There is cancer lagna with yoga karaka Mars and 11th lord Venus in the 9th house. Venus is more bad than good in total numbers as it is usual, but Mars is slightly more good than Venus is bad. Is the yoga destroyed or does it just make it?
Venus in 9th house will go into Pisces. That will be exalted sign. Based on dignity, it will be very productive planet.
I think native's mother might be often sick (if we consider equal house equal sign), having accident, up and downs, ultimately becoming very devoted and developing inner happiness.
I would consider it a very stained yoga.
Venus is Trishadaya lord (11th house) in cancer lagna along with 4th house lord,
Trishadaya lords are good for finance but bad in health, give pain.
For native, it will be good in terms of money but bad in terms of health and can give emotional pain (Peeda). So, in terms of money, native might gain from property from father's assets but some fights with father, siblings, ultimately peeda can happen.
@David108, sorry, my apologies, I thought Ernst covers this in the course. I have yet to finish all his courses. I would not name any other teachers here, it would not be nice. thanks for understanding.