Last seen: Nov 10, 2022
@ernst Thanks!
Hi Tegan, One of the resources I see Ernst and others use is "The Eagle and the Lark", a book on Western predictive techniques that contains informa...
I don't have any birth charts on hand, but lately I've had to deal with a lot of midwives and have been contemplating what makes one a good one. Where...
@ernst Interesting! So would you need both of those for a career as a hypnotherapist. I had someone ask me that the other day and had no idea what t...
@fviirviii I think it really depends on the individual astrologer, too, but those seem to be the core techniques I see most people use. All the bes...
Hi, It's great how methodically and with how much structure you're approaching your studies! I just wanted to share my own experience in case you ...
@ernst Ok, got it! Positions and planets in positions and the sign of the planet.
@yogesh Thanks a lot for all the useful info, Yogesh! Can't wait to check it out.
@everylightifound I love reading about your and everyone else's experiences as someone that's in a relatively early stage of her Astrology journey ...
@yogesh Oh, no worries at all! I was interested in that section of the audio course, too. It's such a fascinating topic.
@yogesh That's super interesting! Would you mind sharing where I could read more about what letter is associated with each Nakshatra? I will be nam...