In Tajika Aspect is rescribed of le Psychological viene of the tajika system. The considerations are applied by bhava cups to birth chart. In Varshaphala course is described that the consideration are based on rashi bava. Are the psychological view apply to varsaphala (as well as the person's psychology of the year) or only to birth chart? if yes how can I judge the bhava, by rashi or by cups?
HI Nicola, you can judge all the varshaphala by bhava cusp.
You can analyze the psychological aspect in the yearly chart and pay attention particularly if the aspect is duplicated in the birth chart, if so, they will really experience that issue that year in a big way. If its not duplicated in the birth chart, it will be felt not as deeply but will impact that year to some degree, but that year only.
When the Muntha is in the house without bhava cups, do I consider the nearest cups for the meaning?
You can just see what rasi counted from lagna the muntha is in.