Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@tuyetv You are correct technically. The second chapter deals with Longevity and Rasi Dasas. So Rasi dasa course is the one for Chapter 2. Just g...
Hi Please go through the following video courses for Chapter 2: Concrete Chart & Varga Analysis with Jaimini Predicting with Rasi Dasas
Thanks for the input Ernst. Would request you to sometime either create a write up or maybe a video on what foods one can look into while considerin...
Thanks Ernst Outside the veggies, I have considered Egg as a healthy source of nutrients. Can it be included in recommended diet or do you advise ag...
@kam Sun could have been ashamed being in 5th from lagna if it was conjunct other cruel graha: Saturn or Mars. In this case it's conjunct Mercury ...
Hi Kam Here Mercury is ashamed by Sun, by being with cruel Sun in the 5th house from lagna. It is also getting delighted and agitated by Sun. Sun ...
@virgogorl There can't be a long term fixed list coz nakshatras keep moving back as per the precession of equinoxes. It will also vary depending on ...
So, the Venus is in Leo 24deg 33min, which would fall in Scorpio navamsa. As you might have noticed, Ernst advises to use Tropical rasi with Siderea...
One of the commonly used calculations of nakshatra positions is based on where nakshathra and rasis (and hence nakshatra and navamsa) are always align...
Hi Yogada tables are discussed in Jaimini Sutras Chapter 1 Pada 3 Audio Course (Lecture 4 & 5)
@ernst Thanks Ernst.. will follow the order.
@anand Hi Saturn is not a natural friend to Mercury, hence Saturn won't delight Mercury
This concept was touched subtly in the Heart of Parashara Lajjitaadi Avastha course in the 'Mercury starving Mars' video. (which I have through a dece...