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don't look at the birth chart for few matters

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Yogesh Lohra
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@ernst in the first class  of varshaphala course you say birth chart puts the ceiling in seeing the bad and good stuff for that year which makes sense as we are  just looking for timing of the  the events  but  then you say for certain thing you dont have to look at the birth chart at all (at ~31st minute) and example you gave was of marriage  (I did not get that) which does not make sense to me and  the reason I  would say that is  I will first  check marriage or no marriage  in the birth chart and varga charts using Jaimini  then look at the varshaphala which solar return would give that ? so I got confused hence wanted to clarify  I don't thing there is anything which you will not  weight in the birth chart or varga chart before even looking at vashaphala , pls help clarify if I have misunderstood  

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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When I look at the varshaphala chart, i use it as a timing method for what is in the birth chart. So if I see an event in it, I consider it something that can happen that year. If the event is not in the chart, say it's a no marriage chart, then I won't predict it. But if it's a marriage chart, I don't look at dasa timing in the birth chart to predict it. I juse use the varshaphala as the timing. 

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Yogesh Lohra
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@ernst Ok,  I get it now what you meant in audio and I agree  it saves lots of efforts but from timing perspective ..just be sure... is it still a good practice to  look at Mutual Agenda between dasa lord and anterdasa lord   then look at the vashaphala to narrow down to 1 year window ? or you think Vimshotri may deceive you ?

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Besides the Jaimini method for seeing if marriage is in the chart or not, what is another useful technique for that you have found somewhat accurate? Do you go into marriage yogas that either deny or give marriage in the compatibility course? 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@scott-m-19 yes, I mostly juse use a few of the marriage yogas as most are not that great. ANd of course, i look into delaying factors and factors that seperate. Its mostly about those two things and a handful of yogas that I taught in the 7thhouse yogas.

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Could one simply apply the jaimini manifesting/separating factors to the 7th/7th lord in D1 and D7 to see this as well? I guess that is what you are referring to. When Ra and Sa delay marriage, the marriage comes say, after Sa and Ra mature, like at 36, 42? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@scott-m-19 Yes, for sure.

Yogesh Lohra
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So just to summaries -

1) we look at marriage denying factors (Yes or No ) which you taught in Jaimini Audio 3rd class  first 3 audia class   - It is all based on UpPada

2) Then separating factors affecting marriage - as per Jaiminy Video class covering d7 and d9 varga 

3) Marriage/No Marriage Yogas pulled in Kala - though not very effective but can have glance 


This is what you meant ? 



Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@yogesh yes, but pay particular attention to those few yogas I tought in the relationship yogas short yoga course.

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Where is that course? Relationship yoga course? Is it part of the compatibility course?

Yogesh Lohra
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Posts: 107

@scott-m-19 No , go to Yogas tab in video site home page you will find 7th house yogas (those are short couple of marriage supporting and denying yoga)

Here is the link

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Thanks Yogesh.

I always thought that all the extra tabs on the video site were just subsets of the primary courses from the first two tabs - Courses and Audio Courses. So, thanks.

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Eminent Member
Posts: 26

@ernst may I ask for your opinion of valdity concerning a venus mercury conjuction in the seventh house? I got it aspected by only 11 Virupas total by Jupiter but still hoping for marriage "later" in life 🙂

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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IN general i find vasrhaphala an easier timing method than vimshottari and so I think its more likely to make mistakes if only saying what is in the varshaphala will happen if vimshottari also agrees. 
