Upapada fro marriag...
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Upapada fro marriage determination

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3 Users
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Some questions related to this technique:

1. If D60 UP has the final say on whether marriage takes place or not, why not only look at D60 provided you have accurate birth time?

2. Is this correct: Malefic in UP without benefic influence will make you single or you get divorced or lose your spouse. If Malefic is in own house or better, you still get a good marriage. If there is  benefic and malefic influence on UP you get an ups and downs or average marriage?

3. What goes for marriage is also valid for a committed relationship?

4. Isn't the technique where you just look at 7th cusp in D9 and see whether benefic or malefic influences prevail to see if there is marriage simpler and provides a clearer answer?  

4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

Just looking at D9 is not enough to judge marriage as yes or no. THere are a lot of things to consider with the upapada being one of them and a quite important one, but really, you have to examine everything starting with the most basic of looking at Venus in rasi and navamsa to the more involved such as looking at the upapada. and yes, a committed sexual relationship can be considered marriage. you need to look at upapada not only in D60 to see the details of the marriage and also to help time it. THe D60 is the potential that is there and the other two vargas show how much of this potentional is realized. 

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Thank you both. How do you differentiate between a chart that shows the native staying single all their life and a chart that shows marriage/committed relationship followed by divorce/separation?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

For that you need to study the entirety of the relationship fate, that means navamsa, saptama, 7th, karakas, and yogas and apply that all with the dasas to see the up and down. 
