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How did u know when people will join the ashtam

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U said u were able to tell people they would join an ashram to the exact week.


Did u do that by seeing the yes or no through their chart and then using transits? Or varshaphalla?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I used Vinshottari dasa down to three o4 4 levels i those examples. Ashram is 11th with 12th house, so look for those kinds of connections being activated and connected to a self factor. 

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@ernst Does 11th and 12th cusp both in the 12th sign which is ruled by Atmakaraka count as a connection in this context?

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@ernst them connected to self factor in vimshotarri itself or in transits?

Ernst Wilhelm
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Oh, my God.
Jupiter in Pisces is my AK in 12 rasi. And Lagna lord in 11th rasi, with 12th cusp.
I've always felt so comfortable when living in retreat community for 2 weeks or a month during the intensive dance workshops I was doing 2003-2010...
Really happy years with plenty of these recurring workshops. The sense of freedom was so fulfilling that nothing else outside that context had any interest to me anymore.
In 2010 my Rahu dasa ended, and as well, Rahu was transiting my Moon and Ketu my Saturn. It happened a tragic event which resulted in me giving up my teacher.
In these 5 months Jupiter and Uranus where crossing and retrograding together my 12 and 1st house.
Soon after I got another great dance teacher who teached me for some years in another way. Both, about dance and about life.
In 2016 I came back to my old teacher in order to make peace. It was a very nice feeling, he warmly welcomed me, but I could not join his workshops anymore. Simply my body couldn't follow anymore those strong stretchings.
And 4 years after my old teacher died.
Those gatherings and that time was the period where I've felt I belong. And now I am thinking, what, how, interest, my will will connect with the flow of life? That direction promises joy.

I am a bit astonished that Rahu (in 9th, Sag) dasa despite the fog was guiding me better than Jupiter dasa is doing. Maybe with Jupiter I've gained some wider vision about life at large and other experiences, but rather quite insecure, while the steps I did in Rahu dasa, even blind felt much more direct on the right track. Towards myself.
That's in fact what dancing is to me, one doesn't know where is going or why, but the taste of the present moment as right is very clear. And so little miracles eventually happen in the dance.

Maybe just because Rahu is in 9th and Jupiter in 12th. Anyway, I am grateful that with Jupiter AK, I am having the opportunity to grow up as adult in Rahu and Jupiter dasas. Probably it's so for everybody. We get what we need.

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I listened to Ryan Kurczak in his "myths and magic" course recently, and one thing he spoke about is how Jupiter often takes things away from us when he wants us to grow. And who in the mythology was it that said that if he wants to crush someone, he gives everything to that person? More concretely, Ryan says, the Jupiter dasa often takes something valuable away from a person. All for your own good, of course...

