gemini lagna vipree...
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gemini lagna vipreet yogas

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hi ernst,

  for gemini lagna jupiter is regarded as evil lord (ruling the 7,10 houses) along with mars(6,11th lord) and sun (3rd lord).

my question is what are the evil houses that jupiter as an evil lord can be in, in order to create vipreet yoga,, ALL BY ITSELF? is it only 3,6,11, or the 7th as well , or non of those, i am not sure to what degree the 7th bhava rulership, makes him evil. as apart from the mention of his relation to Saturn  , by BHPS, there is no real explanation why BHPS define it as evil.

you say in the video that jupiter for gemini lagna, can create yogas if in trine or with venus or mercury, i assume that is so as venus and mercury are benefic and so their gentle influence as yoga producing planets, would be the prominent affect on jupiter which is also gentle and thus a yoga can be produced (although there is the issue of mercury and venus being the enemies to jupiter), while with saturn,  even tho ruling the 9th, being a melific and the 8th lord may more readily affect jupiter challenging indications of the 7th, house to be expressed ?) .

if the 7th house is regarded as evil,  does the other evil planets can also form vipreet yoga to that house?

there are other lagnas that define other then 3,6,11 houses lordship as evil. mars (2,7) for libra lagna, venus (7,12) for scorpio,  jupiter(4,7) for virgo lagna, mercury (4,7) for pieces, etc ; so in this case as well what are houses those lords can  creates vipreet? is it only in the 3,6,11 or also in the houses which make them evil for that lagna or just the involvement of evil lord, joining or fully aspecting them? 

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my understanding is the a evil graha in the 7th does not form vipareet yoga unless it is aspected by other vipareet yoga producing grahas. So, the 3,6,11 are the houses to look for one evil planet in isolation to form that yoga. 

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@scott-m-19,thank you for you answer, so taking the example i used above of gemini lagna, and Jupiter as an evil lord. in a case where jupiter being in its OH in the 7th would not be regarded as vipreet? 

you say " the a evil graha in the 7th does not form vipareet yoga unless it is aspected by other vipareet yoga producing grahas"  sure, if an evil lord is aspected by another evil, it is a vipreet yoga regardless of the house the planet is in, and sure, if its in the 3,6 or 11, the vipreet yoga is stronger. but still maybe there is a need of understanding more about the reasons behind the special evil lordships indications related to a specific lagna as described by BHPS in order to decide weather efficiency dealing with those special evil bhavas and bhava's lord indications (specific to that lagna) is achieved by either having the lord of that bhava in there or alternatively, having  another evil lord there or aspecting. (7th house related issues, can be very challenging as well as the 4th house indications. 7th bhava is the 4th from the 4th, and issues rising from dealing  with those things like other people, relationships,partnerships, hidden desires, emotional stability,  etc  tend to be stressful ) those specific rules for a certain lagna are there for a reason of being challenging for that lagna, and so it is relevant to assume logically that the  vipreet yoga may apply there.

it is, though, something that need to be backed by enough research and experience in order to assume such thing, and so i wander if this aspect was tested by ernst seeing his vast experience and research around this technique which i believe his unique way of understanding the vipreet yoga.
