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the karaka for a partner/spouse for a gay woman

3 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 257
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Joined: 4 years ago

hi ernst, friends,

i was wandering, does one should use jupiter as a karaka for a spouse in a case of gay woman, or venus? also in the same context, if  jupiter should not be used (but rather venus) but jupiter happens to be the 7th lord, do i consider only jupiter as a spouse/partner and not venus?  and if both, which is more prominent to look at?

another question, when looking at the saptamsha do we consider jupiter as the spouse karaka or venus in the case described above (gay woman)

2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

It depends on the person. Are they lookinhg for something beautiful to love and enjoy? If so, emphasis venus. If they want something to create with and be a big anchor in their life, then emphasize jupiter. For saptamsa, always focus on jupiter first and venus second. 

Posts: 257
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Joined: 4 years ago

thank you, it is interesting that jupiter in the saptamsha is debilitated and venus is conjunct to jupiter and in GF dignity in d-7 while in the rasi venus exa and jupiter in OH as well as being the 7th lord and rasi aspecting venus. and it is venus/venus dasa so i was wandering if the emphasis should be put on venus, and regarding  your first part answer, can it be that in this kind of situation a person would want both beautiful  loving and joyful and purposeful, deep and meaningful partner?
