combining Mudda Das...
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combining Mudda Dasha with Nav Tara

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(@Anonymous 30058)
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi everyone, 

Just wanted to share that I combined Mudda Dasha planets with Nav Tara and had great results. Like Mitra nakshatra planets  (8,9) dasha give good results and the 3 nakshatras (3,5,7) which are difficult based on navtara, gave challenges. Also, I used the planets natural karaktatvas. Do try and let me know your feedback. 

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Interesting. Can you give an example? 

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(@Anonymous 30058)
Joined: 2 years ago


Do you have some birth chart details and than we can test prediction based on above technique?

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@ruchi I find the difficult things is timing shams with mudda dasa, i.e. which planets to pick in D60, D45 and D40. For example: Let's take the chart of Brad Pitt who married on July 29 2000. In D60 his vivaha shama falls in Leo, so we get Sun, its dispositor Jupiter and Mars as the lord of 9th from Leo to choose from. We should choose Mars which is in the best dignity. But he married in Mercury maha dasa which is not even an option. How would you solve this? 

Anyhow, I am very glad to see someone is experimenting and trying to figure things out. 

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(@Anonymous 30058)
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@David108 Which technique do u want to work on? This thread is about Mudda dasha with Nav Tara. Do you want to test using above new technique or the combination of Mudda, sahams with divisional charts? What are the birth details of Brad Pitt? thanks. 

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@ruchi I used his chaart because it is in Kala. If you don't have it, it is 18 December 1963 at 06:31 am, Shawnee, OK, USA. It would be great if we could time his marriage with sahams. Any technique you could use is welcome as long as it shows the correct date.

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(@Anonymous 30058)
Joined: 2 years ago

ok. thanks. let me check and I get back to you. 

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