Last seen: Aug 10, 2024
@ruchi I used his chaart because it is in Kala. If you don't have it, it is 18 December 1963 at 06:31 am, Shawnee, OK, USA. It would be great if we co...
@ruchi I find the difficult things is timing shams with mudda dasa, i.e. which planets to pick in D60, D45 and D40. For example: Let's take the chart ...
Interesting. Can you give an example?
@scott-m-19 Thank you for sharing that. I was thinking about yogardha myself and will surely try this out. When I checked Charanavamsa on a couple of ...
Thank you both. How do you differentiate between a chart that shows the native staying single all their life and a chart that shows marriage/committed...
Good to know, I thought an event that is not a big deal will not require D40 or D45 activated. So, then I can look for a mundane job trigger transit b...
Thank you. So 2nd house is out. I would think that with getting a menial job, D40 and D45 also need not be triggered. So would D1 and D60 suffice and ...