Last seen: Nov 10, 2022
@mona I really appreciate that, Mona. It just hurts to be put down by someone you look up to.
@mona Hi Mona, Thank you for taking the time to respond. I find that your responses are always kind and constructive and I really appreciate that....
Hi Ernst, Thank you for taking the time to read my post and answer in greater detail. I understand that you have lots to do and don't have the time ...
@ernst That is a valid point. But then what is the point of knowing how to predict things when you don't predict things when people specifically ask...
@ernst Ok, great. Then it seems that I interpreted that correctly. Thank you, Ernst ????!
@ernst Thanks a million, Ernst. I didn't know this was a yoga. I won't try to predict anything about it yet then and will wait until I've taken the ...
@mona Haha! I bet that approach comes in super handy when reading charts because it helps you focus on the task at hand ???? .
@mona Thank you for recommending this video, Mona ???? . I'll hopefully get to it someday ???? . For now, I'm trying not to skip ahead and to take...
@mona No worries! I probably didn't express myself very clearly. I just hold Ernst in such high esteem and most things that I have learned from hi...
@mona The descriptions of the signs and house cups issues in that class are accurate in my case, so I honestly didn't have a problem applying and me...
@mona Thank you for mentioning that ???? . I definitely have a somewhat problematic (thirsted) Mercury and with Ketu in Virgo I do sometimes get bog...
@mona That would be interesting to know. In this course he dedicates almost an entire video (1:20 h) to this. To be honest, I'm having a hard time k...