the nodal transits for all of us - so for this chart as well. I think it will become more clear what the dynamics will be in this person's life, especially with Venus hitting Pluto for the 3rd time in 4 months, which hasn't happened since 1771 or 1779 - can't quite remember now . 

Since Venus rules 6th and 11th, and it's in the 7th in the natal chart, and it's ruling Rahu, the trouble maker and the opportunity for happiness giver, its meeting with Pluto in the 2nd can be quite cathartic and transformational in regards to what the person needs, their resources, their health, family , work, but also relationships and their circles. 

What are your thoughts in regards to how this transit will play out? 


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(@Anonymous 22854)
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Posts: 16


I apologize for the late reply. That was very informative and well thought out. Now that you've broken that down for me the story line seems to make sence.

Just to give some background on him, his wife has recently been talking about possiably having children at some point. She has begun to get health check up to see if her female reproductive system was suitable to have a child. He noted that the doctor told her she must work on loosing weight and getting her body to healthier state in order to have a child. The couple have not yet started an exercise regimen or health routines that would make major changes or strides towards this goal. It merely just discussions at this point.

I wonder when rahu enters his 6th house and ketu enters the 12th house. Will this spark them both into action around getting his wife healthy and in shape to have children.

Ketu will be transiting 12th house. Natal 12th house ruler is in 5th house. Jupiter will be transiting his 5th house around the same time ketu enters the 12th.

Also he has been wanting transition into another job opportunity within the next couple of months. 

What do you think about this, and what role will Jupiter play by transiting the ruler of ketu in the 5th ?

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@carl yes I think you're on track with this. Rahu and Uranus in 6th create that opportunity to add something new to routine and work in health and take on more responsibilities and tackle blockages/obstacles. It depends on each of their individual charts and also their combined energy if they'll take the new route. Yes, Jupiter can improve creativity, productivity and fertility when he visits the 5th, especially if combined with 5th Ld Mars. So the opportunities are there - transit wise. They have to just get in on that Rahu jungle.

Otherwise, Ketu in 12th can make them root deep for a wish or desire of procreating since Mars rules 5th and 12th, but Ketu being a security paradigm - holding on tightly and just going deep physically, psychologically and emotionally - won't be enough, because Ketu is neuter or asexual. Jupiter can come in the 5th and manifest, but it will manifest both the 5th and the 12th, so there can be a sense of letting go or karma has been completed, which can go more than one way in someone's journey . It can even mean loss of trust or expense. However, if they do tackle Rahu and the 6th, tremendous strides can be made to unlock new potential and remove obstacles. 
