Gentle planets with...
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Gentle planets with low Dwadasha Vargiya: who wins?

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Hi @Ernst & all,

How do you interpret a gentle planet that is inauspicious as in it has low Dwadasha Vargiya? Or an auspicious yet cruel planet? Do the typical examples of a Venutian encounter leading to VD or a martian experience that ends up saving our life apply here as well? 

How about when those planets are enemies or friends? An inauspicious gentle planet that is the friend of the Year Lord for example? Or an auspicious cruel planet that's your enemy? Are the friendly/unfriendly aspects take over other factors? or do you average things out?



3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3198
Joined: 12 years ago

Gentle and auspicious are not the same things in varshaphala. Auspiciousness is based on its dignity in 12 vargas, its dwadasha vargiya. A gentle is how a planet goes about it. Gentle planets allow for an easy and more enjoyable process. How i like to explain it is, say a person is travelling in a country with low sanitation and terrible transportation, its misereble all around and when they get home, they have a strange disease. Thats a malefic giving a disease. Another person spends a week partying with a few sexy babes and after they wake up from the pleasurable haze, they find they have a strange disease thats a benefic giving a disease. IN the end, they both have an inauspicious disease, just one of them, had a much better time getting the disease. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3198
Joined: 12 years ago

friendly and unfriendly aspects, show the types of things going on, the yogas. the good or bad thing. Then you measure the auspisciousness and inauspiscousness. SO if its enemies, there is going to be a problem, how bad is the problem? See how bad the dwadasa vargiya is. its a qualifying thing. A planet in good placement, will only give good, but if its dwadasa vargiya is low, the amount of good will be very little. 

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Posts: 544

@ernst This is perfect, thank you so much!
